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                                                                                             EP 1

It was a shitty day in Conton city  the birds were gone the people looked like they were getting ready to go on their time patrol mission. Virus, Zaiko, Maki, were called out to meet Gokon by the waterfall. *when they arrive they are greeted by Gokon who is meditating seemingly above the water* *maki looks confused on how Gokon was able to meditate over the water**virus asks Gokon* "so Gokon you called us out here". "yes and who are they" *he says as he loudly chews on a burger*. *zaiko perks up* "hi i'm zaiko nice to meet you". *maki silently says* "Hello" *with a scared posture*. *virus was quick to add in* "we went to the academy with them do you not remember". *gokon scuffs* "oh i forgot about those weaklings" *virus frowns a little and adds* "Anyways we should get to the point of why you called us out here". *Gokon almost chokes on his burger* "Oh yeah(Coughs) i signed all of you up for the tournament that's next week". *Virus zaiko and maki all look like they just got anal raped and all say together* "WHAT THE FUCK".
*Gokon laughs* "yeah anyways i wanna test your strength". *zaiko pops in* "Nani you signed us up without our permission?". *Gokon looks at him* "yeah". "Dickmove" *Zaiko adds*. *Maki butts in* "I bet i'm stronger than everyone here except for gokon" *virus walks up behind maki* "could have swore i heard a weakling talk" *he says with a smug face* *gokon finally stands up* "follow me i'm going to test all of your strength" *they all fly up in the air and follow Gokons lead to the training fields*. when they arrive everyone notices the vast large grassy plain. *virus looks around at the grass moving in the wind and takes a deep breath thinking that this place is peaceful*. "Are y'all ready to get started" *Gokon says taking off his coat revealing his battle armor and a little bit of the chub he put on*. *everyone nodded* "good i'll be taking everyone on one at a time, so who's first" *gokon says with a grin* *maki jumps* "I'm first". "K" *gokon responds as he sends a punch into his blue haired face* mean while virus and zaiko are placing a bet *Virus and zaiko call out to maki* "hey maki 5 yen says you dont even last ten seconds" as thats said gokon proceeds to punch maki into the ground within 6 seconds. "guess im next" *zaiko says* Gokon charges at zaiko and tries to punch him in the face but zaiko catches his fist in his hand and this utterly shocks and terrifies gokon. "you seem to be quite weak Gokon" *zaiko inputs* Gokon grunts and proceeds to throw another punch but is quickly stopped by a kick to the gut. Gokon falls to the ground and looks angry at zaiko "I just let you win dont think to much about it" *gokon says holding his stomach*. "yeah keep telling yourself that, and by the way id wait an hour after eating before you fight" *Zaiko says with a smug face* and with Gokon defeated Virus does not have to fight which he sighs with relief. *Gokon gets up* "ok thats enough for today, And virus tomorrow its your turn" Gokon says with a grin staring at him.
*Virus gulps and sighs* "fuck...". he leaves the area with the others. as they leave a figure was watching from behind the tree and says to himself "Adachi what have you become...."

                                                                        End               Episode 1

                                                                             Episode 2 

Everyone wakes up early with nothing to think about besides how this Tournament will turn out. *everyone gathers at the tournament area but of course maki and gokon are running late* so virus and zaiko decide to talk to one another until their teammates arrive unfortunately the main thing they end up talking about  who will be eliminated first and one name kept popping up in their head "maki" they both said. "what about me?" maki says as him and gokon walk up behind the two. *Virus chuckles* "notin" *maki glares at him, Gokon buts in* "Anyway have they called out the order of the preliminaries yet?". Virus nods no "damn, well when they start come and get me i'll be at the food booths" *they nod as Gokon walks away Zaiko mudders under his breath* "fatass". Virus notices a familiar face in the crowd at the prelims but is not able to put his finger on it, while virus is trying to figure out who it is, the monks start calling out names for the order of the prelims. " the prelims match ups are Zaiko versus Kandy , Maki vs Tyru, Gokon vs Toku, Virus vs Frizon, thats it everyone proceed to the preliminary round stages please" *the monk Bows then walks away*. "good luck Zaiko" Virus says putting his fist up to Zaiko's chest *Zaiko nods and heads into the stage where Kandy is eyeing him down*. Kandy remains silent waiting for Zaiko to make a move so she can counterattack him and catch him off guard. "so come here often" *Zaiko says trying to get her to talk* but she remains silent "Fine i understand" *Zaiko takes a step forward, Kandy suddenly rushes him this catches him a little off guard* she is able to land two strikes before zaiko sends her flying, unfortunately this does not knock her out of the ring, she gets back up and charges at him shooting a ki blast at him then throwing a punch, the ki blast barely affects him and Zaiko blocks her punch and knocks her out with a punch to the face. "And she's out" the referee calls out. Zaiko smiles and walks over to where maki is fighting *maki and Tyru are fighting in the stage maki is barely doing anything to Tyru, Tyru is just playing with maki at this point. Zaiko yells "just end it", And without a second thought Tyru blasts maki out of the stage leaving him unconscious. *Medical monks come out and lift maki onto a stretcher and take him away*. Virus finds Zaiko and waves him over to where Gokon is battling, Gokon and Toku are in the stage staring each other dead in the eye, Both transform into super sayian's, in a matter of seconds the room is rumbling and everyone is in shock at how fast they are moving the two are moving to fast for Virus and Zaiko to keep up, blow after blow these two are not letting up they are shaking the building as it falls apart, [insert vegito's theme while reading] gokon throws a punch at toku and at the same time Toku sends a kick at Gokon their attacks collide and the room rumbles even louder the stage starts to fall from all the power luckily Toku saw this as an advantage and used the smoke from the collapsed stage to land a surprise ki blast on Gokon knocking him out. Virus and Zaiko have a surprised look on their face. "D-Did Gokon just lose" *Virus says stuttering*, Zaiko says with a stern voice "it would seem so, Not only that your fight is up next" he says grinning at Virus, Virus *Gulps* and walks into the stage. "you got this man"Zaiko shouts then whispers to the guy next to him(he's probably going to die..), Frizon and Vius stare at each other then out of nowhere frizon raises his hand "I surrender". "Nani" Virus says as he looks at Frizon with a strange look on his face. *Frizon leaves the stage and starts walking away with an evil grin on his face, *Virus exits the stage and sighs as Zaiko pats him on the back*. Zaiko looks at Frizon and starts following him, virus watches "...."

                                                      END                       EPISODE 2

                                                                                       Episode 3
                                                                               friendship fights

Zaiko is watching Frizon from a distance until Frizon runs behind a rock. Zaiko gets closer hiding in a near by bush. he looks up to see who he is talking to and he see's who its is, it's the guy who beat Gokon, "Toku" *zaiko says under his breath* right then zaiko hears a little Brussel behind him and quickly turns around to see Virus who looks a little scary RN (kinda like this image below)

"What are you doing" *virus says in a soft and kinda silent tone like he's talking to a person he's killing*, *Zaiko is a little freaked out but says calmly* "i have a hunch Frizon is trying to convince Toku that they should attack conton", "Eh you overthink things" virus says with a more calm expression, Frizon leaves a few minutes later giving zaiko the time to go talk to Toku, Zaiko then explains that he has a hunch that Frizon wants to take over conton and warns Toku to not get involved, *Toku nods then leaves*. Virus walks up towards Zaiko "what did you say" Virus asks. "nothing that would probably interest you" Zaiko says with a straight face. "fair enough" Virus says with a shrug. "Anyways wanna do a whole years worth of training in one day" Zaiko says smirking. "wait what" Virus says with a confused face. A few minutes of explaining, *Virus nods* and they walk towards the time chamber. Once inside they are amazed by how it looks. "anyways are you ready" Zaiko says getting into a fighting stance. "Hmph" Virus proceeds to get into a fighting stance[ insert Cresent moon ost]. *they charge at each other and clash sending powerful winds everywhere, Virus and Zaiko's clothing start to tear but they don't care and just keep fighting, virus launches several ki blasts at zaiko, Zaiko manages to knock them away but before he could react virus sends him flying with a punch, zaiko quickly recovers and charges sending multiple punches towards virus, Virus manages to block 2 but the rest land, Virus throws a kick but zaiko manages to stop it, Virus twists and manages to get free and sends zaiko flying, zaiko gets back up and quickly charges back to virus and sends a giant ki blast towards Virus, virus try's to block but fails getting hit by the blast sending him falling to the ground, Zaiko quickly comes down and gives him a senzu bean. "that really hurt" virus says panting while getting back up, "well better than being dead" zaiko says. "True enough" Virus says still panting.
"Lets call it for the day"zaiko says with a worried look. "sounds good" Virus says walking inside the room thats in the chamber with Zaiko. 

                                                                                  END   EPISODE 3

                                                                                    Episode 4
                                                                                  Zaiko vs Tyru

Zaiko and Virus exit the time chamber, they know they both got  stronger and are extremely excited for their fights, they go the world tournament waiting area where they see Tyru and Toku waiting as well. Virus starts to worry and gets nauseous and sits down. Zaiko being Zaiko walks over to Virus, "Don't throw up on your opponent" *Zaiko says chuckling*  "yea sure whatever man just go do your fight" Virus says getting back up. "right" Zaiko says with a stern voice as he walks out to the stage, Tyru follows. "On one side we have Zaiko and on the other side we have Tyru, both of these competitors look eager to fight so lets go ahead and fight, 3.. 2.. 1.. Fight!" the announcer yells. Both zaiko and Tyru charge at each other with nothing but victory on mind{ insert power to resist ost} Zaiko throws a powerful punch at Tyru, However it seems it was not strong enough because Tyru seemed to  stop the punch with one hand and crushed Zaiko's fist in his hand then threw Zaiko across the stage almost knocking him off the stage, Luckily Zaiko caught his balance and charged at Tyru throwing a barrage of punches however again tyru is just playing with zaiko blocking all of his attacks. Tyru then hits Zaiko with his tail in Zaiko's stomach and sends him kneeling on the ground, Tyru picks Zaiko up by his throat. "this is it for you weakling" Tyru says getting ready to throw Zaiko out of tournament. "heh guess i'll have to use my trump card" Zaiko says as a red Aura surrounds him, he punch's Tyru sending him flying Zaiko then rushes after him launching multiple punches on Tyru sending him back into the ground of the tournament, "what the hell is this" Tyru says getting back up panting, "this is my kaioken" he says charging straight back at Tyru, "dammmmnnnn youu" Tyru says charging at Zaiko. they both clash and send the tournament grounds shaking, Zaiko charges a ki blast attack "Full power energy wave" and sends it towards Tyru it connects, however tyru is still standing, he starts walking over to Zaiko "i'm not finished y-y..." he collapses before he can finish his sentence. Zaiko looks shocked and goes out of kaioken, "And thats it Folks our winner is Zaiko" the announcer shouts and the crowd cheers. Zaiko leaves the tournament stage and meets up with virus..

                                                                End Episode 4

                                                                                Episode 5
                                                                           Virus vs Toku

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