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I don't know who originally made this picture, but it's not fanart. If you know the ORIGINAL for sure creator with proof, I'd be more than happy to credit them but seeing as it's a meme I don't know.
Anyways, this one is about Bryan, if you couldn't tell from the picture (or couldn't see it). Happy readings!

"When I find myself in times of trouble
Bryan Dechart comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
You're doing great. Just care less."

Smiling, I all but bounced into band. I loved the song we were playing this year, especially my part. I had mostly melody, which was great. I got out a chair and stand, then took out my gold-played trumpet. I smiled as I grabbed my mute and my sheet music, sitting down in my seat just moments before my teacher began.

I warmed up with the rest of the band, playing my concert b-flat scale. I excitedly pulled out the piece I loved, ready to play. Counting measures at our teacher started the piece, I excitedly waited to come in. I played loudly, with a strong passion as I glanced at our teacher to keep tempo. I sat last seat in the trumpet section, which slightly upset me because I played better than at least two of the people sitting higher than me. Though it didn't bother me too much most days.

As we reached near the end of the piece, I played with stronger passion than ever. I could play all of the notes, but my fingers slipped. Some came out sounding wretched and wrong. The tempo of the song was faster than at the beginning, and my teacher was only speeding up. I noticed one girl in front of me glance back with a dirty look.

She played clarinet, for gosh sakes! Why was she turning around to throw dirty looks at me? She didn't even play half the time!

Then, I started getting thrown off, but I tried nevertheless because our teacher tells us to try no matter what. The girl turner about and glared at me again, and we locked eyes for a split second. She turned around and started whispering and giggling with her friend beside her. Her friend glanced back at me, then they continued whispering and giggling.

I was outraged and slightly hurt. Who cared if there was one wrong note in the song? Obviously our teacher didn't. She was very straightforward and would've told us so.

I didn't let it show, but my heart was beat up every time I saw their eyes shift toward me. I already knew I wasn't the best player, but I didn't need it from someone who played a completely different instrument! Especially not in this way. If you're going to insult me, say it straight out.

I ignored them nevertheless, never letting them know it got to me. I played my best, then packed up my stuff while holding back tears. My phone vibrated in my pocket, making me take it out. The screen faded on as I saw a Twitch notification.

Bryan Dechart is live on Twitch. "Just chilling"

I smiled slightly. If anything could improve my mood, it would be Bryan's goofiness. I opened the notification, launching Twitch. I smiled as I joined the stream, untangling my earbuds and putting them in. I heard Bryan's soothing voice, then smiled as I walked to the library for study hall.

"Hey, guys. What's going on today?"

I frowned slightly, typing out a brief explanation of how I was feeling. I figured Bryan wouldn't read it anyways.

In band, these two girls glared at me, then laughed and whispered whenever I played a wrong note. I wish they'd mind their own business.

"Alright, let's see... Hey, I didn't catch your username, but whoever had the story about band with the two girls, it'll be alright. Listen, I've got some great advice for everyone. Ready?" Bryan smiled, watching the chat.

My stomach flipped over several times as I realized he was talking to me. Tears welled in my eyes, which made me thankful nobody was in the library.

"Alright, here's the thing. You're doing great, whatever it is. Whether it be band or art or anything, you're doing great. You just need to care less. I know that may sound familiar to some of you JackSepticeye fans out there, because it is. I gave him that advice when I was showing him how to be Connor."

I smiled, knowing Bryan was right. As he talked on, Amy mood improved immensely.

You're doing great, just care less.

I'd live by those words for the rest of high school.

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