Laser Tag

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This is a Tunblr screenshot I found on Pinterest. Credit to halleydoedog on Tumblr for the prompt!!!

"You want to play? Alright... We'll play," I muttered as the deviant ran into laser tag. I grabbed a laser tag jacket and gun, quickly equipping myself. I also kept my DPD handgun handy. I knew this deviant wouldn't come quietly. I knew I might not have a choice.

The deviant was illusive and very intelligent, yet, she never seemed to be associated with Jericho. She seemed very obsessed with me, however. I recall I saw her in the crowds at every case I investigated and she always seemed to be just around the corner whenever I went somewhere. I couldn't figure out why this was, but I figured I could use it to my advantage later on.

As I moved through the laser-tag course, I expected her to be around any corner. I frequently scanned behind me as well. That was, until I heard a shot from off to my left. She was trying to shoot me with her laser-tag gun.

How cute.

I took cover, then charged toward her. She almost shot me, but I got to her first. I took her laser-tag gun and threw it aside with a smirk. She backed away slowly as I pointed my own laser gun at her. Soon enough, she didn't have anywhere to go.

With her trapped in a corner, I closed in. "You lose, darling."

"I doubt that, Connor," she replied.

"Why is that?" I asked, now almost on top of her.

She grabbed my laser-tag gun and wrestled it from my hands, throwing it aside. "Because you've no gun. I guess we'll call it a draw then?"

"Wrong again, sweetheart," I smirked, pushing myself into her. Our lips collided and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I slowly pulled out my handgun as we kissed and held it against her thirium pump. Just as she broke away, I pulled the trigger. "I win."

She gasped, holding her hands to her abdomen. She was shocked, but then looked up at me, matching my own smirk. "Well played, Connor. But we will meet again," she threatened. "I promise. We will meet again."

"I doubt it, honey," I replied as she slid down to the floor. She shut down a few seconds afterward, allowing me to walk out successfully. "It's too bad. You would've made a great spy."

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