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Satan gazed at his new creations as the cloud of smoke dissipated from the circle. Upon the circle appeared three little devils who were once angels from heaven. They each had devil horns on their heads and their shape had changed as well.

Keenie's horns were fit for a sheep. They were small and gray but they were indeed pointy at the top. Her eyes were still red but they were cunning and lethal. Her hair changed from blonde to burgundy red and her angel halo had vanished (which was replaced by the horns). Her wings had grown back but they were black devil wings with spikes on each end. Her fur was also a burgundy red and her hooves were dark gray.

Cletus's appearance changed the most. His pure white skin was replaced with a light red and his cheeks were covered with dark red instead of rose blush. His hair was no longer a peach color. Instead it was dark orange with a few white streaks of hair. His devil horns were small but they were visibly the same color as his skin.

Collin's horns grew like a normal sheep's horn would. Instead of white, his hair was light pink mixed with dark red. His skin was a burgundy color but his freckles were still on his face. His blue shirt was now a closer color to dark red and his fur was the same color as Keenie's.

All of the devils also each had tails. The tails were the only similarity to the devils with sharp spear like ends.

Satan couldn't have been more proud. He was almost about to cry. Almost though. He laughed instead. "Oh what a joyous day for my little sinners." he said as the devils looked at each other. They all gasped/screamed and backed away. The vortex was now destroyed sense the transformation was complete. Keenie was looking at herself like she was carrying a disease as she tried to scoot away thinking she could flow out of her own body. As she backed away though, her body bumped right into Satan himself.

He looked down on her like a parent who just caught their child in an act. Keenie gasped as she tried to get away from him, but Satan grabbed her from the back of her now ruined dress and stared into her eyes. "How does it feel, little devil?" Keenie shook with fear, too afraid to answer. As if it couldn't get any worse, the poor sheep felt a flowing river running down her panties. Keenie didn't know what it was. It just came out of her so quickly and she couldn't control it. She read about it in a humanology log back in heaven. All about how they reproduce, relationships, jobs, and human waste sense once you're in heaven, you can't feel those things anymore. She wanted to discover all of those feelings, but she didn't want it to be like this. Her piss his the floor just inches away from Satan's boots. She couldn't take it anymore and had begun to cry.

Satan would normally be pretty pissed (no pun intended) about it, but his expression only showed kindness. "Aw you poor baby. Did you have an accident?" Keenie covered her face, too embarrassed to even look at him. Satan snapped his fingers. "Cain!" Immediately, a tall skinny devil made his way to the King of Hell. He was wearing a '666 news' black t-shirt with ripped jeans and bikers' gloves. "Yeah yeah, what do you want?"

"Take these too over there to a spare room. Get them changed into something more...suitable for Hell." Cain rolled his eyes. "Sure thing boss." he replied, walking over to the two other devils. Cletus and Collin backed away from him but Cain grabbed the two of them before they could try to get away. "No point in trying boys. It's all over now." he said to them, Cletus and Collin continuing to protest against him.

Once all three of them left the room, Satan turned back to Keenie. "Oh yes, we must indeed get rid of that poor old dress. Ruth!" Satan called out again. This time, a woman appeared. She was also a devil but this one was different. She didn't have devil horns or wings. Instead, she was actually a giant wolf. She was wearing a blue crop top with a black skirt. She looked bored out of her mind. "Yeah boss."

"Take this one into my wife's chambers. Tell her her up a bit." The wolf only nodded in response as Satan handed Keenie over to the female wolf. Grateful to be out of Satan's reach, Keenie held onto the wolf for deer life. "Jeez kid, calm down. If he wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already." The wolf said, as the two of them left the Devil's throne room.

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