Birthday Night RAW

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August 24-25

*earlier tonight*

We see several fans outside of the Barclays Center behind gates, waiting for RAW to begin. Soon, they notice someone arriving there with a bag as they immediately cheered.

It was the United States Champion, and Bad Prince of WWE, Michael J. McMahon.

Michael looks at the fans and smiles. He then opens the bag and pulls out the US Title and sets it on his shoulder.

The fans cheered even louder as he approaches them and gives them high fives and hugs.

Little boy: Michael, you're awesome!

Michael: Thanks, bud. *gives him a fist bump* Glad all of you are here for tonight's show.

Random dude: Well, duh! Why wouldn't we come and see you turn 18?

Michael: True. Say, do all you mind if I take a selfie with all ya here?

Everyone: Yeah!

Michael smiles as he pulls out his phone and puts in camera mode. He switches the camera turns and raises it up.

Michael: Say "Baddie's Birthday!"

Everyone: Baddie's Birthday!

Michael takes a pic and everyone cheered.

Michael: Yeah! Awesome! Anyway, I need to go inside for the show. See you around.

Everyone cheered as Michael walks into the building, getting ready for what is to come at RAW near his 18th birthday.


RAW begins and the crowd was electric after last night at SummerSlam. Many great matches, champions retain or were crowned, and also a fantastic main event match between John Cena and Michael McMahon for the United States Championship at the Barclays Center.

No one expected to see the US Title at the main event of a big PPV before, but seeing how the US was being given its prestige back since John had his US Open Challenge after WrestleMania, it was amazing to see it being more important by being defended at the main event of SummerSlam.

However, everyone noticed that while the intro to RAW played, everything was turned off. The lights, the stage and the fireworks didn't burst out. At first they felt it was a malfunction or something...then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Play at 1:32)


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as the lights slowly came back on. The song plays as it reveals Michael in stage, looking amazing. His brown hair down, the US Title around his waist and his outfit pays homage to the man he was inspired from.


The crowd pops as they're going to have Michael's take on the song, something he hasn't done yet, especially with his different covers of many songs before. Michael begins to sing as he dances.

Michael: Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head
Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid
Children roam the streets now orphans of war
Bodies hanging in the streets to adore

Michael: Royal flames will carve a path in chaos
Bringing daylight to the night
Death is riding into town with armor
They come to take all your rights!

Michael: Hail to the King
Hail to the one
Kneel to the crown

The crowd sang as well as Michael unhooks his Championship belt and sets it on his shoulder as he walks down the ramp.

Michael: Blood is spilt while holding keys to the throne
Born again but it's too late to atone
No mercy from the edge of the blade
Dare escape and learn the price to be paid

Michael gestures a camera man to approach him. He does as he makes the cameraman kneel down as he sang at point blank at the camera.

Michael: Let the water flow with shades of red now
Arrows black out all the light
Death is riding into town with armor
They come to grant you your RIIIIIIIIGHTS! SING IT!


Michael: What?!


Michael: HELL YEAH!


Michael: BAOW!

Both Michael and the fans: STAND IN THE SUUUUUUUN!

Michael: Hail to the King!

Crowd: Hail! Hail!

Michael: Duh-duh-duh-The King...AEOW!

Michael circles the ring as everyone cheers loudly. He then climbs up the announce table as he dance on top of it, earning a big reaction.

Soon, Michael hops off as he goes to the timekeeper area and gets a mic from Lillian. They both hugged as Lillian gave Michael a kiss on the cheek. Michael then did this with her, getting a big reaction.

Lillian laughed as Michael kissed her hand before they separate and he enters the ring. Michael raises his US Championship up and the crowd cheered on. He then climbs up the turnbuckle as the song begins to end.

The crowd chanted Hail as Michael looks around and grins.

Michael: There's a taste of fear...

Crowd: Hail! Hail! Hail!

Michael: When the henchmen call...Iron fist to tame them...Iron Fist to claim it AAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLL! HAIL TO THE KING!

Michael poses with the US title as the crowd cheers on. Michael drops a few tears before going down and walks to the center of the ring. The songs fades but the crowd continues to cheer as Michael looks on with a smile on his face.

The crowd chanted his name as Michael smiles as he chuckles from that. He tries to speak, but the crowd wouldn't let him, as he continues to smile. The crowd was electric tonight after his amazing match against John Cena at SummerSlam.

Soon they chanted "Happy Birthday!" which Michael gave a laughed as blows a kiss at them, getting a cheer.

Michael: I thought all of you would tired by now after SummerSlam, but I guess not.

The crowd cheered loudly as Michael smiles. Soon, the crowd chanted "You deserve it!" as Michael looks and was shading a tear.

Michael: I...My God. *sniffs as he rubs his eyes* This...this I missed a lot. When I was a kid, everyone was enthusiastic and energetic. Even after years gone by and times has changed...we all still have that energy and with that same energy...we make people in the back look like a million dollars.

The crowd cheers as Michael nods to that.

Michael: So...last night at SummerSlam...I faced John Cena for the United States Championship at the Main event. And as we see here...I won.

The crowd cheers loudly.

Michael: For the first time in my life here in WWE, I have won a title that I loved since I was a little boy and now carry it with me as I become a man tonight as the clock clicks 12! And it's because of everyone here, on the internet, and around the world wanted to see me achieve success. The whole hashtag don't know how much it meant to me as a person. As someone who grew up loving and watching Wrestling and I finally got a shot and I delivered. And that proof is right here.

Michael raises his title up and the crowd cheers on.

Michael: You may say it's a secondary belt...but I don't see it as so. While I love the World Championship, the US Title means a lot to me as it was held by guys like Eddie Guerrero, God Rest his Soul, Big Show, John Cena, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, and so many more. Future World Champs gracing this title with their presence and now...the Bad Prince has collected it as his first Title in WWE.

The crowd pops as Michael nods to them.

Michael: So, what's next now that I'm US Champion? Well...I could defend it tonight against someone in a Open Challenge. As I like to face off anyone in that lockeroom, in the main roster or NXT, Legend or Current, and have a great match in front of the WWE Universe!

The crowd pops as they like the idea.

Michael: We'll see. Until then...I'm just gonna enjoy the fact that I'm carrying the United States Championship and wait until 12 hits to be an adult. So take care and have a goodnight.

The crowd cheers as Michael's theme plays and he leaves the ring.

MC: What a fantastic moment for Michael. He has come a long way.

Jerry: From appearing on RAW 10 years ago, to then leaving the next year and return earlier this year and becoming US Champion at SummerSlam against John Cena. He's been incredible.

JBL: Indeed. And now he has something to hold as he transitions into adulthood. It's going to be interesting as Michael grows as he's now Champion.


After Brock destroys Bo Dallas and the Dudley Boyz returned, we had Miz hosting MizTV with his guests, Team BAD, after their win at SummerSlam. He starts praising them for the success last night, before ultimately trying to figure out that there's a connection between them and Michael.

It is apparent that Team BAD caught Michael's eye, despite not really inspired by him. However, with them hanging around him often, people felt that there's something going on, mostly with the leader, Sasha Banks.

Sasha adamantly denies any connection to Michael, other than being friends. She has pointed out that Michael is one of the most unique wrestlers as he debuted as a kid not even 10 years old and was on a roll since his appearance with his time in DX before his departure and then his return earlier this year.

She talks about how he's willing to go in a match with an adult and show he's not just strong in physicality but in mind as well. His match with Lita inspired so many younger fans like her at the time that even when they're young, they can pull off great feats and should never give up and not let anyone choose their paths.

Miz of course, thought that's bullshit as, he tries to get dirt on Sasha possibly being having some behind close doors stuff with Michael which pisses her, Naomi and Tamina off. They verbally massacred him for even thinking of something like that as they only saw Michael as a friend, and nothing more.

Soon, Team Bella arrives and tries to make fun of Team BAD but they were no match for a ferocious Legit Boss and her crew. Soon, both teams began to talk trash as Miz tries to control the mess he made.

Soon, Team BAD took out Miz but then gets attacked by Team Bella. However, they managed to send them running as Sasha mocks them with a little Dance move that Michael does, which earns a pop.


Nikki goes up to the Authority for requesting a match against Team BAD. However, Triple H and Stephanie decided to have a Mixed Tag Team Match at the main event tonight.

Sasha, Naomi, and Michael Vs Nikki Bella, Alicia Fox, and Seth Rollins.

Tamina has a match against Becky Lynch so she would be only at ringside along with Rosa Mendes.

The crowd are more interested as Team BAD and Michael are quite close since his match against Seth Rollins and Michael and Nikki had their issues before. They wonder the chemistry between them going into this match.


Tamina beats Becky cleanly as we see Team BAD backstage preparing for the match. They are seen looking for Michael as their match was about to begin.

Naomi: Where could he be? He should be around here.

Sasha: Chill, Naomi. I'm sure he's preparing too.

Tamina: The match is about to begin. So we have to find him to think of a strategy or-

Soon, Michael appears in front of them, getting a pop from crowd as they noticed he's ready.

Michael: Hey, Baddies. What'cha doing?

Sasha is seen staring at Michael with intrigue as his jacket barely conceal his well developed body.

Sasha: ...Wow. I mean *coughs* We were looking for you as we-

Michael: Have a match against Nikki, Alicia, and Seth tonight at the main event.

Sasha: Right. So it's with me, Naomi, and you against them.

Michael: Alright. *claps his hands* Then, let's get this show on the road.

Naomi: Wait. Shouldn't we have a strategy to help us win? As Seth and Nikki are bound to take us down.

Michael: Really?'s a doesn't matter. They can do any dirty trick on the book, but we will prevail because- *points to the sky*

Crowd: Because You're Bad!

Michael: You know it! AEOW!

The crowd pops as Sasha and her team smiled. Seems Michael's energetic and optimistic personality gave them the confidence they need.

Michael: Right? Good. Now let's get ready to kick some Ass and show how Bad WE...can be.

Sasha: Right.

Naomi: Right.

Michael: Perfect. Let's go. Oh and uh...*pats on a box* I took care of a problem you had earlier.

They crowd oohs as Michael opens the box, revealing Miz inside, tied up, tapped, and scared. While Team Bad looked scared by this, Sasha goes from scared to angry remembering how Miz was trying to find any proof of her and Michael being closer than what people thought.

Sasha: You deserve it, jerk!

She then closes the box and looks it. She sighs with satisfaction as she looks at Michael with a smile. Michael smiles back as pats her shoulder.

Michael: Ferocious...I like that. Truly Bad. *winks* WOO!

The crowd oohs as Michael pulls out some glasses and puts them on. Sasha nods as she puts her glasses on as they all leave for their match.


The match was about to begin as Seth Rollins, Nikki Bella, and Alicia Fox are seen in the ring, waiting for their opponents to arrive. Soon...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Team BAD comes out to the stage. They mock their opponents as they stay at the stage. Soon...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Michael comes out and starts dancing to the song, as he holds both the US Championship and his World Baddest Championship on his shoulders.

Lillian: Their opponents, being accompanied by Tamina, the team of the NXT Women's Champion, Sasha Banks, Naomi, and the United States and World Baddest Champion, Michael McMahon!

MC: Now this is an interesting set up. NXT Women's Champion Sasha Banks, fellow Team BAD member Naomi, and the Bad Prince and United States Champion. Michael McMahon, teaming up at the main event tonight.

Jerry: Indeed. Now this is the Team BAD I wanted to see.

JBL: Michael had no part in their creation, but it's pretty clear he was an inspiration into how they operate.

MC: Especially as Michael has known Sasha since her time in NXT. Heck, they met when Sasha was a fan in 2006 and got an autograph from him. It was a funny yet cool moment for both of them when they reunited years later.

Jerry: Now let's see what's in store for them tonight against Seth Rollins and Team Bella.

They arrive at the ring as Michael sat on the second rope to let Team BAD enter the ring. He then stands on the apron as he looks at the crowd singing the song as he smiles. And then he dance before hitting-

The crowd instantly popped as he did the tip toe pose for the first time. Michael then enters the ring as he high fives Team BAD while Seth and Team Bella look with distain and disgust.

Soon, the song fades as both team stare at each other. Nikki then goes up to them as she, Alicia, and Rosa began a verbal tirade on Team BAD before she directed to Michael, still remembering how he bonked her head and grabbed her face.

Soon, Sasha had enough of this as she pushes Nikki away from Michael, getting a cheer. Soon, a fight breaks out between Team BAD and Team Bella as Michael and Seth look on. Soon, Team BAD managed to send Team Bella out of the ring as Michael praise them.

Suddenly he gets turned around by Seth before blocks a strike as he hits several rights to Seth before hitting a Crotch Chop and Clotheslines Rollins out of the ring, while still having his jacket and glasses on.

The crowd pops as Michael picks up his titles and raise them up as he made a reference to his DX roots like he did last night. The Heels look on as the Baddies mock them while Sasha does a crotch chop as well.


The match begins after a commercial as the leaders of Team Bella and Team BAD start things off while the other members stand on the apron, cheering on their partners. Nikki was dominating until Sasha makes a switch and starts going after the former Divas Champion.

Soon, Sasha tags in Naomi as she hits a middle rope axe handle to Nikki, and starts working on her arm. Seth and Alicia cheer Nikki on as she slowly starts to turn the tide. She then hits a body slam on Naomi before tagging in Alicia Fox.

Alicia beats down on Naomi as both Sasha and Michael yell for her to not give up. Soon, Naomi hits an Enziguri on Alicia and went to tag in Michael. Suddenly, Seth and Nikki stop her by tackling both Mike and Sasha off the apron.

Alicia takes advantage as she tries to cover Naomi but she kicks out. Soon, Team Bella are in control as Both Nikki and Alicia double team on Naomi. Soon, Michael gets up as he helps Sasha before climbing onto the apron.

Soon, Naomi hits a Double DDT on Team Bella as she crawls towards Michael. Alicia tries to grab her leg as Nikki tags in Seth. Soon, Naomi leaps and tags Michael in.

The crowd pops as the Bad Prince enters the ring and takes down Seth with a Back Elbow. He follows it up with a clothesline then goes for an Irish Whip. Seth counters but gets a Facebreaker Smash from Michael followed with a Flying Forearm. Michael kips up and yells out.

The crowd feels the intensity as Michael grabs Seth and hits a body slam followed with a Knee Drop. He goes for the cover but Seth kicks out. Michael doesn't mind as he feels the intensity. He brings Seth up and flips the bird.

He kicks his gut and went for the Stunner, but Seth hits a roll up, followed by a Superkick. Seth went for the cover but Michael kicks out. Seth yells in anger as he gets up and brings Michael up.

Seth: You don't deserve to be in the main event! You and your worthless Title! Do you hear me?!

Seth runs but then gets caught with a Spinebuster.

Michael goes for the cover but was stopped by Nikki and Alicia. Soon, Naomi and Sasha fought them as the four women exchange blows. Outside, Tamina takes out Rosa Mendes.

Naomi then hits a Rear View on Alicia while Sasha hits Bankrupt on Nikki. During all this, Seth for a Curb Stomp but was caught in mid air. He then turns to Sasha and gestures her to come over.

Sasha nods as she grabs Seth and hits a Backstabber on him. Michael the. Picks him up and hits Dynasty before going for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings as Michael's theme plays and the crowd cheers.

Lillian: Here are your winners, the Team of Naomi, Sasha Banks, and The United States Champion, Michael McMahon!

Team BAD and Michael celebrate their victory as the United States Champion climbs to the turnbuckle and poses with his Belt in hand. The crowd cheers as he climbs down and meets up with Sasha and the others.

The all hugged and shook hands while raising them in victory. Soon, Sasha does her signature Hip Sway as Michael does it too, getting a cheer and laugh from the crowd.

We see Team Bella and Seth looking on in anger and disappointment as Team BAD and Michael have their fun. Soon, the titantron cuts to a timer as the crowd pops.

Everyone looks at it before...

The crowd:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It's official.

Michael is now 18 years old. Team BAD soon gave him a group hug, congratulating him on becoming a adult. Michael smiles and hugs them back, getting a cheer from the fans.

Soon, Sasha breaks the hug and asks for a mic and gets one.

Sasha: Now...we can't end tonight without one thing, right? Our boy, Mike, has turned 18 right now, so we should do something for him?

The crowd cheers as Michael laughs.

Sasha: Alright. 1...2...3!

The crowd: Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday, Dear Michael! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU!

The crowd cheers as Michael looks and wipes a tear from his eye. He then pulls Sasha for a hug before grabbing the mic.

Michael: Thank you, Brooklyn! Have a great night! And as always, live Badly for me, because-

Crowd: Because You're Bad!

Michael: You Know It! AEOW!

Michael's theme resumes as everyone cheers for his successful with for the United States Championship and his 18th birthday. The show ends with Michael picking up Sasha on his shoulder and they pose while Naomi and Tamina stood by his side, hugging him.

How's the chapter?

Didn't expect something like this, huh?

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