19 Home

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I stood outside of my brother in law's butcher shop, gazing at the red framed door, more nervous to enter this shop than the one before. I had felt like I was coming home when I'd entered the Langley's but this was something else entirely. This was an ending. All of the pain, all of the trauma, all of the fear that my family had experienced at the hands of George Keene was over now and I was here to deliver that happy news. But justice, as wonderful as it was, did not make an affected family whole again.

My father was without his shop, my brother was without the use of his arm, my sisters were working themselves to the bone to make ends meet. That would not end because George Keene had been locked away. The gambling debts may be erased and my family may not be stretched so thin but, despite the bravery they had showed and the risks I had taken, we were still poor merchants with a livelihood to defend and four mouths to feed that would soon turn to five. I was acutely aware of these realities as I made my way through the shop and up the stairs to the residences above. It was dark, as dark as it had been on the night I had discovered the message in blood in the butcher shop kitchens. It was late. There was no guarantee they would be awake but somehow, I knew that they were.

Liza opened the door before I could even knock, wide eyes full of unshed tears. She threw her arms around me without a moment's hesitation, sniffling into my bodice. I took a shaky breath. I hadn't expected to be so affected but I wrapped my arms around her and got the sensation that she was comforting me more than I was comforting her.

A moment later, Victoria appeared in the doorway. I saw Benjamin and my father standing behind her, all of them solemn faced, all of them wary and exhausted.

"Charlotte," Victoria said after a moment and her voice came out in a breathless whisper. I felt a tear slide down my cheek but they all had the grace to ignore it as Liza moved aside and they gestured for me to enter. I did, taking a seat on the couch as quickly as I could so that my knees would not give out beneath me. I was considering how to share the news with them all when my father did it for me.

"The debts are gone," he spoke frankly and I looked up at him in surprise. "That Chief Detective came by this evening. He didn't tell us what you did, just that you did it."

"He called you a hero," Liza told me quietly.

"You are a hero," Victoria said simply and that humble phrase broke me.

I fell into tears right there on the couch. Victoria and Liza's arms were around me in an instant and I heard them sniffling as well. After some time, Benjamin stood and patted me on the back. They said nothing. They only let me weep, knowing as they always did precisely what I needed in that moment. I allowed the wave of pent up anger, fear, and sorrow to overtake me. I had been holding it back since the moment I watched Alexander sail away for America and now I let it loose because, for the first time, I felt safe enough, comfortable enough, to do so.

When my tears finally subsided, they did not question me about where I had been and what I had done. Rather, they busied themselves and entertained me with stories which had occurred in my absence. They updated me on what I had missed including Victoria feeling the baby kick for the first time, Benjamin acquiring an apprentice thanks to Alexander, and Liza receiving an offer of marriage from Samuel Abbington once our father had met his parents and it had been agreed upon. I was happy for all of them and thrilled to be back within the realm of good news.

By the time I left with my things, promising I would visit again as soon as I was able, I was in much better spirits. Harold noticed, giving me a smile as he loaded my things into the carriage, and then drove me back to the Langley's. It was even later when we arrived and nearly all of the lights in the house were out. Except for one. I noticed a faint glow coming from a cracked door down the hall upon my entrance. Alexander's office.

I made my way down the hall, pushing the door open slowly when I reached it. He looked up from the papers he had been reviewing, the soft glow of the candlelight illuminating his handsome features in a way that took my breath away. I had forgotten how beautiful he was. When he smiled, I held up my bag.

"I'm hoping I'm still employed," I said and he chuckled. He stood from his desk and made his way to me. Every hair on the back of my neck stood up in anticipation as he approached but he merely took the heavy bag and tossed it onto a nearby chair before crossing his arms and leaning back against his desk to look me over. He took his time, scrutinizing each detail from my head to my toe, drinking me in as if he couldn't get enough. After a few minutes, I began to blush. That's when he spoke.

"You are," he assured me. "Though I would be remiss if I did not reprimand you for your actions."

I held out my arms, "Do your worst."

He smiled and then reached behind him. He held up a newspaper, a special edition that must have been released sometime this evening. On the front was a photo of George Keene being led through the police station in shackles.

"You got me out of the country so that you could go undercover and personally take down the most dangerous criminal empire in London," he said but there was not a hint of anger in his voice. Still, I felt I had to ask.

"Are you mad?"

"Mad?" he released a breath. "You're incredible."

I felt my cheeks heat again and glanced down to the floor.

"In fact," he said then and I glanced up to find him pushing off of his desk. He took a step toward me and I froze. "You are the most amazing, brave, strong, intelligent woman I've ever known. Your compassion and your generosity know no bounds. You are... incredible."

I opened my mouth to object as was my nature but he interrupted me again and this time it took the breath right out of my lungs.

"Marry me."

I blinked at him, lips parting in shock, uncertain if I had heard him correctly.

"What did you-"

"I love you, Charlotte," he told me. "I've loved you ever since you told me about a hollowed-out encyclopedia in a half rate attorney's office. And I won't go another day without telling you."

I stared at him, simultaneously hearing the words I had so long fantasized about and doubting that they could possibly be true. He watched me, warm smile spread over his lips, gaze penetrating me like those attentive eyes of his always did. I felt a rush of emotion and fought to stomp it back down into my gut.

"I-I don't know what to say," I stuttered.

"Say yes."


"I know it won't be easy," he interrupted. "There are challenges that face us that I won't pretend to ignore. And I know you are acutely aware of them yourself. But we've overcome murderers and thieves, con men and criminal empires. So what's a few whispers? What's a few looks of disapproval? They don't know you, Charlotte. They don't know how brave you are. But I do. And I know that there is nothing in this world that I cannot face so long as I have you by my side."

He took another step closer and reached for me. He held my hands in his own between us and gazed into my eyes earnestly as he made his appeal.

"Say yes. Make me the happiest man in the world and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you the happiest woman."

Tears in my eyes, I smiled up at him as I said, "You already have."

His lips spread into a grin.

"Is that a yes?" he asked with a raised brow.

A laugh escaped me when I answered, "Yes."

He lifted me again, embracing me tightly and pressing his lips to my own. As the warmth spread throughout my body, I thought that if my visit to my family had been an ending, this was my new beginning.

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