Saki Izumo x Senpai Male Reader

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(Author's Note: Welcome to my very first one-shot of D4DJ x Male Reader. Requested by kirigaya_umam-kun.)

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm a third year student of Yoba Academy School. I aim to enroll into a prestigious college or university, but at the same time I shouldn't forget all of my precious memories at high school that I spend.

I also had befriend with a girl who is the first year of high school. Her name is Saki Izumo and she's actually in a DJ group named Photon Maiden. We met for the first time during her first live and I really loved their performance.

Saki is the one who attract me the most and I decided to ask her if she wants to befriend me. She happily say "yes" and we become really close from that day.

It was another normal day and I just arrived at school today and it was a fresh start for me. I saw Saki walking alone as she noticed and then greet me.

Saki: Good morning, Senpai.

Her face slightly blushed seeing me.

(Y/N): Good morning, Saki.

Saki: Can we walk together to school?

(Y/N): Yeah, sure. I don't see anything wrong with that.

We walked to school together and once we arrived at the school, her other friends saw us together and approach us.

Ibuki: Saki, (Y/N)-senpai, good morning.

Towa: Good morning!

Noa: Good morning.

Saki: Good morning...

(Y/N): Good morning to you girls too.

Towa: Will you come to our concert later on?

(Y/N): Umm... I'll see if I can make it. I got a lot of work to do. You know me, always busy with things.

Ibuki: We understand that, but it'll be more fun if you get to see us perform.

Noa: Don't worry, you'll make it.

All of them gave a reassuring smile at me as I smiled at them back.

(Y/N): Alright, I'll see what I can do.

Saki: Th-Thank you... (Y/N)-senpai...

Saki said as her face become red.

(Y/N): You're welcome, Saki.

We entered the building and Saki with her friends excused themselves.

Saki: My classroom is right there. So, I'll see you later.

(Y/N): See you.

Both of us went seperate ways to our classroom right after.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Saki secretly stalking Chibi (Y/N).

Lunch break...

I'm at the cafeteria and bought along my lunchbox because I want to save up money.

Towa: (Y/N)-senpai, over here!

I saw the girls sitting on a table together as I approach them and sit at an empty seat beside Saki.

Ibuki: So, how was your class?

(Y/N): It's quite fine for me even though there's some things that I struggled a little. But, I'll work on it eventually.

Noa: As expected of Senpai. Always a hard-working person.

(Y/N): That's right because you won't go any further to achieve your goal without hard work. I'm sure that this also goes for Photon Maiden.

Ibuki: Ahaha, yeah. You got that right.

I begin digging into my lunchbox as I'm savouring the taste in my mouth. I saw Saki just looking at her hands as I thought that she might just be hungry. So, I helped her by offering my food to her.

(Y/N): Here, Saki. Have some of my meal.

I extend my lunchbox to her as she kindly took it.

Saki: Thank you... (Y/N)-senpai...

She said with a low voice as she ate the meal. I smiled st her knowing that she seems to really like it.

Saki's POV

Entertainment Agency

We were practicing our new song that we will be showing live later. Once we finished, we took a break and chat for a little.

As they were busy chatting, my mind was focused on (Y/N)-senpai. I can't believe how kind he was. Not to mention how handsome he is, lenient, a

???: ...i! ..y! ... ... ..ere?

I couldn't hear the voice well because of how charming (Y/N)-senpai is. But then, someone snapped their finger and I heard Ibuki's voice calling me.

Ibuki: Saki! Hey! Are you there?

I snapped back to reality as I gazed at Ibuki, Towa and Noa. They seemed to be confused of me.

Towa: What were you thinking about?

Saki: N-Nothing.

Ibuki: Come on. You can at least tell us.

I was about to say what was in my mind, but I'm too shy to say it. Eventually, they figured it out.

Ibuki: Do you... love (Y/N)-senpai?

I nodded as I keep myself calm albeit I'm a little embarrassed.

Towa: That explains why are you being really shy to him whenever he's around.

Noa: Why don't you just confess your love to him?

Saki: I... I really wanted to, but... I'm too anxious.

Towa: We'll give you our support!

Saki: Everyone...

I looked at them as I smiled and gained some confidence.

Saki: ...thank you.

Ibuki: We'll help you out, okay?

Once our break time is over, we head back to practice.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Saki kissed Chibi (Y/N)... at the cheek when they're alone.

DJ Stage, Night

The time has come for Photon Maiden's next live. Luckily, my work isn't that much and quite easy for me, so I decided to stop by because why not I give support to my favorite DJ group?

The stage darkened for a moment before it begins showing the beautiful lighting that matches the atmosphere. Then, on the stage reveals Photon Maiden as they begin their performance.

Once they finished their performance, the crowd cheered out of excitement for how good their song was. The same goes to me, but I just keep myself low.

Once the concert ends, I saw Photon Maiden walking together and Ibuki said something to Saki.

Ibuki: We'll be going now.

Towa: See you later, Saki!

Noa: Bye-bye!

They said as they excused themselves form both of us.

Saki: (Y-Y/N)-senpai...

(Y/N): Your performance was good today.

I asked her as if I can read her mind.

Saki: Thank you.

She seems to be shy as she was looking at her feet, so I decided to ask her.

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Saki: (Y/N)-senpai, can I... confess something to you?

(Y/N): What is it?

Saki: I... I...

She stuttered a little and then she said it.

Saki: I love you, (Y/N)-senpai! Please go out with me!

She said as she bow down at the front of me. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this either.

(Y/N): Saki... to be honest... I love you too. But... I don't want other people to spread rumors about us. So, let's keep it for ourselves, okay?

Saki: (Y/N)-senpai...

She was more than happy hearing my answer as she hugged me.

Saki: I understand. Thank you so much. I'm glad that you accept me.

(Y/N): You're welcome, Saki.

We decided to head home together for the night. We held hands and feel each other's warmth.

A few days later...

Ever since that day, me and Saki would keep our relationship secret from anyone else except from Ibuki, Towa and Noa. We just act like everything is fine, but with me and Saki still being really close to each other.

But then, as me and Saki was walking back from school together, a car stopped at the front of us and someone stepped out from the car.

???: So, you're (Y/N)(L/N).

I turned my head to see a middle aged woman.

(Y/N): Umm... excuse me, Miss. Not to be rude, but who are you?

Shano: My name is Shano Himegami, the producer for Photon Maiden. Nice to meet you.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you too, Shano-san.

Shano: I've heard from Saki that she's dating with you. Is that true?

She seems to have heard of what happened. I guess that Saki did told her about this, but I just keep calm and answer her.

(Y/N): Yes. That's true, but we would keep it secret other than anyone we can trust.

Shano: Is that so?

She sighed as I was quite scared of what she might do next.

(Y/N): So... why are you here?

Shano: I'm here to tell you that I'll allow her to be in a relationship with you. But, I want you to make sure that you're not the reason to hinder Saki from getting better in her performance.

(Y/N): I understand and I'll take responsibility. I'll keep Saki safe.

Shano: I'm so glad to hear that coming from you. Alright, enjoy your date.

As she was about to enter back into the car, she gazed at me once again and said...

Shano: Oh, and one more thing. Your secret relationship is safe with us.

Shano-san enter the car and they drove away from us as I stared at Saki who was also staring at me back. Then, we giggled and act like nothing happened afterwards.

4 months later...

Me and Saki has been dating for months now. Her performance in her DJ group keep getting better as they're slowly gaining popularity from the others. I still keep my words that I won't hinder her from getting better in her DJ career.

Right now, we're stargazing and the dark blue sky with so many stars is so beautiful.

Saki: (Y/N)-senpai... I'm so glad that we dated for months now.

(Y/N): Me too, Saki.

Saki: Oh yeah. That reminds me. You're about to graduate from high school soon, right?

(Y/N): Yes, indeed. I can't wait to enroll into a university that I've been looking forward to.

Saki: You won't forget me, right?

(Y/N): Of course not!

Saki: I still want us to be together.

She said as she lay her head on my shoulder.

(Y/N): I'm wishing for the same, Saki. But, don't worry. I'll be always messaging you and if I can, I'll video call you so that you wouldn't worry much about me.

Saki: Thank you, (Y/N)-senpai.

(Y/N): I love you, Saki.

Saki: I love you too, (Y/N) my senpai.

Both of us kissed as we hugged each other. I love Saki more than anything else on the universe and I don't regret every single second to be with her.

(The end...)

(Author's Note: Hey guys. It's me, KhairulHafiz2 here. I want to thank you so much for reading until the end. There you have it, the first D4DJ x Male Reader one-shot from me. More will be coming in the future, so look forward to it. With that being said, have a good day and see you later. Peace.)

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