Chapter 12

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That evening Cindy filled her pouch with sticker labels, ball point pen, lead pencils and a new eraser. She fitted her tall lab register in her shoulder bag and headed straight for Rose's room.

"Yes?" Rose answered on the third knock.

"About the supplies you need for the experiment, do you know where to get them?" She asked.

"That's so sudden, um, why do you ask?"

"I have a few supplies to purchase myself. I can probably help if you tell me and we can plan this together." Cindy urged.

"Okay, come on in."

Rose's room was filled a shelf of exotic perfumes and scented body cream. Hangers were hooked on the other side of the door knob that had oversized printed tees. Rose herself wore an oversized baby blue tee with pink hearts printed on it. The walls of her room were a colorful mosaic of her favorite bands. The thin mac laid of her laptop had cute stickers on the back. She pulled open the lid of her laptop

"So here is the list of supplies I'll need." Rose maximized one of the excel tabs. She was extremely organized. She had prepared a list of items with the lowest cost of the item from the cheapest retailers in town.

"How to build a fluorescent light," Cindy read the name of the document.

"Yeah, the material science department borrowed one of those for their excursions and now we have none left." Rose summarized. "Anyway, so I spent some time earlier searching our website and I found University of Kurk on the list."

"How much in total?" Cindy inquired. Rose ran a formula on the bottom of the sheet and hit enter.

"1500 dollars" She stated.

"Hm, affordable. Where is it?" Cindy stated in a calculative tone and Rose's eyes popped out. She opened Google maps on a new tab and identified the location.

"That's an hour from here," Cindy typed the location on the cab services app on her phone. "Will take us 1540 dollars in total. Make that 1520 dollars from your share." Cindy ran her fingers in the air doing the math.

"That's a lot of money" Rose pointed out.

"Do we want to go there tomorrow before class?" Cindy ignored her.

Rose seemed flustered. "We will need a college permit, well that's what Trevor from Chemical Sciences told me last week."

"Okay, we'll make that ourselves. Tonight we can break into the lab and get ourselves one."

Rose agreed in silence.

Cindy patiently waited in her room studying over textbooks when night arrived. After dinner, she entered the library. Rose appeared through the double doors fifteen minutes later. They pulled their noses into a novel, exchanging glances over the roof of their books. An hour passed when the librarian ditched her reception for a phone call.

Through the glass double doors, Cindy observed Ms. Thomas lock the lab behind her and leave. She gestured rose to follow. They waited for a few minutes before they decided to head over to the staff room.

"Oh, this is not going to work" Rose's voice trembled. She untied her bun and handed Cindy her hair-pin. After a few minutes of silence and there was a click. The door to the staff room swung open. A quick look over to the librarian suggested that her back was turned, facing the window.

"Okay, find a copy of the student permit." Cindy instructed. The two of them searched the drawers carefully returning displaced items to their original positions.

"Found it!" Rose paced towards Cindy waving a sheet of paper in her hand. She lay it down on the table allowing Cindy's torchlight to shine on it.

"This permit is from the Chemical department but the seal and template is the same. So, this should do" Cindy analyzed.

"Won't they know if we forge the seal?" Rose raised the paper to analyze the stamp. She handed the paper to Cindy who squinted to read the fine print. "Hm, no dates. We'll be good."

"Take a copy," she pointed Rose to the copy machine. Rose traced her fingers to the power switch and lifted the hood. She pressed 'Go' and waited for it to print a copy. Footsteps were heard approaching the hall. She took the copy and left the original back in the drawer. When rattling was heard on the door knob, the two sunk below the desk drawers hoping not to catch the stranger's eye.

When the footsteps receded, the two of them crawled beneath the desks to the entrance. Making sure everything else stayed the same, the two tip-toed out of the lab and made sure to lock the door shut behind them.

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