A Day with Dad-Might and Meeting a New Friend

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"What did you do?" Toshinori questions Hisashi and Izuku as they get back from the hideout and from lunch. Izuku isn't paying much attention as he is repeatedly dropping a glass on the floor, breaking it then fixing it with the new quirk he took. "You're going to crack the til-" Toshinori is about to scold but notices that when Izuku uses the mending quirk it also fixes the tile that the glass cup is being dropped on.

"Well. In answering your question, I had him take a quirk."

"From who?" His voice was laced with slight anger.

"An experiment that had failed, it wasn't alive anymore if that's any consolation."

"Ugh..." He grabs his face with his hand then drags his fingers to the bridge of his nose. "Why exactly did you have him take it?"

"Mainly because if he didn't, he would currently be starving to death without it. His drawback is far worse than I had anticipated, he has to take a quirk weekly to sustain his own power or else it will start to pull the nutrients from his body. Now, if it is decently strong he can go up to a month without needing to take one." Hisashi explains before using a telepathy quirk to move All Might aside, allowing the two inside the apartment further and not just trapped in the doorway.

"That can be problematic, in the span between when he starts UA and now he could have anywhere between 144 and 624 quirks if he takes one monthly or weekly respectively." The number one hero grumbles before stopping the glass cup that Izuku is holding from smashing on the floor again. "I don't think you should keep doing that, it may fix itself with the new quirk you have but Inko won't be happy if she keeps hearing you break things."

"To be entirely honest, this is somewhat relieving to know and watch for some reason." Inko states while watching from the side in somewhat satisfaction knowing damage now may end up being light compared to normal. "But I do recommend that you don't do this so often Izuku. I don't want you to get used to the fact you can just break something because you can put it back together again."

"Ok mom."

A phone began to ring for everyone to turn and look over to Hisashi before he answered it. "Hello. Ah, a new recruit. What does he look like... it's a she? Ok then... four huh..." Hisashi started to smile a bit before ending the call and looking at Izuku. "I have a nice little friend for you to meet Izuku. I'm sure you'll like her, but before then I have some business to attend to, but I'll be back not after too long."

Hisashi teleported out of the room with Inko smiling. "That man always knows how to make an entrance and exit if anything. Frankly I'm surprised it wasn't Kurogiri again, he treats him like a human taxi service."

"I was expecting for him to just levitate through the wall then get warped, but whatever at least he isn't in my hair for a while. I think that we should do something today Izuku? What do you think?" Izuku smiled knowing he could spend the day with not one, but both of his fathers. They began heading out for Inko to find herself alone for the next hour.

"Clearly I'm just the woman that had a near heart attack knowing her son had holes in his hands this morning." She walked over to the coffee pot to pour herself a bit more before sitting down to listen to the local news. "I wonder if Hisashi would be able to pay me child care now since this somewhat violates the reason he couldn't? I probably should also get a cat. if this is gonna be a common thing, it's going to get boring by myself."

With Toshinori and Izuku

The father and son began walking down the sidewalk to a building with a bunch of people doing work outside. "We're here Izuku."

Izuku looked at the building somewhat confused. "What is this?"

"A reason to show you what a hero really is. Not every hero is one that wears a fancy cape and tights that show off your butts." Izuku laughs a bit at the spandex part for the blond to continue. "To make things simple, heroes are those that do things that people don't want to do for the community. This is one of those things. This is an abandoned house that the mortgage company has failed to keep up on and now is an eyesore. Unknown to people, the price of living in this area is lower due to the fact that it looks rather slum looking. As such, some people have made it a point to repair this as what we are doing today."

"So we're making this place look nice again?"

"Exactly." Izuku looked at the house to see it's had better days by far. The roof was caving in, the sides were falling and dropping on the ground. Some people who didn't respect the building had graffitied the walls and broke the windows. Not even the pavement was looking so great since it was cracking and clearly succumbing to the elements.

"Can I use my new quirk?" Izuku asks for Toshinori to think.

"Well. As long as I give you permission as a pro, I don't see a problem." The blond began to buff up with two pieces of hair standing up to almost look as if rabbit ears. "As the pro All Might, I give you authorization to use your quirk."

"Yay!" Izuku jumps around for joy before darting off towards the dilapidated house, All Might reaches out to stop him but the young boy is too slippery for the bulky pro hero. Getting to the doorway he turns and grins to All Might before exaggeratedly clapping his hands three times. Around him, all the decaying materials suddenly begin to levitate and glow a green color, then they are sucked back towards the house like metal to a magnet. All Might stands there watching as the door Izuku is standing on suddenly moves upwards causing Izuku to slide off of the door and to the front porch. The glass and even the soggy rice paper on the interior doors return to their original position. In moments the house is completely restored with Izuku turning around and opening the door. "Ta-da!" He shouts before walking inside.

"That's your kid?" A worker with a cigar in his mouth questions as he walks up to All Might.

"My stepson, yes."

"That's an interestin' quirk."

"That's not his quirk, that's one he took from something, his real one let's him take and use quirks."

"Damn, that's pretty fuckin powerful."

"You have no idea." All Might replies before following Izuku inside the house. Both looked at the interior and were shocked to no end, at the fact this was the building that looked almost as if it was one slight breeze away from falling down into the dirt. "I must say Izuku, this is amazing."

"Thanks da-" Izuku started falling down where he was for the blond pro to catch him.

"You ok my boy?" The sound of Izuku snoring is all he gets as a response. "Maybe fatigue is his backlash." All Might put Izuku's head on his shoulder before carrying the small child out. When they were a distance away from the building, All Might turned back into his less buff self and made his way back to his truck with Izuku in his arms. "So even if he has another quirk, he can still fall victim to the quirk's backlash. An interesting part, though as he grows he won't have to worry about that as much since his father has never had the drawbacks of the quirks he's taken. He's only had this quirk since last night so it is far from fully developed." The thought of the backlash of the AFO quirk came to Toshinori's mind again to think of his own way to help avoid it if he notices it before Hisashi. "Maybe I can get clearance for the villains in Tartarus for the death row inmates or the ones without a doubt never getting out to have their quirks taken. If he takes them from villains that have done nothing but harm others, AFO might be able to be turned into the greatest shield for good."

At the League hideout

"So you're Himiko Toga." Hisashi looked down at a blond girl with a matching yellow pair of eyes that were similar to that of a cat's. The child seemed very scared as if she was one spook away from wetting herself. "Tell me, why did you come to Giren?"

"H-he found me.... I-I don't have a home anymore."

"And why is that?"

Toga began to cry a bit before answering. "M-mommy and daddy t-threw me out."

"Why would they do that, child?" Hisashi knelt on his knee to look at Toga closer to eye level.

"*hic* They said my q-quirk was bad and k-kicked me out.... I can't even call somewhere home anymore."

Hisashi felt bad for the girl to place a hand on her head. He used his quirk to determine what her quirk was, understanding this was without a doubt quirk discrimination at it's finest. "Tell me little one. Do you wish to have a friend?" She nodded for the villain to smile. "Well. I have a son about your age that I think you'd like to meet. I may also be able to find a home for you to grow up with happy parents. Would you like that?"

Toga wiped the tears from her eyes before replying. "Y-yes."

"Then come along little one. I can give you this and much more if you'd desire." Toga reached for Hisashi's hand and began walking out of the door with him. The two began making their way to Inko's home with the small girl keeping close to Hisashi as they walked to avoid onlookers. 'I hope you like your new friend Izuku. She may be a valuable piece to making you my successor and the greatest sword for villainy.'

An hour later at the Midoriya residence

Inko was on her computer looking at veterinary websites and breeders looking for a relatively young kitten to adopt. She had a few she wanted to have Izuku look at and ask if he'd want to have them as a pet since he'd need to see them too. Unfortunately, he was asleep in his bed for the last hour due to his new quirk's drawback as Toshinori put it. "Ooh. Maybe this one. The parents are both animals with quirks that increase lifespan so the chance of this one having a similar quirk is amazingly high."

A knock came to the door for Inko to stand and walk towards it. When she opened the door, she was met by Hisashi holding something behind him. "Inko. Is Izuku inside?"

"Yes, but he's asleep. Apparently he overused his quirk and became very lethargic from what Toshi said."

"This is why I said he had no idea how to handle my quirk. That isn't the drawback from the mending quirk he took, that's the drawback from using All for One for long periods of time. He was using All for One to activate the mending quirk, think of it as a chef and a knife, the knife is the quirk that he had taken and the chef is All for One. it is merely an extension of the base quirk and that is what made him tired." Hisashi explains before a pair of eyes look out from behind him to Inko.

"Hisashi. Why do you have a kid with you?" Toga immediately darted back behind the villain for him to smile. "Did you kidnap a kid?"

"Inko. I'm hurt you would even-"

"DID YOU KIDNAP A KID!?" The sound echoed in the building for Hisashi to try and fix the misunderstanding.

"No. She was abandoned and was picked up by Giren, she's been homeless for some time now. I may be evil but it takes a special type of cruelty to do such a thing to a child. How do you think I came across Young Tomura, he was orphaned and I took him in. You and I both know how much I despise people who would abandon and abuse their own children." Inko relents after hearing him say this before beckoning the young girl to come closer to her.

"So what's your name sweetheart?"

"I-I'm H-Himiko Toga."

"That's a very pretty name, Himiko. Would you like to come in? I made tea and I have a few snacks if you'd like." Toga nodded slowly as they walked into the house. When inside, Hisashi explained why he brought her to Inko as well as what he's learned about her quirk.

"So since I don't have a specific home in mind and she most likely desperately needs a mother figure, I was figuring you'd like to take her in. You did always say how you wanted a little girl of your own."

Inko thought about this before seeing Izuku wake up and walk out of his room. "Izuku sweetie. I have someone that I want you to meet." The mother gained her son's attention for him to walk over and see both his father and Toga sitting down across from Inko. "Izuku. This is Himiko. She's going to be staying here for a little while. I want you to be polite to her."

Izuku smiled at Toga and gave his hand for her to shake it. "Hi. My name is Izuku. It's nice to meet you, Himiko." Izuku smiled for Toga to stare at him a moment before blushing a bit.

"I-it's nice to m-meet you t-too Izuku." She gave her hand for them to shake before being pulled into his room to show her some toys he had for them to play with.

"Well that worked out better than I hoped. Maybe Himiko and Izuku could become a couple for her to really be your daughter." Hisashi laughed with Inko not feeling the desire to.

"You're hooking up two four year olds who as far as I can tell, can only tell marriage is either food or something people that like each other do and have zero knowledge of what it actually means."

"Just wait till they do find out and start learning about puberty."

"Eww. Why do you have to say that about your own son?" Inko felt a little disgusted with this conversation to switch it up a bit. "I have a spare room here, but I can only accept Himiko. No other kids, ok? Also, you owe a lot of alimony money according to what the divorce court said"

"Fair enough and..." He says before sticking his hand in a portal and pulling out a large wad of cash. "This should be more than enough for the previous years I have been absent."

"....It's not stolen money from a bank, right?"

Hisashi rolled his eyes before answering. "No. I do have accounts that I use to financially support myself. This is from one of them. Not 'clean' money per say, but it's certainly not stolen."

"That's all I needed to hear. This should be enough to help get Himiko situated with some of the necessities. Maybe I can also get some cute dresses for her. Something tells me she'll want to feel a little more confident in herself."

"And that is why I asked you first." Hisashi got up and began walking to a door while activating a quirk. "Well, I must go." The door opened to a blaming inferno with the man smiling. "I have a deal to make with a devil." He went through and shut the door to leave small cinders where the portal was.
"That man has no regard for carpeting." Toshinori grimaces seeing the scorch marks on the carpet.

"I should not be impressed about the way he left." Inko walked into the other room to see Izuku passed out again with Himiko hugging his head and pulling it into her chest. Toshinori looked in to see the cute image as well to take a few pictures.

They shut the door for Toshinori to ask about the situation. "So we're taking care of the girl now?"

"Yep. Also, you're coming with us to go shopping in a little bit. We need to get the guest room set up for Himiko and we need a lot of stuff for her." Inko walked into the living room to begin counting the money Hisashi gave her to see what she had and setting certain amounts aside for necessities that she can gauge from what she's seen in the stores.

'I really hope that isn't dirty money from robberies she's counting. Wait a minute, why did she even want the money anyways?'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku's life going forward will turn out with Himiko being part of his life as family. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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