Fatherly Advice

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With a week left before Midterm exams, the students have taken to using 'Dead week' as it's called to brush up on their studies and prepare themselves for the written exams to come. Izuku on the other hand was more than prepared for it and the physical portion of the heroics course exam would be a breeze for him. However today was going to be a different case, today Aizawa had taken him, Shoko and Bakugou out to the training field Epsilon in order to conduct an exercise that he wanted to test out. Given that he's heard the tale of Izuku removing his own limbs and regrowing them through regeneration, Aizawa has taken it upon himself to test the son of All for One's regenerative capabilities. In the days leading up to this, he had the support course synthesize a weapon that can shut off quirks temporarily allowing to combat multi-quirked individuals and who would be a better guinea pig than the resident quirk vault himself. So that's where we find them today, Izuku standing out in the middle of the massive construction site of Epsilon and Shoko and Bakugou waiting for their turn to enter the facility.

"Today's instructions are simple. Seeing as you three are the strongest of the class I'm having you two fight Midoriya. The goal is simple, cause as much bodily harm as possible and test his regenerative abilities. He has already signed the waiver so we're good to go. Bakugou, seeing as you're the one who has the biggest grudge against him, you can go first." Aizawa explains handing Bakugou the sword that the support course had made, creating it from a synthetic quirk of Aizawa's own cancelation created by Izuku himself. "You can't kill him, but I want to see the extent of how quickly he can heal from injuries, fatal or not."

Bakugou stared blankly at his teacher waiting for him to say this was a joke before smiling and holding the hilt of the blade he was given. "You don't have to ask twice. FINALLY, I CAN BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE LOSER!"

"So what, you can have a one win and an over nine thousand loss tallie?" Shoko pointed out with Bakugou glaring at her.


"I don't need you to. I've got Izuku and proof he's good enough to satisfy me growing in my belly." Shoko gave a confident smirk to the ash blond with him now enraged even more.

"Enough, both of you. This is for us to get a better understanding of Midoriya's limits so we aren't completely in the dark. Let's get this over with, at this rate with you two arguing the brat that Todoroki is carrying is going to have a full fucking beard."

Shoko stood to the side with a confident look on her face as Bakugou got ready for his fight against Izuku. With a sly grin on his face, Bakugou snatches the sword from Aizawa and takes off using his free hand to propel himself around with explosions. "Oh don't think I'm going to make this easy for you Kacchan. This is still a fight." Izuku responds, stabbing his hand into the ground and making a combined mass of tendrils. Under Bakugou's flight path, a massive spire of tendrils shoots out of the ground and snatches him from the air like an octopus grabbing an unlucky fish. However before Izuku could plant Bakugou in the dirt, he sees the talltail gleam of red eyes from Aizawa deactivating the quirk causing the tendrils to shrivel and die detaching from Izuku's hand. "Oh you're a bitch Shota." Izuku complains saying Aizawa's first name just as Bakugou comes in with a swing but just barely missing Izuku and trimming parts of his hair.

"Bakugou! Keep head shots to a minimum! I don't want to test anything that would instantly kill him since we have no proof he could survive from it."

"And quite frankly, I'm not wanting to try just yet and have no reason to try yet."

"Fine!" Bakugou adjusted his blade to stab it into Izuku's thigh.

"Oh, would you look at that? I've been impaled." He stared at it for a moment before looking at Shoko. "Does it always hurt like a bitch when I impale you?"

"First time, kinda. From the second onward my body got used to it, so it hasn't been a problem."

Izuku stared at Bakugou for a moment before speaking up. "I feel bad for your mother now."

"FUCK YOU!" Bakugou pulled the blade out and blasted Izuku in the face with an explosion before slicing off one of his hands. "NOT SO COCKY NOW, ARE YOU!"

Izuku stared at both his disembodied hand and impaled thigh before having a quirk to repair them with next to no problems. "Oh, would you look at that? I've been disarmed. Too bad too, I liked that hand, I used it to fist your mother."

"YOU ASSHOLE!" Bakugou continued to slash at Izuku with him constantly making wise ass remarks one after the other. "WHY! WON'T! YOU! JUST! DIE!"

"Because. You're. A. Weak. Bitch!" Izuku kept laughing at this as his body kept healing after every slash. To the side though, Shoko could tell Izuku was slowing down with his regeneration a bit for some reason.

'He's slowing down. Maybe having been hit by that blade was an incremental thing and not instant.' She started to bite her nail in worry as both Bakugou and Izuku slowed down and began panting.

"What's wrong Kaachan, *pant* running out of steam?*pant* I thought sword fights were more your speed." Now clearly angry, Bakugou pulled the blade up and slashed down in a diagonal line.

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" The attack went deep as Izuku, Shoko and Aizawa looked in a bit of shock. Even Bakugou was a little surprised when reality struck him on what he did. "What the..." He immediately drops the blade when he sees Izuku's heart beating and starts to shake.

"Well damn, that actually hurt." Izuku pants before collapsing to leaning on his knees. Blood seeping up through his mouth and leaking down his chin. His uniform now totally blood soaked.

"That's eno-"

A loud thundercrack interrupted Aizawa as the clouds suddenly grew dark, around them the air plummets to zero and then falls below it. Ice begins creeping across the blood as it freezes along with the rest of the street and buildings. From the sky a funnel cloud descends and lands behind Izuku but without any wind or any debris. From within the cloud a figure in a black tuxedo with black mist over his head appears and exits it before walking up to Izuku and resting a hand on his shoulder. A pair of crimson red eyes shine through the mist over the figure's head before it speaks in a distorted echoing tone. "Remember son. Dying is gay." When it says this, Izuku's eyes turn black and a wicked grin spreads across his face, the inside of his mouth now as much a void as his eyes. "Yes Father." Izuku answers in a deeper chorus of demonic voices as his body lifts off the ground, his arms outstretched and his palms upward facing towards the sky as if holding something.


"Shit!" Bakugou screams before trying to manage the courage to move. Behind him bolts of red lightning strike both of Izuku's hands illuminating the area in blood red light. Around him reality starts to warp and shift, the buildings changing to warped writing masses of tentacles with thousands of eyes. The streets crumbling and splitting revealing an abyss beneath him. From everyone's perspective, it looked almost as if the world was distorting around them and turning into nothing but an endless void. However, as quickly as it came, all the lights and pressure coming out of the scene stopping immediately with the natural light in the area coming back with Izuku standing calmly in front of everyone.

"By the way, not dead."

"IZUKU!" Shoko ran over and hugged him in concern for what she saw. "Don't you ever do something so scary like that ever again, understand!"

"Yeah, I'll admit I was kinda uneasy with where I was in the level of damage done there for a second." Bakugou stared at Izuku a bit at ease for the white haired boy to smirk at him. "What? Falling for me now?"


"Ah, that. That is a joke my biological father came up with as a second wind, so if anyone ever manages to almost kill me, that happens. That takes away all the limits and seals I subconsciously have placed on myself so I don't accidentally sneeze and obliterate everything in that general direction."

"So you make a joke about it being gay if you die? That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard."

"It's the key to immortality. Just don't die."

"Maybe from your standpoint since you don't have to concern yourself about it cause you already are hungry for sausage."


"Oh please, Dick Tac. We all know you want Kirishima."


"What are you gonna do about it, Millidick?"



"What? Got nothing better to say-"

"BLEEEGHH!" Before Bakugou could finish his sentence, Shoko vomited on his shirt to immediately gross the ash blond out.



"I can arrange that." Izuku smirks while holding his hand in the air a bit in the position to snap his fingers. "But since you triggered my second wind defense quirk, I will be nice and both change your shirt for you and portal us back to the dorms. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold, now would you?" The question confused all as Izuku never was kind to Bakugou. With the snap of his fingers, a portal opened with Bakugou falling in it and going to the dormitory.

In Kirishima's room

"Dang. Friggin midterms are a pain." Since the start of the announcements of the midterm exams, Kirishima had struggled to try and study as hard as he could. He wasn't the worst in the class, but he really wanted to do better than being in the bottom half. Suddenly, a portal opened right above him with him glancing up hearing a shout. "Huh?"

"AH!" Something fell on top of him and broke his chair. Kirishima got up to notice Bakugou in his Katsumi form wearing pants that were sagging on her as well as a tank top that said 'Dick Whore' on it.

"Dude, what are you wearing? Also, why did you come from a portal?"

"Fucking nerd did this. I'LL FUCKING GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!" Bakugou began getting up before feeling a strange draft under her. "Huh?" She glanced down to notice she was Katsumi to shout in irritation. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT AGAIN!?"

"I don't know whether I should tell you to calm down now that you're a girl at the moment..." Kirishima says apprehensively. Turning to him, Bakugou noticed something bulging in Kirishima's pants to glare at him.


"I've been stuck in here all morning trying to study. I'm sorry that a girl falling on me with clothes revealing stuff and fatigue are making me-"


"Not at the moment." Kirishima laughed before getting a punch to the face by Bakugou.

Back with Izuku

"Well, Kirishima should be happy right now. Not exactly sure if he prefers Kaachan as Katsumi or Katsuki, but Kaachan is still Kaachan." Izuku laughed a bit with Aizawa finishing up what he was writing down.

"Midoriya. I wanna apologize for putting you through that. It wasn't my intention to harm you and I hope you don't take it the wrong way."

"Don't worry, Mr. Aizawa. No harm, no fowl." Izuku began laughing at this before getting a punch to the hip by Shoko. "Ok, I'll stop."

"Next time you do something like that, I'm gonna have you turn into Izumi and have Mei make quirk canceling cuffs to let Mina and Himiko take turns on the real you while I use a strap on." The dual hair colored girl walked away a bit irritated with Izuku understanding he's in the dog house a bit for letting this get out of hand.

"Yeah...let's not do something like this again. Caused too many problems."

"Fair enough." Aizawa left the area with Izuku trying to catch up to Shoko to try and make it up to her for the scare.

Meanwhile, with Hisashi

The villain sat quietly in a chair as his mind was connecting to a computer to gather intelligence thanks to a cyberkinesis quirk he took a while back. Before he could finish, a strange and unsettling chill went down his spine. "Why do I feel like Izuku did something that brought out his second wind?" In the past when he and Izuku were testing out the limits to Izuku's powers, they discovered that the boy could increase his power exponentially after getting a second wind. It nearly killed Hisashi from the mass power for them to agree that activating the second wind is dangerous to do and should only activate on a last resort. "Hope nobody that wasn't supposed to died." He quietly went back to work with the feeling slowly going away and a fatherly intuition of his son being in the dog house was present. 

And that finishes this chapter. So the gag here was done by my cowriter since we both agreed Izuku would be funnier if he had this as a second wind. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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