Final Exams

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 A few days had passed since Melissa's arrival and move into the first year dorms with Izuku and the rest of his harem. This morning was not much different than any others with Melissa and Mina walking down the stairs to the common area. Mina had worn a pair of Izuku's boxers as well as a top that shows off her navel while Melissa was wearing a tanktop and a pair of white lingerie. "I gotta admit, you're an animal, Mel. To think you could handle last night as well as you did." The two were talking about their previous encounters with some rather large amount of respect being given to the American inventor.

"Well I did have Izuku double team me with his female double as a first, so it's understandable."

The two began walking into the kitchen with Mina pushing herself behind Melissa. "You know something, I wouldn't mind having another round right now if you'd want~. Maybe we could have some of the guys get jealous of us~" She started pushing her pelvis up to make Melissa feel the pink girl's secondary sex organ between her butt.

Before things could get farther along, a loud spank was heard with Mina jumping ten feet. She turned around to see Izuku in only shorts walking around them to grab a mug of coffee. "Watch it, Mina. If you start trying to cuck me, I'll show you what it really means to be fucked senseless."

"What, like how you load Shoko up with your cum?" Both girls began snickering before Izuku corrected them.

"No. The way I fuck both Nemuri and Yu senseless. Basically, I take a hold of them and begin going to town. I slide my tendrils all around their bodies, reinforce them, slam an entire arm so deep into their-" As he was talking, Izuku opened the door to the fridge to grab the milk and reveal Overhaul's head with some frost on him.

"Ok, I can take being a dismembered head, being thrown into a fridge next to disgusting cheese and having a toddler hit me in the head with a frying pan. BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE, PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON!"

All three stared at the dismembered head with no emotion with Mina getting an idea. "Can I stick my dick in him and force him to suck me off?"

"I'd rather not have him discuss what happens as he's being used as stress relief for Eri. Speaking of sticking it in somewhere, somebody wanna check on Pony in the shower? We had a little 'breeding session' this morning and I left her laying down, looking like she traveled through a sea of my milk."

"I'll do it if you can do the same to me." Momo spoke up, walking into the kitchen with a half asleep Eri. In response to her comment, Izuku pulled a small rubber hammer you give kids and hit her over the head with it.

"Bad Momo. No talking about dirty things with Eri around. You know the rules."

"And you were the one talking about dirty stuff too. Shouldn't you get hit with the horn horn doink stick too?"

Turning to Mina, Melissa started to ask about what was happening. "I know better not to ask, but what the heck is up with Momo and the head in the fridge?" Mina began whispering in her ear what was up with Momo and how she is Izuku's sex slave by choice in a way to put it as well as what led to Overhaul being a head that lives in the fridge. Immediately, her face turned from a smirk to a death glare before turning to the former Yakuza head. "Izuku. I think I may teach Eri how to play football. We have such a nice ball to use in our fridge for spiking."

Immediately, an evil grin came on his face for the AFO user to nod and take Eri from Momo's hands. "Gladly. You mind watching Eri while I make breakfast?"

"I would love to."Eri began opening her eyes to see Melissa and hug her. "Aww. She's so adorable."

The girls walked out of the kitchen with Izuku grabbing some things in the fridge to make food for everyone. "Please tell me that I won't have to be used as a football?" Overhaul pleaded with the young man for a confused look to be on his face.

"Why? You're already a human soccer ball so what makes this different?" He shut the door when he obtained everything and began working. To the side, Izuku noticed Yui walking down holding the sides of the walls. "Need a hand?"

"Only if we can do this again during lunch break."

"Damn you girls from class B are thirsty as hell. At least it makes things fun." Izuku levitated the Size quirk user to the table before getting an idea. 'I really should start looking for a way to get Ibara to loosen up a bit. Maybe I can also find a way to physically make her loosen up after this.' A frying pan was hit over Izuku's head with Himiko behind him with a deadpan look.

"Stop thinking dirty things or else you'll get another hit from the horn horn pan."

Few hours later

After finishing up with breakfast and getting ready, the teenagers of the class A dormitory went their separate ways to their classes. Izuku was currently sitting in his classroom with Eri beside him in her little desk drawing pictures. To break the small chatter among the class, Aizawa began walking in to quiet everyone down. As always, the man looked like he was on the verge of passing out before giving his morning announcements. "Starting next week, the end of term exams are going to start. For those of you in the hero course, you'll have a written and physical exam. Along with this, you'll also be taking a summer training camp in order to prepare you for a provisional license exam."

"Wait...SO WE GET TO GO TO A CAMP!" Mina practically jumped out of her seat when she heard this. "AWESOME! WE GET TO DO NORMAL TEENAGER STUFF!"



"WILL YOU ALL BE QUIET! You're scaring Eri!" Izuku shouted with some irritation as the class saw the small girl a little spooked by their sudden outbursts.

"Sorry Eri." Most of the class states in unison for Aizawa to clear his throat before continuing.

"Anyway. The physical aspect of the finals will be hidden from you until the day of. Meanwhile, the written will be on everything we covered over the term. If you do not pass also, you'll be pulled from the training camp and be forced to take remedial lessons."

"I'm just gonna say this. Everyone better pass." Izuku phrased this with Himiko staring at him. "What? We won't be able to bring Nejire or Camie on this trip, so I'll be unable to enjoy their fine-" Immediately, he was hit over the face with a frying pan with the indent of 'Hentai' on it spelled backwards on his forehead.
"Did you forget Eri's here?"

"No. She's got earmuffs on." Izuku points out as he motions to the small child holding a pair of pink earmuffs that had the decal of a unicorn and a rainbow on it.

"Anyway, study hard and be ready for anything. Problem child. You mind using that quirk on me?"

Izuku got out of his seat and held his hand over his teacher's face. "See you in about eight hours." In a flash of light, Aizawa fell backwards and onto the floor with a notable bubble forming out of his nose.


"Sleep Inducing quirk. It's self explanatory. I showed it to Mr. Aizawa a while back and he regularly comes to me everytime he does night patrols." Izuku smiled at this before going back to his desk with Eri holding up a picture.

"I made a picture of our family."

"You did? Good for you."

'Something tells me he doesn't have to prepare for the physical portion.' Everyone thought this as they've never seen Izuku once have to worry about not being strong enough for anything and laughs things off.

At lunch

"Plllleeeeeaaaasssseeeee!" Mina started begging Izuku on her hands and knees to help her study. "You get arguably the best grades in the class. The least you can do is help me. "

"I will but I'm not going to just use a memory transfer on you, you need to learn this for yourself. I don't use any quirks when in normal class that would help in studying and learning."

"To be honest, have you even once opened a book this term, Mina?" Tsu asked for the words to pierce her like an arrow. "Should've figured that."

"What was your score in the midterm?"

Mina thought for a second before answering Izuku. "...40."

Izuku immediately slammed his head on the table realizing what he got himself into. "Mina. I love you and I feel bad saying this, but you're an idiot....Actually, you know what? Fuck it I need you and Kaminari for this." Izuku says suddenly switching to a new idea he had concocted. "Hey! Pikachu, c'mere a sec would you?"

"Yeah what's up Midoriya?" Kaminari greets walking over to the all for one user. "You able to tutor me as well? I asked Mina to ask you if you could."

"She didn't ask that, but I know a way to fix this." Izuku says a bit sinisterly before snapping his fingers. Kaminari's eyes widen as he's suddenly and violently sucked into a portal that had opened up behind him, quickly followed by Mina. It was so fast Kaminari couldn't even scream before being pulled in.

"Uhhh... why'd you."

"Give it about an hour, they're in one of my time chambers with a version of Aizawa and myself reteaching them the entire course. Everytime they fail a test time resets and they start over from step one."

"That's just cruel."

"It's how I study and its extremely effective. I'd say it'll take them a year or two for their time but for us it's like an hour or so. They don't age in there and there's plenty of food so they'll be fine."

"Sometimes I think you just have an answer for everything." Everyone turned to see Itsuka beside them with her lunch.

"Eh. I've got quite a few. They weren't even the only ones there. Sero and Kirishima are both in there too. Now, anything new with you or the girls of class B?" Itsuka hopped on Izuku's lap while wrapping Izuku's head into her chest to smile.

"Just the exams. I also overheard that we'll be facing robots like in the entrance exams."

"Now that's something worthwhile. At least I know those two won't have a problem with failing the physical aspect. If we're fighting robots maybe I can stretch my legs and go all out for once. I've been wanting to destroy some stuff."

"Careful Izuku, your supervillain is showing." Himiko jives, nudging Izuku in the ribs with her elbow.

"Speaking of 'Destroying stuff', any chance you could reward me for this little secret info~" Itsuka asked, pushing Izuku's head deeper in her chest.

"So you want to do this in a spacial area, or give some unknown onlookers possibly a show?"

"If possible, make sure Monoma hears and finds out how a real man pleasures a woman."

"Kinky. I like it." Izuku got up while holding Itsuka in his arms. "Alright. I'll see you all in about two hours. I've got something I need to do in one of the bathroom stalls. If anyone sees Monoma, tell him he's a little B." The AFO user mentions with holding back what he meant so Eri wouldn't pick up the word.

Once they left, Ibara glanced over from the girls of class B's table with some disgust. "Harlots."

"Girl. You need to get laid." Setsuna points this out with getting a death glare by the Vine quirk user.

"She has a point. You are getting rather irritated more often whenever you see us enjoying ourselves with Izuku. If you ask, I doubt he'll say no." Yui addresses this for Ibara to have enough with hearing this to stand up.

"You all need Jesus." These were her last words before placing the used trays from her lunch in the proper disposing location and walking out. As she did this, the sound of moaning was heard in the empty halls for her to follow it and find out where it was coming from. Once she found the source, the holy girl looked at the room to see it was a men's bathroom. Opening the door slightly, she was brought to the sight of her class rep riding Izuku without any of her clothes on while both Nemuri and Yuu were beside them having Izuku handle them with his tendrils. She shut the door and walked away not wanting to say anything while internally screaming to herself. 'DOES THIS MAN HAVE NO MORALS AT ALL AND IS WILLING TO DO SUCH THINGS TO WOMEN EVEN IN SUCH AN UNSIGHTLY PLACE AS A RESTROOM!?'

And that finishes this chapter. See how the Final Exams play out next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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