First Day Madness

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The time flew by relatively fast for Izuku and the girls. As they hung out, Ochako and Shoko began to talk a bit more freely around one another for Izuku to be happy about this. However, she did have an issue with walking out during the night and noticing the dual hair colored teen completely nude and sweating rather profoundly with Izuku following in his boxers. However, Izuku had to forcibly shut off Shoko's quirk for the time being as due to the polar opposite nature of her quirk something particular happens when she sweats a lot and is very tired. Ice in the shape of perfect water droplets were budding up and falling off her skin, however in her left side drips of liquid fire are emulating the same effect as sweat, so Izuku had to turn her quirk off unless he wanted to lose the security deposit on the apartment. The rest of the girls didn't mind this as much however with Himiko questioning if she could get involved from time to time. The weirder instance however was when the group found out that Ochako was a bit of a sleepwalker. Ordinarily it wouldn't throw them off, but her sleeping attire was what did however. Unlike her kind attitude, she did occasionally sleep without anything on but that was in the privacy of her own room. Izuku had thought it was merely because her old apartment got really hot during the summer which is why she slept nude, he also believed that due to the sudden change of scenery it caused her to sleepwalk. Similar to one of the two authors writing this paragraph, Ochako and Hollow both sleep walk when they're stressed out or in different places aside from their home. When she would wake up however from these walks, the brunette would be extremely embarrassed that this happened to run back to her room and not come out for an hour.

Today though was special for the group. Due to a more recent rule given by the school, they would be living in a dormitory on UA grounds at the beginning of their first day. "Alright. That should be everything." Izuku zipped up his pocket dimension, grabbing the cartoonishly large zipper from a drawer, attaching it to the bottom of the rift then zipping it closed. After he started looking for both Kuro and Shiro. Finding the black cat on the cat carrier, he walked over to Himiko and reached into her chest. "Lip Gloss... eyeshadow... butterfly knife... pepper spray... tomahawk... flaming sword... Gramophone... switchblade... my vinyl record from the boston symphony orchestra... Combine harvester, what the fuck... machine gun, ah. There you are." He pulled Shiro out and brought him towards his brother to place the two in the cat carriers. The two portly pussy cats are too fat to fit in the same carrier with each other.

"You sure they'll be alright till school's over?"

"Don't worry Nejire. Dad-Might said he'll come by around noon to check on them."

"This is kinda nuts that we're moving into a school. I feel like I'm on edge right now." Fuyumi felt nervous as today was her first day as a teacher's assistant to the General Studies course under Midnight.

"It's like so crazy that this is happening. I'm at least uber excited that I'm transferring this year to UA's second year. Totes lame train that I couldn't get in last year."

"These things happen Camie, Nezu lacked a bit of foresight for students who lack non offensive style quirks. The only reason I passed the entrance exam is literally shank'ing every single robot I came across till it died. Izuku is basically powerless without having stolen quirks, he does have his finger tentacle thingies and an ability like Eraser head but those wouldn't be able to be used in all situations. Enough about this crap, we can't change the past let's just head to school. Izuku can do his voodoo mumbo jumbo with the space warping hoohah when we get there to recreate our apartment out of the dorms." Himiko looked at Izuku for him to somewhat get irritated; his spatial warping quirk was called 'Voodoo mumbo jumbo. Ignoring this, he made a warpgate for everyone to head in. When they came out, the sight of UA's gates was shown with a guy wearing glasses that had blue hair getting startled due to the sudden ominous looking portal manifesting in this air.

"Just what do you think you are doing coming out of nowhere like that!? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" The man yells, chopping his right hand in the air robotically repeatedly.

"Making an entrance." Izuku bluntly stated for the girls to stifle a laugh. "And even if you had one, I could've jump started your heart again."


"What is the point then? Don't do that in front of you?"

"I-D-I... You scared me is all."

"Ok then, I am sorry. While I have your attention, do you know where Class 1-A is? I don't have a map, you'd think they'd give us one with our acceptance letter but nope."

This comment surprised the blue haired man. "I guess we are going to the same place. Allow me to introduce myself seeing as we're classmates. I am Tenya Iida from Somei."

"Oh, you're a part of the Iida clan of engine/car themed speed demon heroes. You all have been heroes for 5 generations now. It's nice to meet you. My name is Izuku Midoriya, and these are my girlfriends and two cats."

"Himiko Toga."

"Nejire Hado. I'm a member of Class 3-A."

"Camie Utsushimi. I'll be in 2-B this year."

"Fuyumi Todoroki and this is my sister Shoko. I'm the teacher's assistant for the general studies program."

"Hey." Shoko responds in her typical monotone voice.

"And I'm Ochako Uraraka."

"Hello to you all. Also, I did not know UA allowed pets on campus."

"That's what the website about the dorms says, the guy that just walked inside was holding a rabbit cage." Iida heard this to immediately bow.

"I apologize for not being so informed. I will try harder to keep myself well in the loop so as to not cause any problems with you again."

"Relax mister top knot, you need to not be so prim and proper." Camie bluntly says before unbuttoning Iida's jacket so he doesn't look nearly as much of a stiff.

'Does this guy not have a chill switch?' The group questioned before they went inside and dropped everything off in the dorms. Afterwards, they began looking in the school for the classroom with a single giant door saying '1-A' for them to walk in. As they did, quite a few students were already there including Bakugou. He sneered an ugly sneer upon seeing Izuku turning his lip up in disgust upon seeing the all for one user which he then flips off. "Yeah feelin's mutual there Kacchan, go fuck yourself."

"I guess even the fucking slut got in, what'd you do to get into the hero course? Fuck th-" The ash blond was stopped by a flaming chainsaw being tossed at his desk to impale it.

"I dare you." Himiko put her foot on the desk while revving the chainsaw. "Finish that sentence. Bakugou."

"Welp. You officially pissed off a woman on the first day. Have fun with that." Izuku sat behind Bakugou while pulling a thing of popcorn out waiting for shit to go down.

"You gonna take it back, or are we gonna get messy?" The chainsaw was pulled out of the desk and aimed at Bakugou's pelvis for the guys in the room to move their leg over the other not envying the situation their new classmate was in.

"Do I want to know why one of you has a flaming chainsaw that's pointed at another one's crotch? Don't answer that, he said something stupid, insulting or perverted didn't he?" Everyone nodded. "Alright. Toga. Put the chainsaw where you found it and take a seat. Same with the rest of you." The class obeyed the scrafty looking man with Himiko placing the chainsaw back in her cleavage to surprise everyone that it simply came and went out of nowhere. "To make things basic, my name is Shota Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher. Put these on and meet me outside."Aizawa placed 21 PE uniforms on the desk for everyone to pile out and start changing.

On the field

Once everyone was ready, Aizawa had explained that they were going to do a series of tests. He then tossed a ball to Izuku while holding his phone up. "Throw the ball as far as you can with your quirk. This'll help us understand where you are as to where you were in elementary school." Not seeing an issue, Izuku went to the center of the circle, activating a few quirks to increase his speed and power for throwing. When he was ready, he pivoted his foot and threw it as fast and as far as he could with a massive wind pressure happening to send a small kid with what looked like grapes on his head flying. When it was done, Aizawa held his phone up to show an infinity sign.


"You'll have 8 tests today. Each one will be done for us to assess your strength with your quirks. By the way, those that hold back or get last will be looked at as those without talent and be expelled on the spot."

"....YOU'RE GONNA KICK US OUT!?" Everyone shouted in surprise that wasn't that confident in themselves compared to everyone else. Izuku didn't seem to bother to just point out an obvious fact they're missing.

"Just work hard and don't come in dead last and you'll be fine."

"Problem child's right." Izuku looked at his teacher for him to explain. "I've met your father and he talks about you. By the way, how are the cats you and Toga adopted?"

"Fat, happy and somewhat irritating little shits."

"Good to know they've grown up right." Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose while getting back in line for the tests to begin.

Timeskip to the end of the tests

"Alright. You all should know where you stand by now, so you should all be aware if you should get stronger. Oh and the expulsion thing, I lied." Aizawa said while showing the screen to point out if he wasn't joking, the small boy called Mineta would be expelled. "Syllabuses are on the desks. Make sure to grab them before you leave. Class dismissed." The pro walked away with Izuku opening a portal into the classroom for him and his girlfriends.

"Awesome! You're like your own personal portal gun!" A girl with pink skin called Mina looked in to see she was directly in the classroom.

'I wonder if her entire body is pink? Come to think of it, would her nipples be a darker or lighter shade of pink?' Izuku thought as he glanced at his pink skinned classmate with curiosity. "Alright. Everyone but you two can use this." Izuku points to Mineta and Bakugou.


"Cause I'm still mad about the whole insulting of Himiko this morning and you....I know what you tried to do this morning while Himiko was dealing with Kaachan. Fucking pervert."

'Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.' Shoko, Ochako and Himiko thought they entered in. Once they had their things and given a portal to the changing room, a new one opened for them to head directly to the dorms to see Shiro trying to knock a vase off the center table before it was grabbed by Izuku to be put to the center.

"That is the only way to travel!" Mina was somewhat excited with this for a redhead named Kirishima to agree.

"Welp. Why don't we unpack before Shiro knocks something else over and Kuro gets too comfy on Shoko's pillow."

Everyone looked over to see a black cat sleep on a red and white checkered pillow before it looked up to meow at them. As they did, Izuku had a note on his stuff from Dad-Might.

"Was able to get some strings pulled to put you on the second floor of the girls dormitory with your other girlfriends in the dorm as well.

Have fun, Dad-Might

He placed the note in his pocket before heading to the room and seeing nothing in it at the moment. He shut the door for a moment before having what looked like a cube come out of nowhere. He activated his quirk before returning to everyone in the common space.

"So how does his spacetial quirk work?" Ochako asked.

"To put it simply, he messes with the dimensions from outside the area. The flaw is the area needs to be enclosed and it needs to be a cubic area. He can't make a circle room larger. Think of it like a bag of holding from our D&D games. It's a lot bigger on the inside than the outside."

"Uhh... you lost me." A blonde lightning quirked man says, being visibly confused.

"Think of it like this, say this is what he's using his quirk on." Himiko holds up a milk carton before opening the top. "Now imagine it looks the same but the inside of this carton has as much room as that table there. That's basically how his quirk works."

"No matter how you explain it, I don't think he's gonna get it. He didn't even understand that we're now using two languages in mathematics instead of just one." a girl with earphone jacks connected to her ears says pointing to the man from earlier who has literal smoke ebbing from his ears.

"I think a visual representation would work better." Izuku says motioning for the others to look at him. "This is a simple lunch bag, just made out of brown paper now. It may look normal but since I've used one of my quirks on it I can put a lot more than it looks like it can hold inside it." He then continues his explanation by putting his hand inside the bag all the way up to his shoulder. After rooting about for a couple moments, he retracts his hand from the inside of the bag before pulling out a large cooler from said bag, being careful not to rip the bag in the process as he seemingly pulls a 2 by 2 by 2ft cooler. He sets it down on the ground before then opening the cooler and pulling out a large table with an entire Las Vegas style buffet on it.

"You just used this as an excuse to eat, didn't you?" Himiko laughs seeing Izuku start piling a mountain of food on a simple ceramic white plate.

"Well there's some for them too if they're quick. I'm just hungry and not in the drawback way." He says before taking a seat on the couch getting Kuro to jump up on his lap. The cat immediately starts to try to steal a piece of shrimp Izuku had, to which the AFO user just gave the bacon wrapped jumbo shrimp to the cat.

"What do you mean by that? I've heard you mention quirks several times, as in plural and I've seen you use 2 completely unrelated quirks. Just what is your quirk?" A tall busty black haired woman asks distracting Izuku from his food.

"Nerd's a fuckin theif is what. He can take people's quirks and he's taken mine before." Bakugou interrupts walking into the dormitory before Izuku could answer.

"Did I ask you? No? Then shut up." She quickly puts Bakugou in his place but before he could lash out at her, Izuku snapped his fingers and sucked Bakugou into a rift that he had.

"Well, if I can talk without any Rude Interruptions." He emphasises, "Technically he is correct. My quirk is named All for One, It allows me to confiscate the quirks of thugs, criminals and basically anyone I see fit. I only ever take them from people who do not deserve to use quirks however due to mine being so powerful it has one main drawback. It's own gluttony, basically if I go more than 2 weeks without taking a quirk, 6 if it is very strong, my body will start to undergo the same symptoms of severe starvation. I usually limit myself to taking 1 quirk a week as to not go into an insane quirk-lusted cleptomania spree. Eventually the quirk will take over my body and pilot me to an unfortunate soul or souls the quirk itself deems fit to take their quirk from. It's sentient, slightly more acting as a predator or... starved vampire as it derives sustenance from the quirks of others." He explains showing off a couple of flashier quirks in his arsenal.

"So... if your quirk developed when you turned four."

"It was a couple weeks after my 4th birthday."

"Ok, well... that means you have anywhere between 224 to 650 quirks to your name if you only took one at a time once a month or once a week."

"Yep, I just broke the 750 mark the other day when some wanna be gangsters thought it'd be a great idea to try to mug me while I was on a date with Himiko. From one of those morons, I took a quirk that lets me make anyone forget my face. Very good if I was a villain and even better as a hero if I was to go undercover." The dark haired woman stood there amazed while being in self thought.

'What an amazing quirk. If something like that were to mix with my Creation, would that make our child's quirk be one to create quirks? Stay calm Momo. Just keep calm and don't get intimidated, think of him in his underwear.' Her thoughts stopped when she mentally pulled his clothes off to see large amounts of muscle in her mind. 'OH NO HE'S HOT!'

"Hello? Earth to busty classmate."

"S-sorry. I was thinking. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu by the way."

"Izuku Midoriya. A pleasure." The two smiled before Himiko grabbed Kuro and a bag.

"Let's get moving Izuku. You can make her your next woman later."

Izuku turned to Momo and smiled. "Sorry. I gotta go get our room set up." He walked away with Momo still somewhat happy with her encounter. As the group went upstairs, Shoko decided to speak with Ochako.

"So. You ready for tomorrow night?" The brunette nodded while grabbing one of her boxes. The two joined Izuku up at their room to begin the decorating into something presentable.     

And that finishes this stroy. See what happens next time with Izuku and the girls. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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