Hero vs Villains

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 The monday following the students return from the internships was going surprisingly quickly, especially for a monday class. It also helped that Aizawa had been asleep through 2 out of their 7 classes meaning they merely just chatted and watched a movie the entire time. Now at the final class of the day, the students of the first year's class A hero course funnel into the Heroics 101 classroom waiting for All Might to arrive. In typical Izuku fashion, the white haired man appears out of a smokey red portal holding his toddler daughter on his shoulders. At his feet, Kuro walks into the classroom like he owns the place. Before sitting in his own desk, Izuku snaps his fingers creating a smaller desk for Eri to sit at as well as a coloring book and a 256 pack of crayons for her to use. Kuro makes it a point to try and steal her seat first before she can sit in it but he's picked up by Izuku and draped across his shoulders.

"Sup." Izuku greets, leaning his neck back to rub his head on the fat cat on his shoulders.

"You've taken to fatherhood very quickly, Midoriya, I'm impressed." Iida comments watching as Eri looks up at Izuku for a moment, just as she goes to say something, a juice box with the straw already in it manifests out of a portal and sets itself on her desk. She looks at it for a moment before turning it over and seeing an apple on the other side. She quickly grabs the small juice box and brings it up to her mouth before starting to drink the contents. "How did-"

"Iida. Izuku can read minds, emotions, feelings, dreams, premonitions, body language and even twitches and tones in people's voices. He more than likely is speaking to Eri through her mind so she doesn't have to be nervous around other people. She's very quiet even around some of us and she completely shuts down around new people. So he's taken to talking with her telepathically when a lot of people are around so she can be more comfortable around us." Himiko responds by answering Iida's question before he asks it.

"Big deal. He's still an-" Bakugou stops when he feels a handful of death glares from the girls and some guys in the group who were very fond of Eri and wanted her to grow up without corruption of Bakugou. "A. hole." The bloodlust stopped with someone throwing a hardcover textbook at him. "OW! WHO DID THAT!?" Near the front, Toru sat whistling to herself as if she didn't do anything while missing one of her textbooks before a portal opened to drop it back on her desk.

"I AM HERE!" Before anymore small talk could be said, All Might came through the door in his normal pose to excite everyone.

"Look daddy. It's grandpa Might!" Eri seemed to enjoy seeing her grandfather to speak out before noticing Kuro hop off Izuku's shoulders and lay on her lap. "Aww. Lazy kitty is a happy kitty."

"It's been a while since we've all seen one another. Now, I think it's time we begin. Young Eri, would you be so kind as to follow me to the field? It will be easier for your parents to get ready."

Eri stared blankly for a moment before looking up at Izuku, her father merely nodding before another version of himself appears to walk out of the wall near him before offering a hand to Eri to pick her up. The young girl raises both her arms to be held and she levitates from her chair into the duplicate's arms before the two vanish back to where the clone had come from.

"I tend to forget just how convenient his abilities are... Now go and get ready for today's activity. I will meet you all at Gamma training field."

After getting ready for the training session, the class had found themselves in the open area of training field Gamma with Izuku's clone writing kanji in the air for Eri as she tried to speak out what it meant. Whenever she'd get it right, the image of a cat meowing would appear in front of her to let her know she had it. For her, this was both entertaining and educational to help her grow. "Well Eri's handled there." Tsu pointed out with All Might getting in front of everyone.

"Alright. Now we would originally have you go and have a race, but I think that would be counterproductive with Izuku. As such, I decided to do a little more of something that could make it more fair. As such, all of you will face Midoriya. This time however things are going to be flipped. Midoriya is the hero and the rest of you all are the villains."

"Yeah. Not thinking that's as even as you think."

"That's why you're only using five quirks. These quirks are of your own choosing, but they must be for combat."

"Eh. Seems fair enough." Izuku cracked his knuckles before walking to the edge of the open area while All Might had brought the clone Izuku and Eri somewhere they could avoid any backlash. "Alright. Let's get this over with. Who wants to go first?"

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Bakugou started first with barreling towards Izuku to only be dodged and grabbed to be tossed around like a ragdoll.

"Recipro BURST!" Iida came next to be hit by Bakugou and sent towards a building.


"I am using my quirk. Reaction Time Boost. It allows me to cut the amount of time I can naturally have for reaction speeds down to a thousandth of a millisecond. Pretty cool, right?"

"Maybe, but you're wide open for an attack." Jirou pointed out while sending a sound attack at Izuku for him to throw the ash blond at it and nearly break his eardrums. This forces the sound based quirk user to stop before having Izuku speed behind her and knock her out.

"Too bad I was also using a strength quirk and speed one. It's gonna take a lot more than that to beat me."

"Indiscriminate shot, 1.3 million volts!" Kaminari sent a massive electrical current towards Izuku with him also seeing Iida attempt to kick him.

"Yeah. This was idiotic on your part Kaminari." The AFO user grabbed Iida to toss him in the direction of the attack to make him the main conductor and reveal his skeleton and engines in his calves. "Well what do you know, he does have actual engines in his calves."

Iida fell on the floor looking like a piece of burned chicken while Kaminari stood there with a derpy look on his face from frying his own brain. "TAKE THIS!" Kirishima came charging at Izuku with him standing calmly where he was.

"...My turn." Out of nowhere, Kirishima stopped with Bakugou now fit to be tied.


"It's his turn." Everyone stopped a moment hearing this to actually acknowledge this was happening.


"Huh....Didn't know you were that stupid Bakugou." The redhead's response made Bakugou shout in anger before Izuku punched Kirishima into Bakugou and had them fly a distance.

"Anyone else wanna fight?" The group looked at Izuku a bit uneasy before Sato began shouting in fear and attacked.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" He charged with Izuku grabbing his fists and tossing him over his shoulder.

"Sorry, Sato. Nothing personal."

"It's ok." The Sugar based quirk user commented while on his back over a broken wall.

"I've got you this time-" Sero tried to jump Izuku with the AFO user blocking and countering with a kick to the groin.

"Ouch. That's gonna leave a sting later." Toru pointed out as Mina held her crotch in pain from what she saw.

"I'm just gonna point out to you all, that is not a pleasant feeling at all. Had some jerk guy kick me between the legs growing up. Never again do I wanna feel that." A shiver went up their spine as Shoko looked around curiously.

"Has anyone seen Himiko?

"Eh. She'll turn up eventually. She normally does." Ochako didn't seem as worried before they saw Izuku German Suplex Bakugou who came at him again. "Just how badly does Bakugou think he'll win?"

"My guess is bad. He doesn't seem like the type to learn his lesson from what I know of him." Tsu pointed this out before seeing somebody sneak towards Izuku. 'I doubt this will end well. No matter who is sneaking up on him.'

As Izuku began using Ojiro as a chain to take down Aoyama and Shoji, a certain blond went behind him to stab Izuku's side and drain out some of his blood through a needle. Once done, Izuku felt the prick of the needle coming out to look behind him. "I GOT IT!" Himiko shouted while running away from Izuku holding a vial of blood. "Now it's time to kick ass with Mr. Man of Many Quirks power!" She drank the blood and concentrated on Izuku's quirks to have lightning and debris come around her. "Unlimited.....POWAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

There was a stop for a second with everyone looking towards Himiko. Those genuinely concerned she might be hurt among the 19 students went over to see she was unconscious. "Hey, Izuku....I think Himiko passed out." Mina mentioned for Izuku to drop his guard and immediately go over.

"She must've gone over her body's natural limit with my quirk. Hey dad, I'm sending a clone of mine with Himiko to my pocket dimension just to make sure she's ok!" Izuku shouted to his father with him, another clone, Kuro and Eri sitting on the top of a building.

"That's fine by me, my boy. Just make sure she sees Recovery Girl if it's something serious."

"Ok." Izuku immediately made a clone and had a portal open with Sero and Bakugou seeing this to fight it.


"I'm using it to help someone who's actually hurt. Not for this training session, dumbasses." The clone states while flipping the two the bird as Himiko's lugged on his shoulder while falling back into the portal.

"Now, who's ready to get an ass whooping?" Izuku held a sadistic smile as everyone was worried about what he was planning now. With a flash of red in his eyes he charges them before vanishing into thin air.

Five minutes later

Izuku happily ate a cheeseburger while sitting on the unconscious male members of his class all stacked nicely in a pile for him to sit on. The girls of 1-A were tied together around a phone pole with bindings created from Izuku's All for One quirk. "The hero wins...I guess." All Might explained as Izuku calmly tried to see what was happening with Himiko and his clone.

"Of course she'd take this time to do my clone. Now, should I punish her tonight or make her understand that a copy doesn't compare to the original right now? Decisions. Decisions."

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Bakugou shouted after waking up as his back was what Izuku was sitting directly on.

"You know. I've always wondered if you'd be nicer if you got laid.....Wanna find out as Katsumi?" A dark aura came over Izuku before a call got him off of the ash blond. "Hello....Yes....Well maybe I'll stop by and give you some fun later~."


Izuku stopped answering to say who it was. "Your thick mom looking for my thick dick in her." Izuku laughed a bit as Bakugou could barely move from the beating he took. "I'm sorry? Nah, just Kaachan being an asshole. Not something I can't handle. Alright. I'll see ya this weekend then. Ok. Babye." Izuku hung his phone up before looking up to the clone of himself and Eri. He snapped his fingers for a portal to open and drop Eri and Kuro in his arms. "So what did you think of daddy's and your mommies' training?"

"It looked really cool. But why didn't you fight any of my mommies like the people in the pile over there?"

"Because Eri. I don't like hurting your mommies and I'd rather love them not hurt them. Just like how I love you." Izuku smiled with Eri staring blankly at her father.

"You sound...kinda silly."

Izuku laughed a little at the answer. "What makes it so silly?"

Eri shrugs her shoulders as an answer. "I'm just saying it as I see it. I think that's what mommy Camie says."

"*snort* Calling it as you see it sweetie. Anyway, who wants some snacks?" The girls raised their hands with a good amount of the guys still hurt and in a pile doing the same. As this occurred, the clone of Izuku came back from the pocket dimension with Himiko on his back looking satisfied. "You dirty girl."

"Says the man that sleeps with a dozen women and isn't afraid to grope them out in the open."

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about." Izuku feigned ignorance as all the girls looked at him with a deadpan stare. Even Eri looked at him knowing that this was a lie. "Ok, maybe I do get a little more feely with you girls than I should, but in my defense, none of you argue and make it seem like a big deal. I also don't do it in front of Eri to the levels of when I used to when we were in public."

"You still do it plenty." Mina argues before feeling something touch her butt. "And making your tendril invisible so Eri doesn't see it doesn't help."

"Ok. Ok. I'll back off a little if it's that big of an issue to you all."

The girls laughed a bit before Himiko stood on her own and walked to Izuku to kiss his cheek. "You're so cute when you try and make promises we know you won't keep."

"And what makes you think I won't keep my promise?"

Everyone stopped for a second to answer. "....It's you."

Izuku was about to argue this comment, but stopped for a minute seeing what they meant. "Yeah, I'll give you that."

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku's life continues next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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