Infiltration and Inhalation

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The holographic display of Izuku dressed in a fine black suit appears in front of Principal Nezu, Sir Nighteye, Eraserhead and All Might. The four pro heroes turn to face the son of All for One as he reports back what he has discovered due to his connections.

"Thanks to my connection within the league of villains I have discovered that most of what we were aware of is true. They are synthesizing quirk erasing drugs however the child Eri has a larger role than we were aware." He begins, his voice slightly distorted due to the distance between UA and the inner world of Izuku's pocket dimension.

"How so? What do they want with her? Ransom money, is she a hostage?" Nezu asks not having bared witness to the thumb drive that Izuku had warped to Nighteye.

"Worse. She's their source. Her quirk as far as I'm aware is the key to the synthesis of these drugs. The datadrive that I had sent to Nighteye entails what I have learned from the league contact. She's the one being experimented on and the experiments are leading to the creation of the deleter drugs." Each of the four heroes feel their stomach sink from this information. "However I have a way in."

"What would that be, Young Midoriya?" All Might asks, pressing his fingers together in thought.

"All for One was supposed to meet with Kendo Rappa, a member of the shie Hassaikai to be escorted to a meeting with the leader Overhaul. However thanks to some persuading I have managed to procure a disguise and the respirator that he uses to conceal his face. From there they'll bring me right to him and after that just wait till the destruction is done and bring a copious amount of body bags." Izuku responds by flaring his powers slightly. "As for the child. I have a name, description and age. She is priority number one and her rescue will be the first thing I do before laying waste to the facility. More than likely she will require extensive psychiatric care. A two year old girl named Eri, an innocent child in the teeth of lions."

"When are you able to conduct the raid? You are aware that you will have no reinforcements." Aizawa asks changing subject, however Nezu and Nighteye both notice that he had been clenching his fists so tightly that his palms were now bleeding.

"I've been given the time for the rendezvous with the Yakuza and it is in 5 days. Until then I'll keep digging and find anything else I can on them before the raid and circulate it back to you." Izuku responds, giving a bow to his superiors.

"We'll take a look at the evidence you've provided us. Off the record however." Aizawa says, pulling the camera to show his disheveled undead face. "Send that bastard to hell. In as many pieces as possible."

"I have my own punishment in mind for the likes of Chisaki Kai. There will be no shortage of suffering for him. This is Tokui-ten signing out." Izuku declares before cutting the feed on his end. "Oh I'm going to enjoy this." Izuku began opening his pocket dimension back to the school before grabbing a few bags of popcorn he popped a while back that was still piping hot. 'Hmm...Should I tell the girls they're getting a daughter yet or should I keep it a surprise?' Remembering the fact he had to keep this a secret, Izuku shrugged it off. 'Surprises are better.'

Day of the Meeting

Izuku walked through the underground facility with a hulking man by the name of Kendo Rappa as he called himself. Earlier in the meet up, the man decided to ask Izuku for a fighting match while explaining he was an underground deathmatch fighter before with only giving respect to those that are strong. Needless to say, he was completely blown away before being reformed to have him understand 'AFO' was truly a man worth respect. Getting to the entrance to a room, Rappa opened the door for Izuku to notice a man wearing a plague mask that fit Overhaul's description as well as two others that looked like his assistant Chrono and financial advisor Mimic.

"Welcome All For One. It's an honor to finally meet you in person."

"Thank you." Izuku floated towards the sofa where he sat in a way to simmitate his father to avoid any misconceptions of how he acted.

"To be completely honest, I figured you'd not agree to my invite. But today, I have something quite special to offer you."

"And what may that be, pray tell?"

Overhaul went into his pocket to pull out a small dart that seemed to have something in the denser part of it. "First off, you are aware of the drugs that are defusing pro's quirks on the streets recently, right?"

"I am. It's quite interesting if you ask me. An ability to deplete a quirk and make it unusable is unheard of in the long effect you've presented."

"Good to know you already know of the product. That saves time explaining. Now, what if I had told you that there is a chance that we could permanently erase a quirk?" This peeked Izuku's interest as he listened more. "During our research and development, we discovered a way to push people back to the time when guns were effective in handling others."

"I see. So you plan to use this drug on particularly bothersome pro heroes. All Might and Endeavor are your prime targets I presume?"

"Actually, we planned to administer this to several smaller brand heroes first. This will cause unease in the hero world knowing there is a drug out on the streets that can permanently erase quirks. Giving the defective product that we've given on the streets out first, we'll gain potential buyers seeing the effects of the lower quality product first hand. When the finished product hits the market, we'll be able to get a good killing. Once enough pros fall victim to it though, we will give an antidote at a higher price to the heroes in a way to make a demand remain on both sides. We supply our merchants who have buyers of the depleater rounds to use on heroes while simultaneously supplying others with hero buyers trying to reverse the effect. The end result will be us on top managing the inflow of both with the Yakuza back on top where we originally would be."

Wanting to flat out slug the guy, Izuku remained calm and continued his conversation. "Interesting. So why would you wish for me to assist in this? You seem to have every angle managed as far as I can see."

"Perhaps to some degree. However, we're missing financial assistance to get off the ground. We did complete six rounds of the depleater and six rounds of the antidote the other day." Overhaul passed a small container across the table for Izuku to stop and open. "As a showing of good will, I'm willing to offer you three of the rounds of both in order to show you what you're endorsing. Mimic."

"Gotcha, boss." The small creature called Mimic jumped off the arm rest he was on and brought in three different mutation type quirk users.

"The three here are the typical vermin of this world, using their quirks to slaughter and rape, we collected them to test out the drug on. Their lives have no worth. From our records, they're also people you have quite a bit of history with that would warrant them dead. Using the deleter rounds on them would be a perfect way to give a demonstration on what you have as an offer. Now, would you care to see what they can do in action?" Overhaul passed a gun over to Izuku with him loading the deleter rounds in. He aimed at the first one and fired the first roud to notice it working as Overhaul stated. Horns, skin pigments, additional features that made them animalistic, they all began shrinking and reverting to what they would be if the being was a normal man. Going up to the villain, Izuku tried to steal their quirks to realize there was nothing left inside him. "I assure you that the drug targets the quirk factor enzyme in the brain itself and reverts it back to what it naturally would be without a quirk. As such, you are left with one without any form of quirk or ability and turning the clock back decades before quirks showed up." Wanting a second opinion, Izuku aims at the second man for a secret barrel to appear and aims right at his chest as he shoots. "Sorry about this All For One, but with you out of the way the Yakuza can reclaim their rightful place as kings of the underworld again."

Seeing this coming, Izuku used a telepathic quirk to stop the bullet right before it would've punctured his clothes to smile under his face covering. "Did you honestly think that was going to work? One does not live for hundreds of years without learning to expect when betrayal may occur." Before he could react, Izuku sent the bullet towards Chrono for him to succumb to his drug's effects.

"NO! YOU BASTARD!" Overhaul and Mimic immediately came at Izuku only to stop dead in their tracks as they felt an unknown force tighten around their necks. The three Yakuza bosses begin to be levitated by their throats grasping at the invisible force of air. Izuku clenches his hand, snapping the necks of the other two causing them to fall lifeless all the while glaring at overhaul and not breaking eye contact. He yanked both his and Mimic's quirk out of them before using Overhaul on both Chrono and Mimic to turn them into paint splatters.

"Rappa *gah*! Any time would be good to step in!" Izuku glanced at Rappa who came at him with fists blazing for Izuku to block all of them and hold the man up with his mind.

"To be honest, I have no exact quarrel with one like you. You only fought those that were also willing to fight to the death Kendo Rappa. Killing you for their deaths would be somewhat hypocritical since neither wanted to die and were willing to kill for it. However, you are still on my target list for taking down. The only person though here that does have to die is Overhaul, so I could spare your life." Immobilizing the punching powerhouse of Rappa, he's hoisted in a similar way into the air like Chrono and Mimic were before being levitated towards Izuku. Placing his hand on the villain's head, he searches through the memories to understand that Rappa had fought those only who were willing to fight him to the death with his first actual kill being that of a man who was willing to kill him. Up until that point as far as Izuku could tell, he wasn't exactly evil. He did kill, but not without the other being willing to do the same. "I'm sorry that you must go to jail, but understand that that is my way of being gracious to someone like you." Activating AFO, Izuku yanked Rappa's quirk out of him to forcibly make the man fall into a comatose like state before being put down calmly.

"P-prison? Gah. Y-you're... you're not All for o-oneee." Overhaul says through the increasingly tightening hold around his neck.

"Well, you're half right." Izuku pulled the helmet off of him to reveal his face with Overhaul's own twisting in fury.

"I LOST TO A KID!?" He shouts with almost the last of his breath.

"No, You lost to that which you wished to prevent. I am The Singularity." Izuku chuckles, watching the fear in Overhaul's face warp his expression. "I have no intention of letting you off with even a painful death. No. You're going to suffer for as long as I see fit. Always on the precipice of death but never allowed it's sweet release. Not even my father, the real All for One would do what you did to Eri and that's saying something since he's an omnicidal maniac. No, I'm going to make the deepest depths of the 9 hells look like a pleasant dream." Izuku placed a finger near Overhaul's neck and slowly slid it from one side to the other for one of his dimensional portals to rip open severing the villain's head from his neck. The body was instantaneously pulled into the portal as soon as it had finished opening, the moment that Overhaul's head was relieved from his shoulders. "Now. I think I should go and handle the rest of the Precepts and find that sweet little girl you turned into a human guinea pig."

10 minutes later

After handling the Yakuza and the remaining members of Overhaul's top men, Izuku found himself in front of a feted cell that seemed to be locked from the outside. With a simple wave of the hand the door was forcibly slid open snapping the multiple locks like twigs from the force of the quirk used. Within, huddled in the darkness was the slight outline of the young girl's bandaged form. A dinghy burlap set of rags clothed her small emaciated body as she cowered in fear, holding her knees to her chest. Floating into the room with his hands behind him, Izuku set himself down on the damp and slick stone floor of the containment cell the child was imprisoned in and crouched down to her form. She shuddered away from his reach further into the darkness, shaking in fear. Extending a gentle hand to her and speaking in a calm tone to raise her attention and to relieve her fear.

"You've been through a lot, young one, but your tormentors are no more. Now it is time to leave this dreadful place. I am here to rescue you my dear." He says coaxing the small frightened child to come to him. "Overhaul and the others are gone. You're safe now. No more bad men." Without making any sudden movements to scare the girl, Izuku watches as she extends a small scarred hand from the darkness, timidly pressing her finger to his open palm. "My name is Izuku, and it's time to go home. Eri." Wrapping his fingers around her small hand he escorts her from within the damp and dreary cell, opening a bright soothing and soft white warp gate as he exits the room with her hand in his.

The two are soon met with several police surrounding the building of the Yakuza headquarters with officers going in and taking out either villains that were unconscious, or bodybags of what was left of some. "Officer, This is priority number one. Eri. She was under their custody and you'll find what's left of the main threats soaking into the floor. Here is the information you need to verify my rank as a black ops infiltration and assassination hero. If you'll excuse me, I now have a child to raise." Izuku declares pulling one of the sheriffs on the scene to him with a telepathy quirk and handing him a manilla folder detailing the information of the mission and his involvement. As the officer looks up from the folder Izuku is gone, having vanished into thin air.

"For as long as I live. I will ensure that you will always be safe, Eri Midoriya." Izuku declares picking up the small child and being pulled into an embrace by her. Her soft voice answered in one phrase.

"T-thank you."


As the cleanup finished up, Nejire looked at the room that was the final resting place of the head of the Hassaikai. "Hard to believe Izuku did all this. All this carnage, if he wasn't a hero and specifically told to kill overhaul this looks like a serial killer could have done this."

"You know the boy that did this?" Nejire turned to her mentor Ryukyu and smiled.

"Yeah. He's that boy I told you about. The one I'm dating."

"Interesting." 'If I remember correctly, Nejire said that this boy's quirk is quite special in more ways than one. Perhaps I can learn of him and find out for myself.' A strange scent was in the air around a certain area for the Dragon hero to smell it and begin to blush. 'What is that smell? It smells...intoxicating.'

"You saw his orders right? Could it have possibly been a hero who did this? Looks like an Oni was let loose in here." One of the police officers says taking pieces of the computer off the desk that was once Overhaul's.

"Yep. Tokui-ten. Eliminate Overhaul with Extreme prejudice. From what we now know involving the child. He probably did this as a form of retribution for her suffering, but there was more than one person present in this room. Possibly several high ranking members of the Yakuza. The room is painted wall to wall in what's left of them. I think we should avoid reading the report of the experiments on the child if this is what he deemed necessary to dispose of them."

"I have a kid myself and I can understand that. However he did it, this was the fury of a patient man." The officer replies before walking off.

"Nejire. Just how powerful is this boy?"

Nejire stopped for a second before answering. "His title around UA is, The Man with A Thousand Quirks. In all honesty, I think he'd be able to rule the world if he really wanted to. Then again, Izuku kinda doesn't care for that. He's mentioned before that it'd be way too much work and would rather just enjoy being a pervert that can apparently reduce supervillains to the contents of a soup can."

Now intrigued, Ryukyu looks at her student with a serious look. "Nejire. Bring Izuku Midoriya to the office one day please. I'd like to learn what drove him to eviscerate these villains."

With Izuku.

"So, what do you wanna eat, Eri? I can make anything and everything. All you need to do is ask." He asks in a gentle voice rubbing his hand through the now pristine white hair of Eri.


"Your wish is my command." Izuku turned to begin pulling an apple out of a pocket dimension before cutting it into small portions for Eri. "There you go. I hope you like rose apples. They're very sweet." Izuku says, turning and showing her the pinkish rose tinted apple slices set out in a small bowl for the young girl.

"I'm afraid to ask but... where's she from?" Himiko asks seeing Izuku pick up the small child and float her around himself like a small moon.

"My 'Internship' was a black ops mission from the WHA Japanese division. The Shie Hissaikai are no more and the ones who were conducting human experiments on her have been turned into carpet smears for their troubles. As for Eri. She's now my daughter. She even looks like me too." He grins, flickering his green eyes to red to match Eri's, his white hair and hers nearly identical to each other.

"....Then she's our daughter too!?" Fuyumi sprang to the thought of this while smiling. "I've always wanted to be a mom to such a cutie!"

Taking this as an initiative, Izuku made a comment to her reaction. "You know, I could've made that happen even without Eri-"

"Not in front of little ears mister." Himiko shouts covering Izuku's mouth with her hand. "Were gonna need to set some ground rules around the dorms with her, Shoko's twins, Miruko's and hopefully soon my kids running around this place. Rule number 1. No foul language or innuendos when she's within earshot." Himiko declares before rummaging in her boobs for a whiteboard so the new rules can be written and posted. 

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when Izuku shows Eri to the girls. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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