President of Class 1-A

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The weekend for Izuku and his girls was rather relaxing and satisfying in a way for all of them. Momo had explained a bit about her past with how she became a bit perverse as a way to experience things outside of being the prodigal daughter her mother and father told her to be getting a little out of hand as she began finding some unusual things to learn about. Unfortunately, Fuyumi spent most of her time making sure everything was ready for the week as a teacher's assistant for General Studies and looked somewhat disheveled from all the work and lesson plans the teacher had foisted on her. Needless to say, she worked up quite a bit of stress to have Izuku happily help her work out. Today started their third day of UA with many being somewhat envious of the AFO user as he emerged from his dorm room with his harem of beautiful women accompanying him.

"...I hope he drops dead of a heart attack." Mineta bluntly points out as Bakugou kicks him like a football out of the way with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"So the nerd has a couple of sluts to fuck. Big deal." He takes a sip from the mug before continuing. "Chances are, he could get them to put a tattoo on their asses saying 'Deku's Bitch' without any argument."

"Jokes on you, Bakugou. Izuku didn't ask me to put his name on my butt and I go next week for it." Fuyumi held a bit of a smirk on her face for everyone to stare at her. "What? Shoko is trying to get your baby, Ochako loves anal, Momo's a pervert, Himiko's a streaker, why am I getting the silent stare for putting something on my butt that only you'll see in full view?"

"...Not getting on that topic and changing the subject. Kaachan, you better hope that you don't call my girlfriends sluts again or else."

"Or else what?" he glared at Izuku while he pulled the mug out of his hands to smile.

"Or else I'll turn you into a woman and throw you in Mina's room with your quirk deactivated."

Mina thought about this for a moment before smiling. "Do it."

"Everyone. There is no reason to speak such profanity in the morning like this! This is a horrible act by students in UA and should be stopped immediately!"

"Whatever." Himiko walked towards the coffee pot and began rummaging through her cleavage to take out a dagger, racket ball, racket to match the ball, sledge hammer, half an empty bag of doritos.

"Hey. That's mine you thief." Camie says before snatching the doritos from Himiko. She merely continues pulling things out of her rack before finally finding her coffee mug.

"Did you talk Midoriya into buying a coffee mug that says "Best Tits on Earth" for you?" Sero arches an eyebrow reading the coffee mug.

"No, I just found this in a gift shop in England when we went there with Izuku's biological father and thought it was funny."

"It's not exactly wrong though." Nejire points out while grabbing one out of her chest that says 'Best BJ's Around'.

"I'll admit I had something to do with that one." Izuku said while sipping Bakugou's coffee and holding him at bay with one foot on his face.. "Ugh... What did you put in this? Why is there so much sugar man? I don't even taste the coffee."


"Alright alright fine. You don't need to yell, I'm not even 1 Foot away from you." Izuku wipes the portion of the mug where he had sipped from before handing it back to Bakugou. "I'm gonna go into my pocket dimension to find some good coffee. I'll meet you all in class." A zipper came out of nowhere for Izuku to pull it down and show a space that looked dark blue inside before walking in and zippering back up the opening from the inside. When he did, the hole became nonexistent for everyone to stare at it, amazed that reality is Izuku's bitch to this degree.

"Is it just me or do the colors of the portals change from time to time when he uses them?" Himiko sipped her coffee while thinking of Jirou's question.

"What was it when you were trapped in his pocket dimension?"


"Purple for me." Shoko adds for Ochako to remember the strange tint of grey when she glanced in one of Izuku's portals into his pocket dimension.

"It was grey when he threw that serial killer into it the night we went on our date."

"I'm not sure what they mean to be honest. They change colors depending on his mood I think."

"Or maybe for what he uses them for." Shoko adds before her stomach began to gurgle and force her to run towards a bathroom. The sound of her vomiting was heard for Fuyumi to go in and make sure her sister was alright.

"I can't take this madness anymore. I'll see you all in class." Shoji pointed out for him to walk away and towards the door to leave. Thinking this was probably the best moment to avoid anymore chaos, Iida followed suit for the girls to continue talking among themselves with Kirishima going over to ask Camie about Izuku a bit.

"So what exactly does your relationship with Midoribro consist of? Not trying to pry or something, but he seems a little like he holds himself back around us."

"Depends. You wanna hear what he's like when he's good or wants to bone?"


"He's like, super cool on a date and totes treats us right fam. Definitely someone a girl wouldn't like so look over and avoid tapping. He's even been hit on by some totes hot babes when we weren't even trying to make a scene."

'I have no idea what she's talking about.' Kirishima walked away with this information for Camie to take a mug from Ochako of coffee as they got ready for the day.

Half hour later

After getting some coffee from his pocket dimension, Izuku rejoined his class walking towards the school. As they entered, Sato noticed Izuku pull a thing of rice crackers out of his dimension to ask about them. "Just how much food do you hold in that thing?"

"Dunno. A lot."

"He literally has an emporium inside it from what I've seen." Jirou points out before having a set of rice crackers passed to her by Izuku. She turns to Kaminari and offers him a few.

"Still sucks that out of everyone, the bigger pervert than me gets all the girls. This sucks."

"Mineta. There's a difference between you and me. Actually, there's a lot of differences."

"Name one!"

"I clearly don't look like I'm a toddler."

Mineta stopped for a moment before continuing. "Name five more."

"I have white hair, I'm better looking, I have a way stronger quirk, I'm only perverse to the women I like and who I can tell reciprocate that feeling and, more importantly, I don't talk about nothing but boobs and the women I lay every second of the day. Sure, I'm a pervert but at least I'm tolerable and don't borderline on sexual harassment unlike some fruit themed purple midgets."

"....Name five more."

"Dude! Just accept the loss and move on! Even I'm a little disgusted with you from how Midoriya's pointing out the gaps. I may be a perv too but I keep my thoughts to myself" Kaminari shouts before taking a bite of the rice cracker he had. "Mmm. These are tasty. Where'd you get them?"

"I don't think there's much thought going on to begin with but, good for you."

"There's no need to be rude, Jirou. Also, I got them in California a few years back. Liked the taste, so I threw it in the pocket dimension to enjoy on another day." Kaminari stopped for a moment hearing this before slowly continuing to eat the rice cracker in his mouth.

"So are there any other women that you're dating that we should know about?" Shoji asked through the mouth of a dupli arm that was pointed towards izuku who was walking behind him as the class neared the door to their classroom.

"Girlfriend wise, not really." They opened it to see Miruko sitting in Izuku's seat with a somewhat showing stomach of pregnancy. "But a night of passion, there's more."

"Sup shrub." The rabbit hero got up and walked towards Izuku to wrap her arm around his head and shove his face into her breasts. "I got some news for ya. You put a bun in my oven."

"OH COME ON! MIDORIYA GETS ANOTHER HOT CHICK!? THIS TIME IT'S THE FREAKING RABBIT HERO THAT I USE AS FAP MATERIAL ON WEDNESDAYS!" Having enough of his mouth, Himiko nods to Izuku and then punts Mineta through a portal that Izuku opens by a snap of his fingers then closes shortly after.

"Should I ask where that one leads?"

"It's best you shouldn't. That one was black that time." Izuku points out for all of them to moderately worry for Mineta's safety, but stop knowing who it was. "Anyway, you're really pregnant, Miruko?"

"Yep. In a few weeks, you're gonna get this little gremlin sitting in my gut to take care of and if it's anything like me they'll be a very fussy baby.."

"Wait. That makes no sense. We had our date about a month ago. How are you this pregnant? You look like you're 4 months along." Ochako asked.

"Rabbit mutation quirk sweetie, I can have kids in 9 weeks and even get pregnant while carrying this one's brat. Not to mention I get menstrual cycles every few days that last for 12 hours instead of every month that last for a week."

"So why are you here?" Mina asked bluntly. "Not saying you're not welcome at UA, I'm just wondering why you dropped in today?"

"To take this guy for myself." Most of the girls gasped at this. "Relax. I'm not gonna take this guy all for myself or jump his bones today. I just..." she blushed a bit before continuing. "Wanted to spend some time with the father of this brat, and kinda get to know him more." .

"Oh. If it's that, then how about you join us in dating Izuku? You get to see him more often and your baby will have it's father around more regularly." Ochako offered with Himiko smiling beside her shaking her head yes while her chest bounced along with her answer.

"Miruko, can you go sit in the teacher's lounge till we're done today? I kind of need to start class." Aizawa interrupts having been standing behind the podium for several minutes already. "Problem child, make a clone of yourself or something to go talk with her but the original you needs to stay in class this morning as we're doing something important."

"Alright." Izuku made a clone of him with turning it into Izumi. "There."

"Wait, you can turn into a chick now?"

"Yeah. Don't ask how I... procured that quirk. Let's just say the person I took it from was doing something illegal in Japan and I took it."

"Illegal quirk usage?"

"Yeah they were turning men into women then drugging them."

"We've been trying to catch that perv fo-"

"Class started 25 minutes ago, either leave or shut the fuck up."

"Alright, seeing as I'm not welcome here I'll be taking the female clone and talking with her. Fuck you Shota."

"I'm a married man and you're pregnant with a 16 year old's kid."

"He's more of a man than you'll ever be."

"Just get out Rumi, I have class to teach."

"How do you two know each other?"

"She was a UA student and a hero course 1-A member here when I was a 3rd year. She constantly annoyed me by calling me a zombie and kicking me in the face thinking I was out for brains." Himiko couldn't help but snicker at this comment.

"Remind me to give you a quirk I have, it may help with the tiredness Mr Aizawa."

"Bitchin. Seeing as we've already wasted half this period talking with an unsurprisingly pregnant rabbit, what I was going to have you all do today is choose a class president. You have 25 minutes to do so, so go nuts. I don't care how but elect someone."


"Someone that's not Bakugou, gotcha." Tsu spoke out for Himiko to laugh uncontrollably.

"Since I kinda took most of the time, let's just vote. I don't wanna do it, so I'm gonna sit this one out and count the votes and play with my cat." Izuku starts before walking over to Himiko and shoves a hand into her cleavage. He rummages around for a few moments, shortly after he removes a portly white cat from her rack and sits Shiro on his lap before petting the fat feline. "Any objections?"

Nobody objected for them to start voting. When the names were counted, the class rep was Momo who won by a total of four votes and vice rep was Shoko who won by three votes. "WHO THE FUCK VOTED FOR THE NERD'S WHORES!?" Bakugou shouts in anger for Shoko to respond.

"Bakugou, we've been over this. To be a whore, you need to sleep with more than just one man and have them pay you for it. Until you start paying me and I want to let you between my legs, I'm nowhere near that definition. If anything I'm pretty sure I'm Izuku's betrothed seeing as he's gotten me out of a quirk marriage thankfully. As for vice rep, I don't do public speaking so Iida can take my role." This was stated completely stone faced as usual from the daughter of endeavor.

"A-are you certain?"

"Yeah. Not worth the headache. Besides, I'll probably need more attention given to other things when I have Izuku's child."

"Ignoring the last part, are there any objections to Yaoyorozu being your class rep and Iida your vice rep?" No significant objections were in the group for Aizawa to finalize it. "Alright then, let's get going with class."

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku's already got a child coming thanks to his antics with Miruko. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading,

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