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The days after Himiko was brought to the Midoriya household were somewhat normal. Inko and Himiko had gone shopping for clothes with Izuku while Toshinori finalized the paperwork to consider him and Inko the foster parents of her. Ordinarily, this would take longer. But Toshinori was able to pull a few strings by using his mantle as the number 1 hero. This as well as making a disclosure agreement with the Toga household that no charges will be brought up on them for child abandonment if they agree to allowing the transfer of custody with no problems. Today, Himiko will start her first day of school at Izuku's elementary school. Inko and the children began walking down the street to the school with her kneeling down to say goodbye to the kids.

"Ok. Have fun at school you two." Izuku was happy as he could be with Himiko a little on edge. "What's wrong dear?"

"W-what if they don't like me?"

"I'm sure they'd like you. Even if they don't, Izuku's here. He won't let you be alone."

"That's right Himi. C'mon, we'll be late." The two ran in with Inko smiling at the sight of her son helping their newly acquainted family member.

'I don't think Hisashi was doing this out of the kindness of his heart, but this might actually be the best thing he could've done for Izuku so far.' The mother walked away to begin what she needed to have done before Izuku and Himiko were done with school with the next few hours having the peace and quiet to do so.

Timeskip to noon

After her introduction, Himiko was somewhat accepted by everyone with some of the guys making fun of her while saying she has 'cooties' like most children their age would do. She felt a little sad by this, but the girls in the class helped the blond girl and made her somewhat feel accepted and happy for it. On the playground, Himiko had been playing in a sandbox making a castle with Izuku. It took them a while to make the castle right for them to feel satisfaction when it finally stood up with nothing falling off before a shoe came and crushed it.

"Well if it isn't Deku and the new girl. Figures two nobodies would stick together." An ash blond by the name of Katsuki Bakugou started laughing with two kids behind him.

"That was mean Kaachan! We worked hard on that and you just... You're a jerk!" Izuku was somewhat annoyed with this since it took the two ten minutes with a couple of failed trials to get their castle just right for it to be destroyed by Bakugou.

"What? You gonna do something about it Deku? Last I checked, you don't have a quirk." Small explosions were being made from Bakugou's hands to make Toga nervous of what was happening."

"That's not true Kaachan! I have a quirk! Not only that, but I can take yours!" He declares before his hands turn black, in that instant a new aspect of his quirk activates as well, his eyes flash a crimson red and the sparks from Bakugou's hands snuff out, the wings on Tsubasa's back fall limp and the long fingers of Kaiba shrink back to their normal size.

"WHAT THE!?" Bakugou tried to make his hands cause explosions again for them to not do anything. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY QUIRK, DEKU!?"

"I turned it off. You were being a bully to us and now you can't use your quirk for an hour." He says quite sure of himself before motioning his hand towards the other two making them back off so he and Himiko could go back to making their sand castle.

"SO WHAT!? I DON'T NEED A QUIRK TO KICK YOUR ASSES!" Bakugou came charging at them before being wrapped up in black tendrils from the ground, the two goons look at Izuku who has his hand now turned black again buried in the ground. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE! DO SOMETHING!"

The two began to panic and go after both Izuku and Himiko. Before they could, they both were beamed in the head by what looked like a small rock. "Don't you know it's mean to fight someone when they can't fight back?" The five looked over to see a girl that looked older than them with blue hair holding a slingshot and pulling it back. "If you think it's fair to fight two people with three, then how about I make it fair for them?"


"ME TOO!" The two lackeys of Bakugou's ran off leaving the ash blond still in Izuku's trap.

"YOU STUPID JERKS! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASSES WHEN I GET DOWN FROM HERE!" Izuku's fingers began to light with red electricity while touching Bakugou's head, taking his quirk. The act left the ash blond confused with Izuku dropping him onto the ground. "What did you do stupid Deku!?"

"I took your quirk. I told you I would if you kept being mean. I'll give it back when you start being nice." Izuku then showed off Bakugou's explosions in his hands with the blue haired girl walking over to stand with both Izuku and Toga.

"You wanna gang up on people, let's see how you like it." Each kid prepared for a fight with Bakugou shaking in anger.

"WHAT ARE YOU FOUR DOING!?" A teacher came over with the two lackeys of Bakugou's behind them pulling an eye lid down or sticking their tongues out. "Each one of you, to the principal's office. NOW!"

'Busted.' Each kid thought as they walked into the building.

"You two as well. I don't know what happened here, but you both are involved as well."

"But we-"

"MARCH!" The six began heading towards the principal's office for them to explain what happened during the scuffle Bakugou and his cronies tried to pin the blame on Izuku, Himiko and the girl they later discovered was called Nejire Hado who was two years older than them. Meanwhile, Himiko and Izuku said they were minding their own business until Bakugou and the other two started a fight with Nejire only hopping in when things began to get a little over the top to try and make things a little more fair for Izuku and Himiko. Since he couldn't tell who was lying and who was telling the truth, the principal decided to call everyone's parents and let them sort this out among themselves. As he did, the six sat in the main office in silence waiting for their parents to pick them up.

"Katsuki! What did you do now!?" The loud femine voice of Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki's mother, yells as she arrives at the school.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING YOU HAG!" Bakugou shouted with several other parents coming through the room including Inko however, her entrance was a bit more flashy as she stepped through a purple and black portal courtesy of Kurogiri.

"Izuku. Himiko. What happened?"

"We didn't do anything."

"Bakugou started it!"


"Only because you attacked us!"



"NEJIRE!" A woman with blue hair stopped Nejire from going any further.

"Izuku." Inko looked down at her son in agitation. "Give his quirk back, now."

Izuku got up to give Bakugou his quirk back with Bakugou attempting to jump at Izuku the second he got it back. This was immediately stopped by Mitsuki grabbing him by the back of his shirt collar to prevent him from attacking. "YOU JUST GET INTO TROUBLE FOR FIGHTING AND YOU GO BACK AT HIM AFTER GETTING YOUR QUIRK BACK!? ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING YOU DAMNED BRAT!?"


The principal held his head in annoyance knowing that Bakugou is the primary antagoniser in this. "Young Izuku, I have to ask that you refrain from taking students' quirks. You can turn them off if they're being mean but don't steal them."

"Yes sir."

"Mrs. Midoriya and Mrs. Hado, you and your children are free to go. The rest of you are going to stay here so we can think of a proper punishment"

Izuku, Himiko and Nejire walked out with their parents for them to formally introduce. "So that happened, I'm Nejire Hado by the way. Nice to meet you two." The blue haired girl smiled while holding her hand out.

"Izuku Midoriya."

"Himiko Toga." Both shook her hand with some pleasantry.

"Thanks for the help by the way. You're really good with that slingshot."

"It's more just because I used my quirk with it. I'm a horrible shot." Nejire pulled the slingshot and grabbed a small acorn off the ground and gave a demonstration. "My quirk is called Wave Motion. I can make spiralling energy out of my own. It's strong, but not fast." A strange yellow spiral was circling around Nejire's hand before she let go and sent the acorn at a tree about 30 feet away. "I can't hit something even a quarter of that far away if I don't use my quirk and I'd probably hit something I'm not supposed to."

"That's amazing." Izuku and Himiko were in awe before the blue haired girl looked at them.

"Come to think of it, how did you take that blond angry kid's quirk?"

"Oh. It's from my quirk. I can take and give quirks away. I can also apparently turn them off for a small amount of time. Though I kinda found that last one and the fact I can make my fingers super long and turn black today."

"THAT'S SO COOL! What does it feel like when you take a quirk? Do you have side effects if you don't take one? Do you know how to use the quirk when you take it or do you find that out yourself? Does it have a limit-"

"I think that's enough questions sweetheart." Mrs. Hado tried to calm her daughter down with it disappointing the blue haired girl.

"But mama, I wanna know."

"Well you seem to have made close friends with Izuku, you could always come over and play heroes with him and Himiko." Inko adds in, causing Nejire's face to light up.

"Oh! Can we come over today! Can we? Can we?" She starts asking repeatedly tugging on her mom's shirt repeatedly.

"We're going over to Tamaki and Mirio's house today remember?" She says before Nejire quickly switches from wanting to go to Izuku's house to hurrying her mom along wanting to go see her other friends.

"Well, that was interesting. Seems you've made another new friend Izuku and a new friend for you as well Himiko." Both kids seemed happy as this happened before Hisashi came out of a portal and in front of them. "Sure. Just come out of nowhere in broad daylight. Nobody's going to question some random guy coming out of a portal that's ominous enough as is." Inko sarcastically says for Hisashi to smile.

"My apologies for the last minute pop out of nowhere, and didn't you just call me to have Kurogiri warp you to the school? Anyways, I just figured I could do something with Izuku since today I had a job to do."

"OOOH! Can I go see what dad does at his job mom?" Izuku asked in excitement with Inko on edge.

"Anyone tries to hurt him, they'll be wiped off the face of the planet by me."

"I guess so, but if he ends up on the wanted list I'll have your head, Hisashi!" Inko threatens, he sticks his hands up in defense as Izuku gleefully runs through the portal that Hisashi had arrived through.

"It's nothing like that, it is merely me meeting with a couple clients of mine is all. I'll have him home before dinner. You and Himiko do enjoy yourselves today." He says handing her a nondescript manilla envelope and walking back through the portal. Izuku followed in joy with the mother and adopted daughter standing in the middle of the sidewalk alone.

"Mrs. Midoriya, what was that about?"

"To be honest, I don't know half the things that man does." Opening the envelope, Inko finds a coupon for a nice little sweets shop that sells nice cakes that she was planning to buy from as a way to celebrate Himiko's first day of school. "How about we go get a nice cake, Himiko. Something nice for dessert tonight and make a really nice dinner together."

The small blond girl smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

With Hisashi and Izuku

Izuku began putting on a suit his father had picked out for him with a strange mask beside them. "So why am I putting this on? It's stuffy in here." He complains slightly muffled by the iron mask over his head. He is also tugging at the dress shirt he is wearing with a miniature suit similar to his father.

"Do you want villains to know what you look like?"

"Well. No, but I didn't think I 'd have to wear something like this." Izuku responds, his voice now changed to sound deeper much like his father's own.

"Think of it as a way for you to keep your secret identity hidden like any hero would." 'Or villain.' Hisashi addresses this with Izuku, somewhat a little more enthusiastic about the helmet now. "Remember, only speak when spoken to and let me do the talking." All for One commands his son who quickly runs up to his father's side. The two stand in the center of the speakeasy-like abode that is the hideout, only Kurogiri is in the room and not even Tomura is present for this meeting. Not long after, Kurogiri opens a portal to the main dining area of the league's headquarters. A tall man with red hair and a pointed nose steps through the portal and shortly after is followed by a man with glowing eyes and a parka. Izuku stands slightly behind his father as the two men greet him.

"Greetings All for One, I thank you for this audience." The orange haired man says first meanwhile the man in the parka looks at Izuku before turning to the underworld leader.

"Who's the small one? Do you have a mini-me now?" His voice sounds as if he is shivering as he asks who Izuku is.

"This here is my son and my chosen successor and will be present for this meeting, however I implore you to remain calm and refrain from angering my son. Do not let his shy demeanor fool you, he is by far the strongest person in this room. Now to what do I hold the pleasure of this meeting, Re-Destro, it has been quite some time." He begins leading the men to sit at a booth across from them, Geten stifling a laugh when Izuku is put in a high chair by Kurogiri.

"Why hello there young one. It seems you're following in your father's footsteps and becoming quite the little bringer of chaos." Re-destro smiled while Izuku didn't make a sound and merely looked in his direction as far as Re-Destro could tell.. "What's the matter?"

"Your nose looks like a bird's beak." Geten and Hisashi both stifle a laugh hearing him say this meanwhile, Re-Destro looks at him slightly offended and maddened.

"I will not tolerate rudeness from a young chil-OW!" Izuku grabbed his nose and yanked it hard, making Hisashi and Kurogiri both force themselves to not laugh.

"Hehehehe... I like this kid. He has your sense of humor All for One." Geten says with a slight shiver as he laughs at the predicament Re-Destro is in.

"THIS IS NOT FUNNY GETEN! GET THIS BRAT OFF OF ME!" The villain shouts through an even more nasally voice, his nose held by the young child.

"Izuku. I think it's best if you let go of Mr. Re-Destro's nose. I know he looks funny, but he and Mr. Geten are here for work."

Izuku looked at Geten after letting go of Re-Destro's nose before pointing at the man. "That's a man? I thought that was a lady." Kurogiri and Hisashi couldn't hold it in anymore to begin laughing at both of their client's misfortunes.


Hisashi used a quirk to pull Re-Destro over to his face by the neck with a dark menacing feeling being felt even under the voice altering mechanism. "Care to tell me what you called my son again?"

"N-no sir. M-my apologies." Hisashi let go of the villain before they continued the meeting. The group tried to gain assistance from AFO as a way to help their order, however this ended very prematurely as the only way they would gain his backing is if they'd align with Izuku who said he didn't want to work with 'Bird Nose' and 'Ice Person'. This meant that the group known as the Liberation of Quirks would need to find their backing another way. Before they left however, Geten did give Izuku a piece of chocolate that was made in the city they were from and told him that it was a pleasure meeting him. Hisashi inspected the wrapper to make sure it was safe before handing it back to Izuku who later enjoyed a nice treat of a chocolate truffle.

"Well that could've ended better." Hisashi pulled the mask off in a changing room with Izuku who felt kinda bad.

"Sorry if I messed something up for you dad."

"Nonsense. I had no reason to align with the Liberation movement anyway. They wish to hold the people responsible for one another and those that defy that are deemed the enemies. No matter where you are, the world needs someone in the front seat holding order. Though I believe that I should be the one with a specific amount of people following me to enforce my ideals, I can't align with the group's ideology. Irony. Out of everything, I can agree with All Might with that logic. That of the world needs people leading it instead of no form of law. Anarchy is no way for civilization to be structured."

"....I don't get it." Hisashi patted Izuku's head with a smile on his face.

"You will understand what I mean one day when you're older. For now though, we should bring you home so your mother doesn't worry for you."

"Should I tell Bird Nose I took something from him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I took his quirk when I grabbed his nose. I felt hungry again." Hisashi laughed hearing this, patting his son on the back as he opened a portal to the outside of the Midoriya residents.

"Don't worry. He'll find out eventually. What's he going to do, tell the police he got it stolen when he was meeting with one of the most infamous underworld villains of all time? Just try not to overthink it." They walked through the portal and began knocking on the door. 'My son truly does know quality when he sees it. When he was alive, I desired Destro's quirk and hungered for his lineage's quirk. Izuku, you will make a fine successor. Dare I say, even more than Tomura.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku  and Himiko handle their lives next time with a new friend. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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