Winners and Losers

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 The evening came for class 1-A with everyone relaxing and feeling somewhat calm knowing they survived a villain's attack. Mineta began cheering for joy coming into the room however with what looked like a pair of underwear in his hands to make everyone turn to him.

"I FINALLY GOT SOMETHING FROM MIDORIYA'S ROOM THAT BELONGS TO THE GIRLS! THOSE FUCKING FREAKY PLANTS BIT ME AND I MAY BE BLEEDING OUT, BUT I CAN DIE HAPPILY SMELLING THE SCENT OF A LUSCIOUS BABE!" His body was covered in bite marks and his clothes were stained with blood for the guys to be ashamed this was happening and the girls to be absolutely mortified the small pervert would go to such lengths to do his perverse antics.

"Whatcha got there, Mineta. Looks like my favorite thong." The sound of a girl was heard for Mineta to turn and see Nejire with a death stare and not smiling like she normally does. "Care to explain to me why someone like you who I wouldn't even let lick my shoes has something that I wear when I want Izuku to dominate me in his hands?" Her right palm had a spiral of energy that increased in speeds to levels most didn't think she could produce to where it looked like a straight beam of energy. "I'm waiting."

Mineta started to back away slowly before being tripped up by Mr. Wiggles popping his head out and forcing the pervert to the ground before returning to Shoko holding a bowl of popcorn to watch the show. "I SWEAR, I WAS JUST LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO CLEAN AND I JUST FOUND THIS!"

"You found something I keep in my top shelf under my stockings for Friday night foreplay alongside my sexy photos of Izuku. With you 'finding something to clean?' Even you can't be that stupid to think I'll buy it." Her hand went right for the pervert's neck to start wringing it out.

"*Gah*! I'm sorry."

"I'LL MAKE GRAPE JUICE OUT OF YOUR BALLS!" Mineta stopped for a moment to think of this and drool a bit before being blasted into a wall and embedded into it. "NEXT TIME I CATCH YOU WITH MY PANTIES, I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE THAT WALL FALLS BACK AND LEADS TO A TROVE OF WIGGLERS!"

Everyone now surprised Nejire had the anger she could in her look astonished as she pulled the underwear in Mineta's hands out and purposefully aimed a kick to his crotch. Coming down and missing the entire thing, Izuku only noticed Nejire angry to talk to her. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"The pervert is the matter."

"Oh come on. I know I'm not that bad. I atleast try to avoid copping the feels of your ass and breasts, but you shouldn't judge me for that."

"Says the man fondling my tits right now." She looks down to see Izuku's hand groping her left breast for Izuku to smirk. "Besides, I was talking about the small perv. He had my panties. Taught him a lesson though." Seeing the mineta indent in the wall, everyone knew he wasn't getting out anytime soon.

"Nice to know. Hey Himi, wanna take a trip with me?"

"Sure, but where?" Himiko hops off the couch and walks near Izuku.

"My cousin's home. I kinda wanna rub something in his face." Knowing where this was going, Himiko grabbed a pair of shoes before Izuku opened a portal towards the area he was going. "We'll be back in a few hours."

As quickly as they opened the portal, they shut it just as fast for silence to return to the common space. "Gotta admit. He knows how to give a girl a good time."

"He does seem like the type, Mina." Tsu replies while seeing the girls circle Mineta. "And he's dead." Tsu looked somewhat unphased by the fact everyone wanted to kill the pervert. "I'll leave a sticky note for Midoriya to... fix what's left of him."

At the League hideout


"Boy, he must hate you." Himiko points out while whispering for Izuku to keep watching the temper tantrum.

"Dude. Relax. You're gonna break something."


"...Personal reasons." Dabi stated while looking into a wine catalog.


"Sorry Shigs but I don't think you'd have won even if he wasn't there. Even if the plan went accordingly you can't anticipate every outcome. I for one think we haven't even seen the extent of All Might's power. That nomu bird fucker was doomed from the start, it was too animalistic and predictable. If anything, you need something with reason, logic and intellect to even stand a chance against the symbol of peace."

"Judging by how haphazardly the quirks were shoved into that thing and the fact that the body wasn't given enough time to get used to the new quirks as well. Looks like Dad is losing his touch, but that happens when you're over 400 years old." Izuku says floating past Shigaraki, who promptly throws a chair at him only for it to be warped back to where it was before it was grabbed.

"You came here to just rub it in my face didn't you. Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you or that traitor." Shigaraki scowls at Izuku who floats lazily through the air while Himiko takes a seat next to Dabi's seat at the bar. Meanwhile the oldest of the Todoroki siblings is still rummaging around the liquor cabinet behind Kurogiri.

"I'll give you 5, one, I'm one of two people you have left in your family, two my dad would kill you even if you are his successor, three, I'm the only chance you have of resurrecting Hana, Monchan and Nao Shimura. Four, you can't because I already turned off your quirk and lastly, you can't kill Himiko either because she was never a traitor. She never took an oath or signed a contract when she joined the league, she was literally just whisked off the streets by Giren as a homeless child and put here."

"He's got you on all fronts Shiggy, I didn't even sign a contract or anything like that. Speaking of which, how do we get paid?"

"Come on man! I can run this place better than you dude. You hire someone to work with the league and you don't even pay him?! That's not very good leadership."

"I allow them to live. That's their payment."

"You're not Lord Frieza, you of all people don't have that sort of terror inducing power that lord freezy pop had. If anything, you just give people the world's worst case of eczema." Himiko adds as Kurogiri pours her a pina colada. "You're getting better at these Kurogiri. It's actually pretty good. Thank you."

"My Pleasure Miss Toga."

"RRRRAAAUUGGGHHHH!!!! Why are you fraternizing with the enemy!"

"Because Toga Himiko actually enjoys my company and drinks, meanwhile you're currently having a breakdown and tantrum like a child."

"He's the son of the boss and just stole basically all the quirks from your little raiding party at the USJ today. Speaking of, how is Shoko? I got the letter that you mixed in with the fake files of the class."


"Pfft! Ahhahahahahahahaha!!!" Himiko howls in laughter, almost falling off her stool hearing Shigaraki scream this.

"And that is another reason why I would have run the league better than you."

"Fine! Fuck it you run this shit then if you're Sooo good at it." Shigaraki starts grabbing stools and chairs before smashing them on the ground, throwing them around the speakeasy. One such stool is thrown at Kurogiri only for it to phase through the mist man's head and get caught by a tendril by Izuku before having it placed back in its proper place.

"Aaand there it is he's officially lost his shit."

Izuku stared at Shigaraki, throwing and kicking things around rather unphased. "Not like he had much keeping his shit together to begin with." The hand villain tried to kick a lamp stand for it, not moving an inch with concrete in the bottom, forcing Shigaraki to let out a blood curdling scream while holding his foot. "He even loses his shit like a bitch." Izuku kept laughing while using a levitation quirk to pull a bottle of tequila off the wall.

"Hey kid. You're 16 right?" Dabi asked somewhat confused.


"And you know the legal age for alcohol consumption in Japan is 19, right?"


"Then why are you drinking tequila? You're underage."

"You work for a villain organization that wants to destroy society and kill All Might which is technically illegal, yet you're worried about Izuku drinking underage?" Himiko questions while sipping down her drink.

"....Yes." Izuku and Himiko remained silent for five solid seconds before busting out laughing and falling over. "Well excuse me for worrying about my two sisters' boyfriend!"

"Who's gonna tell the cops here? He's a wanted criminal along with Kurogiri, you've incinerated people, and you don't want me touching dad." Izuku spoke through laughter before calming down enough to sit on the seat next to Dabi. "So to answer your question about Shoko earlier, she's doing great. Regularly wake up to her sleeping happily while riding my-"

"Please don't talk about your sex life with Shoko or Fuyumi in front of me. I'm not a freak that gets off hearing how his sisters are going at it with someone."

"Side note, I'm pretty sure Shoko's preggers." Himiko points out for everyone to stare at her. "Oh come on, Izuku. You and I both know she doesn't take the pill like most of us and you load her with a ridiculous amount of jizz to make her belly look like she is pregnant."

Izuku accepted this thought before slamming his head on the bar table and smiling happily. "NOT A DREAM! FUCK YEAH!"

"something tells me he's going to fuck her pregnant as well." The screen to the side started up with a voice of AFO being heard.

"Did I hear you have a child on the way!? Congratulations my son!"

"Two actually. Miruko's pregnant after I had a four way with her, Mt. Lady and Midnight."

"YES! MY SON IS MAKING A MOUNTAIN OF GRANDCHILDREN!" The entire group stared at the screen as Izuku returned to his drink at the bar.

Passing a small glass of tequila to him, Izuku offered a toast to the fire villain. "A toast to your niece or nephew and the second child to be my baby." The two clanked their glasses before chugging the contents.

'Shigaraki is lucky Izuku doesn't have an interest in becoming the Symbol of Evil. He'd be out of a job, Himiko watches as the villain smashes a chair on a table in his anger. 'Definitely without a job at this point.'

The group continued to enjoy their drinks while discussing a few things. When Izuku had enough alcohol in his system, He started to regularly call Shigaraki a bitch to anger the League's leader to no end. This eventually called for Shigaraki to try and ring Izuku's neck, but the AFO quirk user blocked this attempt and was thrown a distance without Izuku even touching him. The two eventually did have to go back home with Izuku sobering up a little to avoid a yelling match with Iida about alcohol consumption. Before leaving, Izuku and Himiko paid their respects to Kurogiri and Dabi as well as the audio TV holding AFO's voice for it to be directed at the father. Meanwhile, Shigaraki couldn't wait to have them leave for a portal to open up not long after and have them disappear.

"Finally! We can get down to business! Dabi, I need you to find Stain and get him here. Having someone like that on our side is more than beneficial."

"I'll see what I can do." The villain was hardly paying attention as he was thinking of Shoko having a kid of her own and raising it like their mother tried to raise them. 'I wonder if mom knows of Izuku yet.'

At a hospital

A woman with white hair that looked like Fuyumi and Shoko began listening to Fuyumi talk about Izuku to her while Shoko was sitting next to her being hugged to death. "Oh my baby's having a baby! I'm so happy for you!" She started kissing Shoko repeatedly for it to embarrass the half and half quirk user.

"Mom. You really don't have to be so frontal about this. It's not that big of a deal."

"It's a very big deal, Shoko. You're bringing in new life to the world. As a parent, there is nothing more significant to you than hoping for that child to grow up happy and healthy and being blessed you could have such a child." Looking down, the mother felt ashamed of herself for her past. "I secretly wish I had raised the two of you more. If I did, maybe some of the troubles you've faced could've been avoided."

"Mom. We don't blame you. We love you and want you to get better. If you do, maybe we can do something where you can live with Izuku's mom or something. She's a nice woman and doesn't hesitate to help those that need it." Fuyumi spoke to her mother hoping to make her feel better for it to work.

"You know something Fuyumi. I might take that offer if Mrs. Midoriya isn't against it. That reminds me though, who's Izuku's father?" Both girls shrugged answering.

"We don't know who his biological dad is specifically. All we know is that he works abroad. His adopted dad is All Might though." Shoko points out with a little pride for her mother to pinch the bridge of her nose laughing to herself.

"Your father is going to have a fuse blown."

"We know." Both girls replied in an unamused fashion as they continued their discussion.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuu and everyone with the after effects of the USJ. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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