Chapter 5

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I told mommy where's Sally room is and she told me to find a pink door. I walked around the big mansion until I saw a pretty pink door. I walked to the door and knocked. Sally opened the door and she was wearing a pretty pink dress.
"Yay!!! Y/n here!!!" said Sally smiling. I smile and laugh.
"You know what we need?" Said Sally.
"What?" I said.
"We need your mom to join our tea party and your dad to be our butler!!" Said Sally smiling. I smiled. I did wanted mommy and daddy to join our little tea party.
"Ok let's ask!" I said. Sally nodded and ran to my parents room. I followed Sally and she stopped at my parents room. Sally knocked on the door and waited. Silence. Sally knocked again and waited, but there was pure silence.
"Mommy? Daddy?" I said. Daddy opened the door and smiled.
"What is it sweetie?" Said daddy.
"Can you and mommy join me and Sally tea party pwease!" I said doing my cutest puppy eyes.
"I....I..." Said daddy. I did my puppy eyes and did the most cutest puppy noise.
"Awww ok sweetie we will" said daddy smiling". I clapped with joy and smiled.
"What's going on?" Said mommy.
"We're going to our daughter and Sally tea party" said daddy to mommy.
"Oh sounds like fun what should I wear then?" Said mommy.
"A pretty dress!!" Said both me and Sally. Mommy nodded and pushed daddy out of the room and kissed his cheek and closed the door. I smiled. They sure do love each other so much!
"Here ya go!" Said Sally handing daddy a butler uniform.
"Great" said daddy. He took his uniform and headed to the bathroom to change.
"Sally sweetie I brought the food and tea you need for your tea party" said a pale faceless man. Sally hugged the pale faceless man and smiled.
"Thanks daddy!" Said Sally. The pale faceless man put the food and tea on a pink table and left with a bow. I giggled and both me and Sally did a curtsie to show manners. After 10 minutes daddy came in his butler uniform and mommy wearing a navy blue dress. Both mommy and daddy looked so kawaii!!!!
"Mommy you look so prettyful!" I said smiling.
"You look so beautiful!" Said daddy kissing mommy.
"EWWW!!!!" Said both me and Sally covering our eyes. Mommy broke the kiss and smiled.
"Thanks" said mommy. Daddy bow and seated mommy in her seat and sat both me and Sally on our seats. We all giggled and all of us ate tasty dessert and tea having a wonderful day.


am so glad my little girl is having a good day unlike my day is going pretty well until I saw Ben smirk. Uh oh this is not gonna be a good day for me! 0.0 HELP!!!!

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