Chapter 2 ~ Past the Point of No Return

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Daddy's Little Girl

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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"Everything is messed up..." Christine thought to herself as she strolled around the park early in the morning. The sky still had stars that scattered across the sky like someone spilled diamonds, the sun was peeking out from the horizon. It was the beginning of Spring, flowers began to bloom covering the park with colorful colors. Birds were chirping as the mother was feeding her newly hatched babies. Life was returning to Earth once again.

A chilling breeze blew across Paris as Christine buried herself deep within the warmth of her shall. Her thoughts, as well as her emotions, were all mixed up into one giant mess. She felt angry, frustrated, alone, sadness, even agony. Ever since she ran away with Raoul 2 years ago. Her new life was turning upside down and it was not for the better. Raoul, her husband turned out to be an alcoholic, never had time for her because of "work", and what's worse... Christine found out that Raoul was having an affair with another woman. They would argue with each other every night, and at the end, Raoul would go over to the pub and find himself a whore to let out his frustration. All Christine could do was cry herself to sleep. She thought that her new life would be filled with love and happiness, but they were dreamt up from an innocent child that died from the day she walked down the altar.

Christine found a bench to sit on to rest a bit, and regret about her marriage, and leaving Erik for him. Christine would kill to go back and undo the choice. "I wish I should've stayed with Erik, I shouldn't have kissed Raoul that night, I wished with all my heart that I could just change back time..." She thought.

Lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice that a dark figure was sitting next to her. She turned her face to see the stranger. He was wearing a black hat, a black overcoat coat, his lower jaw was wrapped with a red scarf. Christine stared at the man long and hard, suddenly she recognized the face. A hint of white was shown on the left side of his face. "Erik?..." She said. The man turned his face to meet his gaze at her. His bright blue eyes glowed in the dark. She knew those eyes anywhere, it was Erik alright. No doubt about it.

Erik smiled at Christine. "Hello, Christine..." Christine's heart leaped with joy. She couldn't control herself as she wrapped her arms around Erik, and hugged him tightly as more tears were pouring out like a leaky pipe. She didn't care, she didn't care at all. All she needed was to be wrapped around, buried her head in his chest, and cry her eyes out. Erik couldn't believe what he was seeing. The one person that broke his heart, and left him 2 years ago is now hugging him while crying in his arms. All he could do was hug her back, rubbing her back, and whispering in her ear. "Shh...It's okay my wondering child, your Angel of Music is here. No need for tears." Christine lifted her head up and formed a smile. "There we go, there's that beautiful smile. Now tell my dear, tell what happened? Why the tears?" Erik said with a calm, soft, smooth voice.

"The world is messed up right now...I thought that it would be perfect, but..." Christine started to tear up again. "But I was wrong!"

"Why would you think of that?" Erik said.

"First my husband, Raoul is never there for me when I need him the most, he's off drinking up our money, and what's worse is that..." Christine chocked a bit on her words. She looked deep into Erik's bright colorful eyes that had a friendly, soft, filled with convert to them. "I found out that Raoul is having an affair with another woman..." The way she said those words broke his heart into tiny pieces, he leaned in close to her and embraced. She embraced back. "I-I'm sorry that I left you years ago. I should have listened to your warnings. I'm such a FOOL!" Christine cried out on Erik's shoulder. Feeling his breath on her bare neck caused her to shiver in pleasure. Containing the moan from escaping her lips.

Both of them pulled away, gazing into each other's eyes. Erik saw the want in Christine's eyes, begging him to give her something she craved for. Something only Raoul failed to do as a husband. He looked down, staring at her plumped lips as they were inches away from his. Christine knew what Erik was looking at as she leaned in closer. Feeling their hot breath touching their skin.

But then the sky formed angry clouds, rain fell down. Both Christine and Erik stared up into the sky. He took her small, delicate hand and said. "Come with me, let's get out of the rain." Christine nodded and let him carry her away. They made it to an inn. "Manger et se reposer".

"Welcome to the Manger et se reposer. How could be of service to you two fine young couple." The gentleman said. A couple. For the first time in their life, people saw them not as old friends, but a couple. Those words tingled on Erik's lips as he quietly whispered them.

"Yes, we would like a room for two, please," Erik said, paying for the room. Christine took Erik's arm as they walked themselves to their room. Christine walked in to see a large bed. Her heart rammed hard against chest as the heat raced to her cheeks. "There should be a bath." He whispered causing Christine to jump. "How about you go freshen up while I dry our clothes by the fire." She didn't say a word as she nodded her head and walked over to the bathroom. There was a large tub in the middle of the room. Her body began to shiver as her drenched clothes were taking its toll on her. One by one Christine peeled off the wet clothes, leaving her naked and cold.

A knock on the door as Christine scrambled to wrap herself in a towel. "Come in." Erik walked into the bathroom, but suddenly his eyes grew wide as his face turned bright red. His mouth hung open as he tried so hard to come up with words to say, but none came out. Erik's hand moved quickly over his eyes.

"I-I...I'm so s-sorry, Christine. I-I'll leave." As quickly as he spoke, Erik crumbly grabbed Christine's wet clothes and ran out the door. A small giggle escaped her lips. It was cute to see Erik embarrassed and it was also comforting to know that Erik is a gentleman. Unlike Raoul who took advantage of taking her virginity in the bathroom a day before her wedding. That memory made her skin crawl in disgust. How could someone like Raoul who appeared to be virtues and kind on the outside turn out to be an animal on the inside behind closed doors?

Christine wants to wash away those horrible memories as she drew the bath in steamy hot water. Carefully, she laid her body in the warm water. Engulfed by the warmth, Christine sunk deeper into the bubbling water.

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Erik took Christine's clothes, hung them over the fireplace to dry. He wouldn't stop thinking about what he saw in the bathroom. Christine. Naked Christine. His heart drummed in his ear, aching painfully. The palm of his hands grew sweatier.

Suddenly, the door to the bathroom open. Christine wrapped herself in a towel covering her nude body. She walked behind Erik who was standing by the fireplace, warming his shivering hands. Wrapping her small arms around his large waist. "I wish everything went back to the way they were. Back to being an opera singer, back to you being my angel of music, and back being by you..." Erik turned around, shocked by her words.

Erik carefully caressed her pale face. Soft skin brushed against his fingertips. Staring deep into her brown eyes. Christine could swear she was staring straight into Erik's soul, saw the warmth, beauty, and love. The only time she had ever seen that look was when she first met the real Angel of Music as he brought her down to his lair.

He played around with her curls. She leaned back against the bed as her partner pressed closer. She could feel his breath moist and warm on her cheek. Christine licked her lips and fluttered her eyes. "Come to me, my angel..." She said. Erik pressed his body against her body and placed his lips on her's.

Christine's head thunked against the bedpost, carried by the momentum of Erik's greedy kiss. Oh Lord, he felt so good! She didn't care if he hurt her, just as long as she had him close, had him in her arms.

"Yesss. Touch me, hold me," she hissed, clawing hands peeling apart his clothes to touch his hot chest, touch hard muscle underneath velvet skin. Touch the heart that hammered beneath her palm and the warm metal of his locket.

"Christine," he fed her name back to her along with the wet, nibbling of her neck, warm breath fluttering against her face smelling sweet of coffee and cream. The candlelight made the mask glow milky white, and his eyes, oh Lord, his beautiful blue eyes! The kisses were her salvation, an intimacy no other man was allowed. Christine wound arms and legs around him, sheltering his face against her neck beneath the curtain of her damp hair. She stroked and kneaded his back, crooning broken endearments. Erik groaned, he couldn't take it anymore. For years he had been waiting for this moment that he dreamt of.

Hovering over her body, Erik stared down at the already naked Christine laying in bed with him. "I'm ready." Christine pleaded, her aching core was crying out to Erik. Erik nodded his head, taking Christine to the point of no return.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Erik laid on the bed, lost in his thoughts. Christine was laying on his chest sleeping. How many times had they done it? Three? Five times? A smirk spread across his face, feeling the pride inside him. Oh, how he wishes he could just stay like this forever, but he couldn't. Sooner or later Raoul will be looking for her...or that he really didn't care for her, but people will miss her. "I hate to do this, but I got to let her go," Erik said.

Christine opened her eyes and smiled. "Hey, who were you talking to?"

"Oh, nothing my dear." He said as he kissed her forehead. "Just talking to myself."

"Good." There was a long pause for a moment when Christine finally broke the silence. "Take me with you." He arched his brown, staring down at her as she ran her finger across his broad chest.

"Where would I take you?" He asked.

"Away from her. I don't care! As long as I am with you." Christine cupped her hand around his face. She pressed her head against his forehead. "I love you, Erik. Where ever you go, I go."

Erik's heart broke in half. As much as his heart despised to take Christine away, he couldn't. "I...can't." Christine frowned. "I can't give you the life that you wanted. You belong in a world of luxury. If I take you, you would be on the run from the law. Forever." Erik kissed Christine's lips, staring at her. "I do love you, but...I can't bring myself to drag you into that kind of life. No matter how much it kills me." No words came out of her mouth as she sat there still. "Please...try to understand."

She grabbed Erik's hand that was placed on her cheek, squeezing it, and nod her head.

"What time is it anyway?" She really didn't care at the moment.

"9:45 p.m..." Erik said. Christine's smile dropped, fear was in her eyes. She quickly got out and quickly dressed.

"Oh my gosh, it's late. Raoul is going to kill me!" She said, but Erik wrapped his strong arms around Christine tiny waist.

"I wish you didn't have to go," Erik growled, Christine giggled. Turning her body around to face him as she placed a kiss on his lips. Tasting him again.

"I wish I could, but..." Erik new all too well of what Raoul would do to his Christine.

"I'll order a carriage for you." After they were done they ran down the steps and opened the door. It was still raining, but the carriage was in front of them. Erik grabbed her small hand tightly. "I'm taking the next ship to America. I heard that you start a new life there. I can sell my music there as anonymous."

Sadness feels over her face. "So...this is goodbye." The sadness in her voice. He lifted her chin up.

"We'll see each other real soon." Christine smiled and jumped into the carriage. Just before the carriage drives away, Christine poked her head out.

"I want to have a child of my own, so if it was a girl what would you name her?" Erik thought for a moment and said.

"Angelique...It means like an angel." Christine smiled and the carriage drove away in the streets. Erik was once again alone. But at least he got to see Christine one last time. So he walked into a dark alley, disappearing into the shadows.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Later that night Erik found a place to stay for the night. He started out his window, up at the stary twilight sky. Thinking about his dearest Christine.

"In the light that falls at moonrise...
In the rhythm of the rain...
In the miracle of ordinary days...
In the hush of night, I will be in the whisper of lovers...
Everywhere, you will find me there...

In the rustle of a curtain...
In the bustle of the world...
In a thousand little-unexpected ways...

When you lift your gaze I will be like the shimmer of one small star...

Out there, shining everywhere...
I will be there beside you through the lonely nights that fall...
So close your eyes, remember my embrace...
I will be there like mercy; I will find you through it all...
This do I swear I will be there."

Somewhere on the other side of Paris, Christine stood on the balcony, gazing at the stars. Thinking about her dearest Erik too.

"In a language never spoken...
Live the promise we've made...
In the endless of love that owned my heart and soul...
In the certainty, I will always be true and as near as my next prayer...
You will find me there...

In the echo of the ocean...
In the hunting of the wind...
In serious extraordinary ways...

Through the darkest sky, I will be the shimmer of one small star...
Out there, shining everywhere...

I will be there beside you through the lonely nights that fall...
So close your eyes, remember my embrace...
I will be there like freedom; I will find you through it all...
This do I swear I will be there...

In the harbor quarter."

"In the stone and mortar."

"In the star that we both share."

"In the sound of laughter."

"Now and ever after."

"Look for me, I will be there...

I will be there beside you through the lonely nights that all...
So close your eyes..."

"Remember my embrace I will be there..."

"Remember my brace...
Yes, I will be there..."

"Like justness; I will find you through it all..."

"This do I swear, I will be there..."

"This do I swear I will be there..."

"This do I swear, I will be there."

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