Chapter 1

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Derricks POV (Year 2048 its very high tech and hybrids r known)
I woke up this morning with a massive amount of paper work spread across my king sized bed. I groan softly knowing I have to get it done before I go into work at the office. I get out of bed and go do my usual morning routine, as I go past my front door I hear whimpers and raise my brow wondering what in the hell that could be. I open my door to find the most adorable little Hybrid girl I looked around seeing if anybody was looking at her or the house...I shrug and bring her into the house and set her sleeping form on my couch and cover her with a blanket.
I walk away from her heading into my kitchen to make a pot of coffee, as I'm pouring the water I hear a loud crash and then a whimper from the living room and I dash in there seeing my laptop, lamp, and coffee table broken but no kitten. I quickly scan the living room seeing a tail behind the loveseat walking over and crouching down I softly touch her tail smiling when it twitches.
"Kitten what happened here? Are you OK?" I say softly. All I get back is mumbling so I show her my hands showing her I'm harmless. I smile when I see her relax and slowly make her way out from behind the loveseat.
"My names Kirie,sir. And as for w...what happened...I ummm...woke up and noticed I wasn't at your front steps anymore so I freaked out...the Hybrid Adoption System didn't want me anymore so they gave me to you. Sorry for destroying your stuff sir." I look around for her basket and see the note being careful not to cut myself from the glass I grab it and slowly open it up keeping my eye on Kirie.
"Sir? I....I'm sorry for the mess..." Kirie says. I notice she is trembling; grabbing the blanket off my couch I toss it over her smiling when I see her head pop out from under it. I quickly scan the letter my brows furrowing when I realize how old she is. I look back up at her seeing how small she is.
"Do you know why they sent you to me Kirie? Your so young and they normally keep you for an extra few years to help you know what you are." My eyes dance over her trying to see if she's hurt.
"I'm not sure Mister, all I remember is them saying I needed to go...I was still in school when it happened....i...I don't understand what's happening." Kirie sniffles rubbing her hand over her face as her other hand hugs her tail the kitten ears on her head now laying flat.
"Well Kirie, we will get this figured out for now why don't you go sit in the kitchen and I'll get us something to eat after I pick up this mess hm?" I go over to the closet and start sweeping up all the glass from the lamp and throw it in my waste bin; moving to my fridge I get out the milk setting it on the table I grab two bowls and reach into my cupboard for the two cereals I have. "Capn Crunch or Lucky Charms?" I sit down at the table showing the two options to her. I slowly smile noticing her reaching for the Lucky charms I grab my cereal pouring some in my bowl pouring the milk for the both of us digging in. I eat the my food making my way to the sink rinsing it out quickly making my way to my bedroom getting dressed and grabbing all the papers and files from my bed putting them in my case striding out to the living room I grab my laptop opening it up hoping it's not fully broken. Sighing in relief I notice the screen is on cracked making a mental note to get it fixed while I'm at work. "Kirie? Do you want to stay here or do you want me to enroll you in school at my club?" I look up at her noticing she did the dishes real quick her tail swaying behind her.
"I was hoping to try and go back to school Sir. I like learning and I wasn't able to finish it." I nod to her making my way to my spare room grabbing some of my files off my table I head towards the front door. "Come on; I'll take you to the club, my staff should be there already and I'm running a bit behind. I'll get you settled in my office so you can start school again." I take her to my truck helping her in quickly making my way to the driver side putting my case down by her feet. Turning the truck on and slowly back out of my driveway making my way to town heading to the club.
"So what have they been teaching you? I know it's different for each student and there aren't any grades anymore, just knowledge of what you need to know." I park my car behind the club grabbing my case I get out going around and helping her to get down I make my way into the club nodding at some of my staff as they pass smiling when I hear her little feet running after me.
"I've learned about the history of Hybrids, the law that passed for us to have homes....and how we used to be experimented on...learned there was a war among the humans and us.....and there was finally peace at least I think....I know some people still don't care for my kind." Kirie fidgets with her tail from where she's sitting on the couch clearly upset. I sigh softly realizing how true her words are...not everyone treats hybrids good....or even likes them being around.
"What else Kirie?"
"I love to read Sir, I learned how to read and write, I learned how to cook too. There was a few other things I want to learn but I'm not sure what they are."
Nodding at what I hear I reach into my drawer and take out my notepad writing down what she's learned and what she wants to. I type her name into the school database watching as the little droid scans her and starts showing me the list of things that's available for her to learn. I move the list over to her showing her what she could learn; I smile softly when I realize she puts cooking down again as well as history twice her kind and mine. I pick a few for her to try out such as math, art, and English. She seems to like reading about things I glance at my watch cursing I quickly get up and head out to the back door opening it just in time for my crew to shuffle in.
"Sorry bout that guys I was preoccupied."
"I bet you were Sir." Logan says sniggering.
"Not like that you dolts, I finally got my hybrid today and she's in my office searching what she wants to learn." I walk out towards the bar and grab my coffee cup and another cup putting a lid on it in case. I wave to my crew knowing they'll do their jobs right and head back upstairs smiling when I see Kirie curled up hugging her tail taking a literal cat nap.

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