Chapter 22

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"His second name is Flynn, does that mean he is partially named after me?"


"Well, that's disappointing."

While Oliver was taking an afternoon nap in the crib Harry had set up for him, the adults were having lunch in the penthouse's kitchen; Moira had prepared a bunch of club sandwiches. By the time she had consumed one, three sandwiches had already disappeared inside Harraël's stomach. Finished eating, they were about to store away the dirty plates in the dishwasher. When suddenly, a wild Finn appeared, for reasons unbeknownst to them.

The sight of a very bump-less Moira, however, had awakened a curious monster.

"Where's the baby?" He'd asked incredulously.

To which Moira had answered, "Sleeping in Harry's room."

Apparently, it had slipped Harraël's mind to mention he'd take three weeks off to spent time with Moira and the baby. So it's safe to say the next hour was spent with Finn thoroughly interviewing her, trying to find every answer to every possible baby-related question. Like the good host he was, Harry had offered his guests drinks and they were now seated around the kitchen island.

"Does being a mommy ever get shitty?"

"Well, peeing is a bit frightening because of the soreness and because I can't feel what I'm doing. And I barely sleep. But besides that it's great."

Finn's face scrunched up in disgust and was about to express his dislike of the given details when Harry joined into the conversation, "Wait, you told me you slept fine!"

Blushing a deep scarlet under his scrutinising gaze from the other end of the kitchen island, she mumbled "I didn't want you to worry."

After being discharged from the hospital, he had specifically told her not to hesitate when asking him for help, that he'd be there whenever even if that meant taking Oliver for the night so that she could get a peaceful night of sleep. But like always, Moira had completely ignored the offer and overworked herself because her fucking pride was in the way.

"God damn it, Moira!"

And as if he knew his mommy was in trouble, the baby monitor began emitting little cries. Indicating that Oliver had woken up. The monitor itself had been a gift from Harry, it was one of them high-tech ones with a quality camera, great sound and it even had a recorder installed on it.

"I'll be right back." She quickly stood up. "He's probably just hungry."

"Can I see him?" Finn asked.

"Depends on whether he falls back asleep after breastfeeding, he's been grumpy all morning." She explained, fetching the baby monitor from where it had been placed.

"Yay, okay." He clapped his hands enthusiastically, then turned back to Harraël once Moira had disappeared from view.

"Why haven't you returned our calls, Haz?" He asked, and Harry could hear the worry in his friend's voice. That must be a first for Finn Fitzgerald, to be worried about someone other than himself.

"Is that your reason for being here? Because I haven't returned your calls?" He questioned his presence suspiciously. "I've known you for longer than today, Finn. Come on, spit it out."

"I'm just checking how my mate's doing." He grumbled in obvious defeat. "There's also something else though."


Finn took something from the plastic bag that Harry had previously failed to notice, and handed it over to him. It was a magazine. A gossip magazine. And if there was anything he hated more than gold-diggers, it must be gossip magazines spreading rumours and lies about people they've never even met.

"It's a magazine?"

"Yeah, no shit." Finn rolled his eyes. "Check out page 142."

Harraël wordlessly flipped the pages and watched as the page came into view. Realisation washed over him, like boiling hot water, with every cell in his body burning with an awful mixture of dread and fear.


3 February, 2015

Hold onto your hats, PJs, cups of tea and anything else you can because the rumours of romance between Harraël Stones and a blonde mystery woman have just kicked up a notch.

Apparently, ladies and gents, the Bones 'heartthrob' has taken a wild turn and was sighted a few days ago leaving NYC's Mount Sinai hospital with said mystery woman and a... drumroll please... new-born baby!

Well that escalated quickly.

Despite the fact that we've never seen the two (and the baby) together before, apparently they are properly loved-up. You may cry, scream, shout or whatever now.

An anonymous source has been chatting about the couple's so-called relationship to The Sun, and revealed: "Everyone's teasing him, saying he's in love, and he's not denying it. It's the real deal. He's sick of all the groupie girls, he's settled down."

We're not entirely sure how to take this one, because if it's true, it's actually really sweet. Because let's be honest here, who would want to see a happy Harraël. If only he could be happy with us...
We're torn between listening to the sound of our hearts breaking into a million pieces whilst we sob into our lunch, poking ourselves in the eye in frustration of the rubbish people come up with or just denying that any of this is happening for the next ten years. Maybe a mixture of all three.

Harraël has been supposedly 'off the market' for a while now. He'd been acting suspiciously when asked the question "are you single?" in the last given interview by the Bones men, three months ago. Answering the question with a very vague: "hmm". Surprised? Happy? We're not too sure.

That brings us to the subject of the baby... a baby, yes. Why would Mr. Stones be leaving a hospital with his mystery lady and a new born??? The only logical explanation for that is that he is the father. Even if it is his baby, it's probably going to be a stunner like its daddy! Who are we kidding, a new god has entered this world!! But let's spare ourselves the heart-piercing pain and pretend he was just helping out a friend.

Like we said, we'll be supporting Harry either way since he's so ridiculously super nice and all, because he's obviously enjoying spending time with her if he has a baby with her. Even if we are really very jealous and will combat it all by crying into a box of chocolates on our sofa.

Still, we're going to take this all at face level and assume it's just another load of absolutely bull-hockey until someone steps forward to either confirm or deny the rumours.

Until then, let's not think about the possibility of Harraël having a family with someone other than ourselves.

Enter eternal cries...

What do you think about the happy new family? Cute or nah? Let us know via the website!

"I will kill the bastards!" He bellowed once he finished reading and flung the magazine to the wall. He clenched his jaw in anger, breathing heavily.

Finn gasped at the sudden, loud noise and violent reaction. Taken aback by the rage radiating off of the person opposite him, he spoke softly: "Wow, relax. It's not that big of a deal, you knew they were going to find her sooner or later."

"That's not the point." Harry hissed, through gritted teeth. "Do you know how much money I paid to keep those motherfuckers away from Moira? Huh? Thousands, Finn! Thousands and thousands of dollars! They won't get away with this unpunished. Those filthy dogs will regret the day they were born once I'm done with them, I can assure you!"

Feeling slightly dizzy from the unexpected revelation, Finn took a seat on one of the bar stools. His thoughts were racing. He knew Moira meant a lot to Harry, but not that he would ditch work for her and her baby, even less that he was prepared to pay thousands of dollars to keep her out of the public's eye and threaten to hurt a bunch of people because of her. Moira was supposed to be just another woman, just another woman who was going to break his heart. And like always, Finn and the rest of Bones would be the ones to pick up the pieces and glue his heart back together. Though not this time, he seemed different. A better kind of different. His feelings for the sarcastic and bitchy yet beautiful creature that was currently breastfeeding her son, were much deeper.

"Are you in love with her, Haz?"

"I.. I don't know. I would like to say I am, but I have no idea what it feels like." He admitted, meekly, training his eyes on the counter.

A wave of satisfaction washed over Finn as he inspected his friend closely: he was obviously in love with her, even just talking about her seemed to instantly calm his previously livid self.

Knowing he was going to have to ruin the mood, he took a deep breath. "The magazine is not all I came to tell you about, I'm afraid." He scratched the back of his neck.

Harraël frowned at him. "Oh, god."

"We're off to Sweden tomorrow, to record the album." Finn paused for a moment, to allow his words to sink in.

"For how long?"

Eyeing Harry's distressed face, he knew his friend wasn't going to like his next words. "Three months."

Thanks for reading! Please read my other story 'The Song Of The Wolf' if you've got some spare time on your hands and would like to read a werewolf story with a plot unlike any other.

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