Chapter 43

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When Moira had woken up this morning, the other side of the bed had been empty and cold like usual -or since Harry had been discharged from the hospital anyway. And she was sick and tired of having to make an effort to interact with him. It shouldn't be this hard. It hadn't been before the accident so why now? What had she done wrong this time?

Moira was determined to get answers to her questions. And so, she'd dressed into a basic outfit, dressed Ollie in one of his onesies and gone downstairs to make them both some breakfast.

But when she'd entered the kitchen, her heart had momentarily stopped beating.

On the counter sat an open ring box, with inside; a stunner of a diamond ring. Though not just a ring, it was quite obviously made for one purpose and one purpose alone. It was an engagement ring. And judging by the note that lay beside the box, with 'Moira' written on it. It was hers.

To say she was confused would be the understatement of the century. He did not jump out from underneath the table or surprise her with a bottle of Moët, and even as the hours passed, he did not even leave his music room to see how she liked her 'present'.

It was just a ring and a one-word note. Nothing more.

Harry had never been cheesy-romantic, more of the genuine-romantic type. She hadn't expected him to propose on top of the Eiffel Tower while they were on a romantic getaway, but she hadn't expected him to be so... apathetic about it either. He was the one who'd brought up the whole marrying subject after all.



"What is this?"

He briefly looked up from the piano, where he had been scribbling down cords in his notebook. With narrowed eyes, he inspected the object in question for a few seconds and then looked back down as he muttered, "It's a ring."

Moira snorted and rolled her eyes. " I can see that, but why?"

"I proposed to you, remember? In the hospital."

"You called that a proposal?"

He nodded absently, and continued to scribble in that little black book of his -the one thing he'd spent more time with than Moira and Ollie together lately.

"Fine." Moira scoffed, and left without another word. But when she was out in the hallway, she changed her mind. Stomping back into the room and slamming the door in the process, she made quite the dramatic entrance.

"You know what? No. It's not fine. Put that damned notebook away and talk to me, please." She pleaded the last part.

Soundlessly, he complied to her wishes, closed his notebook and rose from the piano bench. They exited the music room together and made their way to the living room where each of them took a seat of the couch.

"Why are you not wearing it?"


"The ring," he clarified. "Why are you not wearing it?"

Moira sighed and rubbed her temples. "I'm not going to wear it if you're not asking me properly, Harry. Call me old-fashioned but that's how it is."

He watched her with evident perplexity. "I already asked you.."

"Are you serious? You were in a hospital bed and I was standing at least 8 feet away from you. You didn't get down on one knee or actually asked me to marry you. All you said was that you wanted to make me your wife. That sure as hell is not a proposal." With this off her chest, she felt instant relief wash over her.

All of a sudden, Harry stood up and began pacing around.

"God damn it, Moira. You're ruining it!" he threw up his hands. "Why must you be so bloody impatient?"

Her eyebrows furrowed together. "Ruining what?"

"You were supposed to like the mystery of it all and wait until I'd explain. I'm not even finished yet!"

"Okay, now I'm really confused."

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed after a moment of silence. "Come here," he said and gestured for her to come closer, which she did.

Just then, the brief peace they'd created was disturbed in an instant by a shrill ringing coming from the back pocket of his jeans; the green irises are snapped open and Harry's jaw clenched, teeth grinding together. He fished the phone from his back pocket and lifted the device to his ear.

"What?" he snapped.

But a smile spread across his face as soon as the person on the other end spoke.

"No, no. That's perfect...Yes, I'll meet you there." Her face lined with confusion when Harry glanced over at her. "I do," he said pleasantly, eyes roaming her face. "She'll love it, I'm sure. They both will."

Harry brushed back a strand of her hair, running his finger along it all the way until he reached the ends. Tugging her close by that piece of hair, he leant in to press slow, open-mouthed kisses along her mouth, humming a 'yes' or 'no' whenever the caller asked it from him.

Moira closed her eyes when she felt his tongue slip through her parted lips, welcoming the familiar feeling all too enthusiastically; the kiss grew deeper when Harry pushed at the button on the screen, ending the call abruptly so he could focus entirely on their unexpected make-out session.

His hands moved to her ass and squeezed painfully, encouraging a soft groan to leave her mouth and drift into his; they slid around to cup the backs of her knees, coaxing her off the ground and around his waist. His fingers nimbly climbed up so they could slip into the back pockets of her snug-fitting jeans. He squeezed there, as well -causing a breathy moan to escape her lips.

Harry drew away from the kiss suddenly, leaving her lips formed in the shape to match his. She almost pouted from the loss of contact, having missed their horny-teenager behaviour, but Harry's expression kept her from doing so.

"Babe?" she said, slightly out of breath.

Without so much as a spoken word, he carried her back to his music room. Moira's legs were still wrapped around his waist when he sat down on the piano bench. She opened her mouth to question his intentions but was quickly silenced when he brought both his hands up to the keys.

Moira gripped the back of his neck for support as he leaned his forehead against hers. Harry closed his eyes as the first tune of the intro rang through the air. Knowing the chords by heart, he had no trouble blindly finding the right keys.

"I looked up at the starry sky

at all the lights in the darkness

I compared them to us

and that's when I knew

how much I loved you"

His trademark, raspy voice as well as the lyrics took her by surprise. Nonetheless, she was entranced by both, the rawness of them going straight to her heart.

"you are my sun and moon

my shimmering star

with galaxies in your head

and the universe in your heart

you are my heaven and hell

both at the same time

my only home

my eternal cloud nine

you are my goodnight kiss

my reason to smile

the love of my life

but one thing you aren't

is my wife

and so here I am

begging on one knee


will you marry me?"

By the time the final note resounded through the room, Moira was in tears. She hid her face in the crook of his neck as she sobbed to her hearts content.

Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her closer. "Like I said, it isn't done yet. But.. is that a yes?"

She nodded her head repeatedly, frantically.

"Oh wait, shit."

Lifting her from his lap, he settled her on the piano bench and extended his hand. Receiving a questioning look from Moira in reply, he laughed again -this time more heartedly.

"Oh right!" she finally caught on, and placed the ring in his hand.

With the ring now in his possession, Harry sank down on one knee. The charming sight caused another waterfall of tears to slide down her cheeks. And all he could do was watch her with great fondness, the love he felt for her warming his skin and every other part of him.

"Moira Mae King, mother of my child and love of my life," he paused. "You make me the happiest man in the world and I can't picture the rest of my life without you by my side. Will you do the honour and the joy of being your husband?" he cleared his throat. "Will you marry me?"

She felt tongue-tied, even though she'd already unofficially given her answer. Harry, however, took her silence as a bad sign.


That snapped her out of it.

"Of course I will!" she cried, nearly jumping him as she flew down and pressed their lips together in an intimate embrace.

Harry could feel her tears soaking in own cheeks and couldn't help but smile at her happiness. Without breaking the kiss, he slipped the ring around her third finger; sealing the deal. Moments later, they moved apart.

He pecked her hand and every bit of skin around the ring. "My beautiful fiancé."


The three of them were all wrapped up in warm coats, scarves, beanies and gloves as they walked in the park. Harry pushed the stroller in which a very sleepy Ollie was seated as Moira walked beside them, one hand linked with his.

"I hate the cold."

"You and me both, baby." Harry retorted.

"Don't get me wrong, I love New York, but I wouldn't mind living somewhere.. warmer."

"Like Los Angeles?"

"Yeah, LA seems nice." Moira nodded. "But then again, I'd have to quit my job so that wouldn't work."

They proceeded their walk in a comfortable silence. By then, Ollie had fallen asleep -dead tired from the manly-wrestling session he and his dad held that afternoon.

"Why did you leave the band?"

Harry snorted. "Talk about random."

"Seriously, Harry. I thought you would've explained it by now and I'm.. I'm curious okay. Those four boy-men are your best friends, and music is your passion. I can't fathom why you'd abandon that.."

He shook his head, looking away from her. "You know what management wanted me to do."

"I do, but if that was the sole reason for quitting, you could've simply shared your troubles with the guys and handled it together. Or you could've parted ways with management and searched for another. I mean it's not like you aren't wanted, let's get real, you're Bones.

When he did not reply, she elaborated.

"Don't get me wrong, I agree that what they asked you to do was absurd and completely out of question, but you can't let the guys bleed for management's mistake. And.. I think you should get back with them. I know you miss the band," she shot him a look. "don't even try to deny it."

"You're right."

Harry watched as she raised an eyebrow slowly in what could only be described as disbelief.

"I am?"

"Yeah," he nodded with a solemn face. "I'll call Finn when we get ho-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold the up." She interrupted him as she came to an abrupt halt -Harry doing the same. "Why was that so easy?"

He chuckled and playfully kissed her nose before continuing to walk, pulling Moira along by her hand. "It has always been easy, all I needed was your blessing."

Her jaw dropped. "Are you serious?"

"As a midget in a nudist colony."

Ignoring his awful attempt at a joke, she sighed. "But...Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted your genuine support. Not for you to feel forced to stand by my decision merely because I wanted you to."

"Oh Harry," she shook her head and looked down at her feet before looking back up. "You have a lot to learn."

"What do you mean?" he murmured, a deep crease gracing the space between his eyebrows.

"I would and will support you no matter what. If it makes you happy, I'm happy."

Harry smiled in reply, realizing how wrong he'd been.

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