Chapter 47

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Once, but never again.

Which was a good thing too because Moira wasn't planning on ever marrying someone other than Harry.

She'd read about how stressful planning a wedding was, seen movies about it and whatnot. To prevent that, they'd decided to hire a wedding planner. Everything was set up to their liking, there was a strict time schedule and all was generally as perfect as could be. But regardless, Moira had never felt more stress running through her veins, making her heart beat a million miles an hour and transforming her into a literal bridezilla.

"I can't do this."

"Yes you can, I believe in you. Think of how happy the younger and lesser Stones will be when he sees his fiancé coming down the aisle in a dress like that... And besides, everything's already been paid for so there's no going back anyway."

"You're not helping, Lizzy!"

At that point, Moira was on the brink of hyperventilating.

Just then, the middle-aged wedding planner walked in, holding Moira's flower crown and bouquet. When she saw her client crouched on the floor, with the massive white dress spread around her, she gasped and quickly freed her hands on the vanity table.

"Oh honey, no no no, don't cry, you wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of yours now would you?" Joan tapped her cheek the way a mother would.

Moira looked down at her dress with a sulky expression. "No."

"That's what I thought. Now tell me what's going on?"

"She," Moira pointed an accusing finger at her almost sister-in-law. "Is demotivating me!"

In reply, Joan clapped her hands together and opened the door. "Grab the kids and get a roll on, Elizabeth. My assistant's outside to check the list with you."

Lizzy playfully tapped her Bella's butt, sending her out the door, and grabbed a very reluctant Ollie by his hand. "Don't call me Elizabeth."

"I will if I have to."

She bowed. "Yes ma'am."

Moira pecked Ollie cheek, ruffled his curls a little -to bring them into model-and told him she'd see him later, to which he replied, "You look weally pwetty, mommy."

Once the three of them had exited the dressing room, Moira exclaimed a scream and plopped down on the chaise lounge, her dress flying all over the place and covering her face from sight.

"Dear lord, honey where did all these pent up emotions come from?"

"I want to tell you but then I'll cry and you'll be angry I ruined my makeup." The sound of her voice was muffled by the fabric of her dress.

"You better not cry then." Joan said sternly. "Now get up, we gotta get this show on the road."

"Can't we just sit here and talk for a while longer."

"You're paying me to plan your wedding, not to be your therapist."

Moira groaned, violently uncovering her face from the fabric. "I hate that you're right."

Meanwhile, Finn stepped forward and clasped his hand on his best friend's shoulder in a comforting gesture. "Relax, Haz."

Until then, Harry hadn't even noticed how nervous he truly was. He figured it was okay to feel like that. Hell, every man was nervous on his wedding day. It's practically mandatory and nothing to be ashamed of. Still, he did not understand why he felt nervous.

There weren't even many people sitting in the rows of chairs that had been set out, approximately 30 maybe. And he was used to performing in front of large crowds anyway so the number of guests couldn't be the problem. Maybe he was 'nervous' because the weatherman said it was supposed to be a rainy day, even though there wasn't a cloud in sight and the sun was burning down on the crown of their heads, he couldn't help but feel worried.

People were chatting amongst themselves out in the crowd; there were three rows on each side with the aisle in the middle.

The wedding wasn't big and fancy, rather small and personal. They'd chosen for an outdoor ceremony, near the Canadian border, in the middle of a massive wildflower field. It was quite an impressive sight. There were mountains in the distance and a small stream, adding up to the 'wow' effect.

Harry stood in front of the flower arch that was made of the same wildflower they were surrounded by, he had his four best men standing beside him; Finn, Cade, Isaac and Heath. Moira had one bridesmaid, which was Lizzy-of course.

He stared straight down the aisle, seeing it still empty and wondering when this was supposed to start -he had no idea. Harry pulled his dark sleeve up to check his watch for the time but then realized he didn't wear one, and groaned.

He shifted his weight on his feet, running a hand through his hair, ruffling it. His eyes tightened into a glare when he spotted a teeny tiny cloud it the sky. It better not start raining!

"She's going to walk down that aisle." Finn murmured reassuringly. "She will."

"I know."

His facial features grew narrowed when the sound of a piano started being played by the woman they hired. It had been a struggle to bring the grand instrument out there, in the middle of nowhere, but no costs had been spared. Not for his Moira.

Speaking of the devil, where was she?

He was growing slightly antsy when he still didn't see her. However, when Bella appeared from a distance, sporting a pearly white dress and a wildflower crown decorating her hair, he felt his nerves somewhat lift. She hurried down the aisle, sprinkling wildflowers all over the ground. His spirits lifted even further a few seconds later when he spotted their two-and-a-half year old son hobbling behind, who got a little confused by his cousin's actions and tried to pick the flowers back up saying, "Messy."

He was the epitome of adorable as he wore a miniature version of his daddy's wedding suit and had his curls pushed back in the same fashion Harry's hair was.

Lizzy followed the two kiddos, guiding them down the aisle. She took the flowers from Ollie's little hands and softly explained to him that they were supposed to remain on the ground -which caused their observing audience to burst out in good intended laughs.

At the end of the aisle, Lizzy went to stand on the opposite side of where the five men -plus the marriage officiant-were standing. Bella took a seat in one of the chairs and Ollie made his way to his daddy's mom, who pulled him into her lap and kissed his forehead. Cassie flashed her son a quick thumbs up as she smiled widely at him.

Come on, baby. Be there. Harry silently urged his fiancé.

And just in that moment, his breath hitched in his throat when her dress came into view; the entire world stopped around him. Everyone rose out of their seats to look at her and the sound of the piano, 'oohs' and 'wows' didn't even hit him when he saw Moira appear at the end of the aisle.

Holy fucking shit.

He was stunned, speechless. Because in front of him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life-an angel, a woman radiating life and light. Her eyes were downcast to the floor, shy and embarrassed, hesitant to be walking the aisle by herself even though her mother was carrying the train of her dress behind her. Moira held the front of her dress so she wouldn't trip; her long blonde hair fell in soft waves, framing her feminine features gently, and atop her head was the same crown of wildflowers Bella wore.

His mind flashed back to the day they met, and he was reminded of how he never could have imagined -not even in his wildest dream-that Moira would eventually become his wife, the mother of his child. And hopefully soon, the mother of his children. She walked slowly, with purpose. Harry didn't see any of the other people around, they faded to the background because his entire focus -his entire being was focused on the breathtaking creature coming towards him.

What had he done to deserve her? He did not know. All he did know was that he would do everything in life to keep her happy, to make her feel as beautiful and loved as she deserved to feel. There was nothing better in the world than meeting someone who was able to understand and get to know you-to forget the past, to look past it and see you. And there was definitely nothing like that same person falling in love with you.

Her lively blue eyes rose to meet his bashfully, cautiously, and his soul felt like it was beaming at her. He wanted her to run across the aisle-to hurry, yet he didn't want to look away. Harry was blinded by her, completely blinded, and he would not have it any other way. Moira must've seen what she had hoped to see, because suddenly, her entire face lifted into a broad grin, and he could feel his own face doing the same.

That was when he noticed the subtle stream of tears sliding down his face. He blinked furiously, not wanting to lose sight of his almost-wife, causing Moira to send him a fond smile. He did not feel ashamed to be crying in front of all these people, 'real men don't cry' be damned! Her beauty had reduced him to tears and he was not ashamed to admit it. She deserved it, every bride did.

When she got close enough, he held out his hand to hold, and her soft skin met his; her hands were slightly shaking with nerves. Harry muttered under his breath, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"I could say the same about you."

"I am the most beautiful woman you have ever seen?"

Moira snorted in an unladylike manner. "You know what I meant, Stones."

He chuckled and hid his nerves because he wanted to give the impression that he was completely confident; if he appeared nervous, then surely she'd get even more nervous. They both turned to face the marriage officiant and he started saying the speech. They'd practiced this a few times before and so each of them knew exactly what to do. Harry could instantly feel himself relax from this certainty.

Their vows were simple and traditional, with a slight touch of Moira and Harry squeezed in between.

"Do you, Harraël Elay Stones, take Moira Mae King to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," he said without a moment of hesitation as Moira took his ring from the cushion and gently slid it on the right finger.

"Do you, Moira Mae King, take Harraël Elay Stones to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Moira whispered, and he took her engagement ring from her finger and slid it on the ring finger of her left hand. After that he, too, took the wedding band from the cushion and gently slid the ring on the right finger. They shared meaningful smiles and Harry wanted nothing more than to kiss the living hell out of her because she looked so-

"You may kiss the bride." The officiant confirmed suddenly. Harry had ignored his thoughts, being drowned in the woman in front of him, so when the man finally announced what he had been waiting for, he paused for a split second before cupping Moira's cheeks with both hands and connecting their lips in a subtle but tender kiss.

Their audience applauded loudly, and Finn made an unprofessional catcall, causing Harry's lips to twitch up in a smirk, but he continued to stare down at his wife after he drew back. His eyes were bright and playful now, looking proud and smug.

Now to the legal part of the wedding, they signed the papers, as well as their two witnesses; Lizzy and Finn. Finally, she was his. And he was hers.

"I present to you, Mr and Mrs Stones."

Ollie shifted off of his grandmother's lap and hurried towards his parents, his face contorted into a distraught expression as he stretched his arms upwards, jumping up and down. "And Ollie!" he exclaimed, obviously a little upset he was being left out.

Harry chuckled and picked him up, safely holding their son against his chest with one arm while he took a hold of his wife's hand with the other. The three of them walked down the aisle, followed by rounds of cheers.

The ceremony moved smoothly into the reception, taking place in a renovated barn, a walking distance away. But for those who did not feel like walking -someone like Moira, who wore a dress with a 5ft train-there were several open roof jeeps awaiting.

The inside of the barn was decorated and illuminated with strings of fairy lights, giving it an almost magical feel. In the middle, there lay a massive, white squared rug -the designated dancefloor. A DJ-booth was placed to the side, as well as a well-equipped bar. There was one, long table where everyone would be having dinner later on -with Harry, Moira and Ollie seated next to each other at the head of it.

Moira was lead to the same dressing room she'd been in earlier. And got changed into her reception dress, which was equally as beautiful as her official wedding dress though not nearly as grand and princess-like. When she returned, dancing lights were flashing the dance floor. Harry approached her, his arm hugging her body to his side protectively as they greeted the guests who came to wish them congratulations. They remained like that the entire evening, glued to each other. During the speeches, dinner, the cutting of the cake and their first dance.

Ollie fell asleep in his mommy's arms around 9pm, and Moira felt like crying as she studied his boyish features, looking so peaceful as he snuggled into her warm hold. Knowing that she wouldn't be seeing him for two weeks, the longest time they'd been apart yet, her heart ached.

"He'll be alright, baby." Harry told his wife as he placed his hands on her shoulders, massaging her tense muscles. "He's got two doting grandmothers to take care of him."

"I know that. It's just.. I'm going to miss him so much."

"Me too. And hopefully, he'll miss us too."

Moira giggled softly, trying not to wake their sleeping angel. "He better."

"Tell you what," he said, kissing her exposed neck and occupying the vacant seat beside her. "We'll wake him up when it's time to leave and tell him goodbye, okay?"

"But what If he has trouble falling asleep afterwards?"

"The day's excitement drained the energy out of him, he'll sleep just fine."

They had already tried to explain to him a few days prior, that after the wedding, mommy and daddy would go away for two weeks, and that Grandma Cassie and Grandma Emelia would stay at the apartment to keep him and Fox company. To that announcement, Ollie had casually answered, "Okay." And continued playing with their loyal Beagle pup -who was no longer a pup but still acted like it.

At the end of the evening, It was time to leave. When they woke him up, however, Ollie did not simply tell them 'okay'. The complete opposite, in fact. He kicked and screamed, trying to worm himself out of Cassie's grip as his parents walked to the awaiting car. A waterfall of tears streamed down his chubby cheeks and the sight had broken both Moira and Harry's hearts in a million pieces.

Moira tried to tell herself it would have been even worse if they hadn't said goodbye. But as they were about to leave, her mother instinct kicked in. Tearing herself away from Harry's arms, she nearly ran back to their upset child, not caring about her couture dress as she dropped her knees to the dirty ground and hugged him tightly to her chest, wiping his tears away and kissing his forehead repeatedly.

"Oliver Flynn I need you to listen to mommy real good now, okay?" she sniffed, having trouble talking without sounding like a sobbing mess. She stood up with Ollie in her arms and stared down at his teary face.

"Okay." Ollie croaked.

"Mommy and daddy are going away for two weeks and you're going to have loads of fun with your grannies, and when we come back, we'll have all kinds of presents for you."

He blinked. "Pwesents?"

"Yes, because we're going to miss you soooo much and we love you."

Ollie beamed up at his mother, his tears seemingly long forgotten.

"Do you remember how much mommy and daddy love you?"

"To the moon and back." He shot her a toothy grin, looking rather proud of himself.

"That's right, baby. To the moon and back." She kissed his cheek. "Are you going to be a good boy for your grannies?"

"Yes!" he pushed a fist up in the air, making her laugh.

"I'm proud of you. Now give mommy a kiss 'cause we gotta go."

Ollie planted a clumsy, wet kiss on his mommy's cheeks and did the same to his daddy as he offered a cheek to him. Harry ran a hand through their son's curls and briefly caressed his cheek. "We love you, Ol."

"To the moon and back!"

The car ride to the airport was quiet. Husband and wife were exhausted from the day's events, emotionally, mentally and physically. And so, it didn't come as a surprise that when the plane departed, they both fell asleep within minutes -still in their reception outfits.

Because Moira didn't think Harry picking the destination of their honeymoon by himself was fair, they chose to split the two weeks up. In the first week, Harry would take his wife to a secret destination. And in the second week, it was Moira's turn to do the same.

12 hours later, the pair arrived at the mysterious airport. They were well-rested, although their muscles were slightly aching from the positions they'd been sleeping in. Or rather, the clothes. They both changed into more comfy clothes and when they exited the plane, Moira's mouth dropped open as she stared at the 'welcome to...' sign.


"Are you happy?"

The air was punched from his lungs and he struggled to keep his balance as Moira suddenly wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. "I'll take that as a yes." He managed to wheeze out.

Like a kid in a candy store, Moira watched with wide eyes as the enticing, nightly landscapes of Kauai -the oldest inhabited Hawaiian island-passed by the window. The taxi they were in would take them to St Regis Princeville; a luxurious resort located on a secluded beach cove on the north coast of the island. The sky was painted in colors of fire as the sun was about to rise, its beauty captivating all onlookers.

Around 6am, they entered their room and Harry excused himself to relieve his bladder in the ensuite bathroom. When he returned, his wife was spread across the bed in nothing but white, lace lingerie.

He shot her a look that sent shivers all over her body; his eyes literally devouring her. Moira's legs clenched together when she felt that all too familiar tug on her stomach and pressure on her naval, sending her into a relentless game of tug-of-war with pleasure and want. She let her thighs touch as her centre leaked her desire freely, her entrance starting to throb in time with the irrational beating of her heart.

"Tell me what you need, baby." He approached the bed, climbing atop of it and taking a seat behind her. The words he spoke were like a beacon of hope to her, and she became emotional enough to give a soft, mewling cry.

"Touch me."

His hands moved all over her torso, the heels of his palms digging into her skin, fingers pinching her nipples through the material of her bra. His touch was strong and soothing as it massaged her body into bliss, but they halted their movements as soon as the two words fell from her lips unexpectedly. His hands distanced themselves from her and Moira almost groaned in frustration.

"Where?" He breathed in her ear, his lips brushing the shell of it. "Show me."

He laced his fingers with hers, and she eagerly lead his hand down her body, sliding right along her naval and down to the pulsating, wet heat in between her legs. She guided his fingers blindly to her clit, scraping her own fingers against it and supplying herself a couple of shivers of pleasure, but they didn't last as long as she would like them to. Harry's chest pressed into her back, the rough fabric of his jeans scraping against her ass. Slowly, her fingers unravelled from Harry's as she let him take over.

Harry exhaled breathily, his other hand coming to join the first one; he started by rubbing the very insides of her thighs, long fingers trailing over the hot, sensitive skin and massaging her. She grew even more restless by his avoidance of touching her where she needed him most.

"Harry." She whispered, her head falling back on his shoulder.

Harry exhaled again, this time followed by a greedy inhale of air through his nose, and finally, his fingers were on her. Moira breathed a flustered sigh of relief and leaned into his touch, her hips already grinding down on his fingers, even as he rubbed her slowly and sensually, an occasional finger dabbing into her entrance when his hands passed it. But as soon as she got what she wanted, she's already craving more, and Harry could sense this as well.

Using one hand to pinch her clit between two fingers, he used the other to have a finger glide into her entrance, slipping in easily with the help of her wetness. She heard a slight hiss in her ear leaking from Harry's mouth as his finger remained stationary inside of her.

"So tight," he muttered, his lips rolling onto the expanse of skin along her throat and sucking hungrily on the patch just under her chin.

Moira exclaimed a strangely garbled noise, like a whimper and a grunt sounding at the same time. Harry's hands and fingers continued to fiddle with her feminine folds playfully and teasingly, not yet working in the way that would get her built up high, only to be released with the force of a thousand bricks falling from a twenty-story building.

Without warning, Harry pulled away, but somewhere in the back of her mind she knew this was coming. Harry loved doing that, teasing her. She sighed quietly, trying desperately to hold on to the pleasure she had built up so far but knowing that the harder she tried to hold on to it, the easier it slipped from between her fingers and left her feeling antsy and irritated.

Harry unclasped her bra and got back to fondling her breasts, his hands were rougher this time around; palms digging into her flesh, the course skin rubbing against her hardened nipples. She let out an unexpected moan and arched her chest into his hands and her ass into his hips. It was the exact reaction he wanted from her.

He met her hips in the middle and drove his clothed crotch into her backside, yearning for that friction against his increasingly hardening member.

"Already so wet," he said with a chuckle as one hand slipped down to her centre again, the sound reverberating into her ear pleasantly; her middle tingled at the sound of his voice, prickling softly at her most sensitive nerves down there. The mere tone of his voice turned her on even more.

Moira was ordered to lie down by a low, raspy-voiced Harry. His hands released her and she quickly did as told, limbs trembling and eager, stomach quivering in desperation.

Harry stood from the bed and his pants were discarded first, underwear falling with them and shirt joining not a moment after; her eyes widened when she saw all of him now, realizing that she'd have the pleasure of seeing him in his naked glory for the rest of their lives. A wave of raw lust coursed through her at this thought. She licked her lips, seeing Harry grab his shaft and start to pump it -even though he was already rock hard.

Through half-lidded eyes, Harry nodded his head at her lazily, one hand on his cóck, the other running through his hair sloppily, making it stand up on all ends, yet somehow, this made him look even more attractive.

He slipped her garter belt and French panties off, leaving her fully exposed as he instructed to lie back. He watched her closely as she did as he asked. "Spread your legs for me, princess."

She spread them slowly, feeling as his eyes zeroed in on the most private part of her body. A strange sense of pride ran through her as Harry seemed to slump in his standing position at the foot of the bed, hand moving faster along his member now. She sighed and moved her arms up over her head relaxingly, hands falling onto the pillows at the head of the bed; her hair tickled at her neck and loose strands slid of her breasts as she started to breathe heavier and heavier the longer Harry prolonged this pause. Something snapped in her head and she knew she need him inside of her, now.

"Harry." she pleaded, head lolling to the side.

He finally joined her on the bed, knees sliding over the white of the comforter and coming to a rest on either side of her hips; one hand still held tightly to himself, the other reached down to caress her cheek. "My beautiful wife," he whispered. "I'm going to make love to you."

Knowing that most hotels were prepared for the stamina of newly-wedded, he reached for the nightstand and fished a condom from one of the drawers.

Moira saw what he held in his hand, "Don't."

"Why not?"


"You'll get pregnant otherwise." He cut her off.

"I can't get pregnant."

Harry froze, "What do you mean?"

She suddenly became very aware of her heart beating a hundred miles an hour, as well as her laboured breathing. In the darkness of the room, she mentally counted to ten and took a deep breath.

"I can't get pregnant because I.. I already am."

For the second time in 24 hours, Harry was completely and utterly speechless. His mouth was agape as he stared at his wife, his eyes nearly popping out of his head. Moira nervously awaited his reaction, biting her lip nearly to the point of drawing blood.

"We're having baby?"

She nodded, still watching his face.

He emitted a disbelieving laugh, one that could only be described as overjoyed. Closing the distance between them, he kissed her hard, like a soldier greeting his wife after being deprived of her for months. The temperature in the room swelled as Harry tried to pour all his current emotions into the kiss.

"Wait," he broke the kiss abruptly. "Won't I hurt the baby if we.."

"It's perfectly safe to have sex during a pregnancy as long as the waters have not leaked or broken. And I'm hardly two months pregnant, so don't worry."

His eyebrows furrowed together. "You already went to the doctor?"

"With your mom actually," her cheeks tinted a scarlet red. "I wanted to make sure everything was alright before I told you."

"Moira.." Harry sighed. "You should've told me earlier, we could have gone together.. I would've been there for you. I already missed half your pregnancy with Ollie, I don't want to miss this one too."

"You're right, I'm sorry.. It's just that- I didn't want you to be disappointed if something was wrong." She muttered, as tears of guilt prickled her eyes and blurred her line of vision.

"Look at me."

Concerned, he moved his head a few inches down to see her blue eyes rimmed in a red-ish color; there were no tears streaming down her cheeks, but she looked like she was about to cry.

"Baby, look at me."

When she still refused to look at him, he clasped her chin between his fingers and forced her to tilt her eyes upwards. Their gazes connected and the expression crossing her face felt like a blow to his stomach.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You are only human, but you don't accept the fact that you are."

"I tend to forget that sometimes." She shrugged as the first teardrop fell down her cheek, Harry was quick to wipe it away.

"We all do." He kissed her forehead. "How did you find out you were pregnant anyway?"

"I cried a lot. More than usual."


Moira cleared her throat. "Can we continue our wedding night slash morning now?"

"Your wish is my command, m'lady."

With a playful grin, he lowered himself and drew his hips back, using one hand to line them up and thrust inside of her with one fluid motion. She barely felt a thing, Harry's length slid easily into her entrance because of the lubrications her body provided him with. He moved deeper into her until she'd taken all of him in, their skin looking as if it was glued together.

Moira released a pent up moan and her head pushed back, neck arching and feet slinking up Harry's thighs, over his back until her legs were wrapped around his waist, securing the two of them together like puzzle pieces. Harry didn't make a sound.

They didn't move as they got used to one another's climates, but Harry was the first to cause fraction; he raised his hips a bit, hitting a new angle inside of her very suddenly. She gave a soft cry, her hands twisting around to fist the pillows beneath them.

Already, an intense amount of pleasure had been building up inside of her, just with the single, fulfilling thrust. She could only imagine what would happen once they started a rhythm. She probably wouldn't last long.

"If I tell you to scream my name, scream it. I want the entire resort to hear how good I treat my wife," Harry said, his voice lowering to a husky, dominant growl. She nodded her head, her eyes screwing up from the painful pleasure. Pulling back almost completely, he paused for a moment before letting his hips fall back into place secured to hers, eliciting a moan to leave her mouth. He did it again, and another moan escaped her; they both find out at the same time that each thrust Harry gave to her was met with a moan echoing from deep within her throat.

They looked at each other at the same time and a grin curled up his lips as he whispered a quiet, "I love you." Then, everything became a blur.

It was the last image she saw of her husband before everything became too fast, too raw and too mind-blowingly fantastic. Moira supposed you could say she blacked out from the bliss of it, the feelings he literally drove into her too intense to handle consciously.

Through the duration of this, she remembered hearing the thump thump of the headboard banging against the wall, and the breathless grunts gritted out through Harry's clenched teeth; she remembered seeing him above her, arms strong, lean columns on either side of her head and holding him up so as not to crush her, his face morphed into the same expression: lips parted, eyes wide, eyebrows together, jaw clenched. He would've looked angry to her if she hadn't known better.

The whole time, his eyes were on her; looking her body up and down, pinpointing the spots he wanted his hand or his lips to go, staring into her eyes. Occasionally, he'd bend his face close to hers and align their mouths together, their breaths mingling and lips brushing in a ghost of a kiss. She would moan loudly, eyes rolling back from the pleasure being supplied to her.

His thrusts were spaced out at perfect paces, but he'd never stick with just one, always switching gears and either moving slower or faster at a moment's notice, always keeping her on her toes. Harry had slipped a hand between them to rub her clit furiously, the final factor added before she was driven over the edge and free-falling into a dark, delicious climax that was her orgasm. She felt her walls clenching around Harry's large size almost painfully, but she welcomed it gladly, too caught up in her own pleasure and happiness that she almost missed her walls clenching around Harry being his last factor added before he was driven off the edge, too.

His name left her mouth in a blood-curling scream as her body trembled and her toes curled from the power of the wave and waves of pleasure. Her name left his mouth breathlessly in the middle of a string of profanities and curses, almost hidden amongst the crude vowels and consonants. Harry collapsed onto her without warning after she felt him spill inside of her, his trembling arms too weak to support him anymore. Very aware of what was growing inside her tummy now, he quickly tried holding himself back up -despite his protesting muscles.

Moira breathed heavily, still trying to calm herself and her twitching, sensitive body; Harry lay across her still, although now he wasn't resting his full weight on her, his chest met hers every once in a while with his extreme pants. After a moment, he pulled out of her swiftly, the motion similar to ripping off a Band-Aid. He pushed himself up on his elbows, gazing down at her and brushing a sweaty tendril of hair out of her face.

"Harry," she whispered, feeling her hairline glisten from the cloud of body heat floating around them.

Recognising the requesting tone in her voice, his mouth blindly kissed and licked up her neck to her lips where they shared a large, fiery kiss. Not even kissing, really, just two open mouths pressed against each other and breathing in one another's intoxicating, heady scents. Harry sighed into her mouth before he groaned and his teeth bit into her bottom lip sharply. Moira grunted as she could almost feel the skin breaking, but Harry kept his teeth latched on.

With a rough push to the chest, his back collided with the mattress and he was left to his wife's mercy as she crawled on top of him. For some reason, she didn't feel at all shy in front of his powerful gaze. Maybe it was because he stared at her like that-it ignited her ego for the moment, making her feel like she really was considered 'sexy.'

"Round two?" she questioned hesitantly, as if he would loathe the idea.

"Ride me, baby."


The next three days were spent christening the bed, shower, wall, bath, table and even the floor. After that, the newly-wedded rabbits finally emerged from their room and spent the remains of the week exploring the island.

They paddled two miles down the Hule'ia Stream and through the Hule'ia National Wildlife Refuge, a natural habitat for rare and endangered Hawaiian water birds. They hiked in the Nā Pali Coast State Park, enjoyed the Hawaiian sun. Harry even made arrangements for a helicopter to tour them over the Waimea Canyon State Park, and introduce their eyes to the wonders and spectacular views of the canyon.

At the end of the week, they were far from eager to leave paradise, but that sadness quickly faded as they arrived to the next destination.

Harry stepped out of the private plane but stopped dead in his tracks as he inspected his surroundings. "LAX? What are we doing in Los Angeles?"

Pushing past him, Moira approached the awaiting taxi with a secretive smile on her face. "You'll see!"

Throughout the entire car ride, his endless amount of questions drove her crazy. The fact she didn't supply him with any answers didn't seem to dampen his mood or lessen the stream of voiced question marks.

Finally, the taxi turned into a single lane road. And at the end of the lane, was the ocean -although half the sight was hidden away by an obstacle. Or rather, a house.

As soon as the engine stopped, Moira jumped out and excitedly pushed her husband to do the same. He hurriedly paid the driver and fetched their luggage from the trunk. Dragging the heavy suitcases behind him, Harry followed the path he'd seen her go and was lead to an open front door.


"In the living room!"

"How am I supposed to know where that is." He muttered to himself, leaving the suitcases in the hallway as he tried to locate his wife.

Harry ventured from room to room until eventually, he entered a large, light-filled space that took his breath away. On his left hand, was the kitchen. The entire thing was an open concept, with stainless steel appliances, and flawless white counter tops. The cupboards were same kind of stainless white, and perfectly designed to fit the rest of the kitchen, with not a speck of dirt to be seen decorating them. Three driftwood bar stools were placed by the kitchen island, bringing a nice touch to the otherwise colorless corner.

On his right hand, was what he figured to be the sitting area. A fireplace sat proud against the wall with a decent sized flat screen television placed on top of the mantelpiece. An L-shaped leather couch made the area to what it was -its massive size eye-catching and Harry found himself loving the old-ish color of the leather. Several, soft-looking blankets were draped over the back of it, and despite the hot Californian sun, he had the strong urge to wrap himself in like a human burrito.

He hadn't even seen the entire house yet but already, he could see why Moira had picked out this particular place to spend their last week in. It was furnished exactly to her or their taste. And the view.. Harry was in absolute awe. The house was evidently nestled on top of a cliff, on a secluded strip of land, for his eyes had the perfect vision of the sparkling sea.

"Pretty spectacular, right?"

Harry exhaled in content. "I never want to leave."

"Good, because it's ours."

He swiftly turned around to face her; looking like the epitome of shocked, which caused Moira to giggle as she skipped through the sliding doors and outside.

Without a moment of hesitation, he chased after his wife.

The 'backyard' a two-level swimming pool with waterfall and a sleek, minimal outdoor fireplace that was flanked by plush modern seating options in pristine white. There was an understated touch of cool Coastal style, which was coupled with smart Mediterranean overtones that seemed like a natural extension of the spectacular landscape surrounding the house.

Though all that Harry could really focus his attention on was the pool.

Holy hell, they had a pool.

He cleared his throat, trying to sound casual and not at all impressed. "'It's ours' as in a holiday home or like.. our home-home?"

"That's up to you."

"Up to me? What? How did you even-"

"Quit my job and started planning." Moira shrugged casually, plopping down in one of the lounge chairs.


"Do you know how hard it is to build and furnish a house from the other side of the country, without you noticing." She remarked, slipping some sunglasses over her eyes.

Harry was having trouble processing it all as he crouched down in front of her. "Wait so you didn't stop working at Starck & Co because I asked you to...?"

"Of course not, Mr High and Mighty. I resigned because I had bigger plans." She huffed. "I'm not some empty headed, dependant little house wife. You insult me."

"I'm so confused my head's spinning."

"Honestly, babe. You should've known better than to think I'd spend the rest of my days cleaning your shit and watching bad soap operas. I want to do something with purpose, even if it's only for the greater good of my own entertainment. "

"God, I feel so oblivious now." Harry ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, don't. The boys and I discussed how badly you wanted to move to LA and we kept the plan from you on purpose. Wouldn't be much of a surprise otherwise."

"They told you?" he questioned, voice flat and blunt. Sounding so disappointed and childishly whiny that Moira cracked the world's tiniest smile, lifting her eyes to the sky in a subtle eye roll. She nodded, a small hand in comparison to his lifting to brush one of his curls back.

"Yep." She confirmed gently, causing him to groan and shake his head spitefully.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want them to put you on the spot."

His eyes softened and his scowl morphed into something almost...ashamed. Intrigued by this sudden change in demeanor; she kept the hand in his curls still, waiting for him to continue. Harry sighed, snatching her wrist brushing against his hair and holding it tight; she watched silently as he brought it to his lips, pecking the back of it.

"It's fine, Harry. Cade, Isaac and Heath live here, and now that Finn moved as well, it would only be a matter of time until we would do the same. And besides, a change of scenery will be good for us, somewhere to start anew."

"Still, I don't agree with the way they handled things." he murmured, his voice humming and vibrating against the skin of her hand. She nodded in understanding, eyes trained on him.

"Do you want a tour?"

"That'd be lovely," he smiled at her, voice laced with that slight English accent of his.

The house offered amazing ocean views while its lavish interiors extended outdoors thanks to the patio and pool deck. Virtually bringing the ocean indoors with the extensive use of glass walls and windows, every room had been designed to offer unabated access to the sight of the sand and the surf that was just a stone's throw away, down a stone-carved stairs that lead from the top of the cliff to a private beach below.

Spread across 900 square meters and three different levels, the residence comprised of six bedrooms and five bathrooms along with three extra rooms, the living area and the balcony. The house charmed you with an inviting open design, although so cosily and homely furnished that it left you simply spellbound.

The lower level housed the living space, dining area and contemporary kitchen along with two extra rooms. The master bedroom, with an ensuite that included spa-like affluence, sat on the top level, which was also where their tour ended.

"So? What do you think?"

Moira was incredibly nervous and anxious to hear what her husband thought of their new home. It had taken her two years and nearly all her savings to build it, so his approval was crucial. To ensure the interior would be to his taste as well as hers, she'd tried to subtly show him some pictures over the last couple of months. And Harry being Harry, he'd stated his opinion without a clue of why she asked for it in the first place.

"I can definitely see ourselves living here, raising the little ones.

Moira heaved a relieved sigh. "I am very glad to hear you say that."

Harry reached out his hand and wrapped it snuggly around the back of her neck; he dragged her into his body heat, their chests pressing against each other's. He coaxed her to look up, with a hand cradling either side of her face, he kept her gaze locked into his.

"And even if everything had been pink or purple, I would've still loved it. Simply because you created it."

Gently, her hand gripped his back, her cheek landing softly against his neck; she inhaled the heady scent of his shampoo, a stray curl tickling the end of her nose and heard him sigh against her. Moira could physically feel the tension easing out of his muscles the longer she pressed her body warmth to his, and eventually, he was at repose.

"Have you thought about the disadvantages though? I mean, living here would be convenient as regards to the band, but we're on the other side of the county while the rest of our families live in NYC.." he murmured into her hair.

"My mom's saying bye to New York if we are. Your mom agreed to spend two weeks with us here and see how she likes it. But Lizzy said no, she has already built her life in NYC, moving would be too much of a fuss.."

Harry nodded in approval, "It would be great to have our moms within driving distance, especially for the kids."

"That's what I thought."

"So wait, basically everyone was in on the plan except me?" he asked, with a little apprehension.

"Basically, yeah."

"Splendid." His voice was laced with sarcasm.

He tightened his arms around her protectively as a couple of moments passed in complete silence. Harry's eyes fluttered open and he moved his head back to be able to look at his wife, her reflection was mirrored back to her through his green eyes. He groaned throatily, his hands drifting from her back down to her ass and squeezing there playfully.

Moira's eyes flickered down to his lips as she cracked a mischievous smile. "You know what'd even be more splendid?"


"Christening our new bed."


The week flew by, and in the blink of an eye they were back in New York City and entering their apartment.

"Mommy, daddy!" A very ecstatic Ollie greeted them, the soft pattering of running feet evident in the air as he hurried to his parents. Moira swept their boy off his feet and covered his face in kisses, after which Harry wrapped his arms around both his wife and son; embracing them in a group hug.

"Missed you, buddy. Your mom is so boring."

Her eyes narrowed in a fake glare. "Take that back right now!"

"Sorry but it's the truth, babe. Ollie is so much more fun than you are."

Ollie giggled at his parents antics while Emelia and Cassie watched the scene fondly from a distance.

They sat down on the couch a while later, after having shared the details of their adventurous honeymoon with their mothers. Minus the explicit parts, of course.

They also talked about how Ollie had behaved in the past two weeks. Thankfully, he'd been an absolute angel. Even tried to play his grandmothers a song on the piano once, which Cassie had filmed. They showed them the video and it was beyond adorable, though by the sounds of it, he still needed a little more practice.

From Kauai, they'd brought him back a Lei garland (with fake flowers) and a red, kid-sized ukulele with hibiscus flowers painted on it. And from LA, an 'I <3 LA' t-shirt and an LA-themed mini snow globe. After each present, Ollie would press a wet kiss to both his parents cheeks and say 'thank you!'. He was a very grateful little boy, and it caused their hearts to swell with pride


A few months later, they'd finally settled in Los Angeles. And everyone was loving their new home. Ollie spent the majority of his days in his big-boy room, swimming (with floaties), baking cookies with mommy or chasing birds at the beach with Fox. He'd caught a healthy tan and was looking particularly adorable these days. And since Harry was reunited with his band, he was able to spent more quality time with his family.

Right after Moira's first trimester, the risk of having a miscarriage had declined. And since she was starting to show now, they decided it was time to sit down with their son and tell him what was going on.

"We have a surprise for you, bud." Harry said, pulling him into his lap.

"Yay!" Ollie's voice rang through the air, followed by a giggle.

Moira rolled her shirt up and showed him her noticeably swelling stomach. "There's a baby in mommy's tummy."

Ollie looked utterly confused. "What's it doing in there?"

In attempt to not burst out laughing, Harry bit the inside of his cheek. His wife on the other hand, was handling the situation with flying colors. She brushed the tiny little curls framing their son's face behind his ear and briefly caressed his cheek with her thumb.

"He or she is growing in mommy's tummy just like you did when you were a baby, do you remember how babies are made?"

Ollie nodded with open mouth, seemingly fascinated by what his mother was telling him. "The love game."

"Very good, sweetheart. And do you remember how the love game works?"

He shook his head feebly.

"A woman's body and a man's body fit together like a puzzle. When two people love each other and the puzzle comes together in the right way, a baby will start growing in the mommy's tummy."

"Did you play the love game?" he asked with wide eyes, his previous excitement quickly dissipating.

"We did. Mommy and daddy love each other very much."

Moira tensed up, expecting him to start bawling since he looked like he was about to. Instead, Ollie stared at her exposed stomach and broke out in a fit of giggles, the small noise resonating throughout the living room.

"Ya tummy looks like a balloon, mommy."

"Gee, thanks, Ollie."

He giggled, as he softly poked her protruding stomach. "Is the baby my bwother?"

"If he's a boy then he's your brother, but if she's a girl then she's your sister." Moira explained.

"I'm going to be the bestest big bwother in the wold!" Ollie stated matter-of-factly.

Moira couldn't help but laugh at the determined expression crossing his face and admire his attitude. She felt relieved with his reaction, she's read comments on the internet about kids who weren't as excited about the prospect of a sibling.

"Can I see the baby?"

"Not yet." Harry answered before she could. "He or she still needs to grow."

Ollie focused his eyes on his dad and seemed to accept his answer before asking, "Can I see him tomowow?"

Harry chuckled. "We'll buy you a calendar to mark off the days until the baby comes, okay?"

"Okay." Ollie clapped his hands excitedly. "Can we buy a choco calendwar?"

"Sure thing, bud."

Though as it turned out, five-and-a-half months later, Ollie didn't just receive one sibling. But two.


Gabriel Theo Stones

April 12, 2018

02:49AM &

7Ibs - 13oz



Noah Cooper Stones

April 12, 2018


7Ibs - 12oz




- enter eternal sobs -

Took me three full days to write this, it's nearly 9000 words. You're welcome.

For pictures of the new house check out Daddy Unknown's Instagram: @DaddyUnknown

(Also, please please please read my new story 'The Song Of The Wolf')

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