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Once there was nothing but darkness until a bright light appear thus two beings was born: God the Almighty. And his opposite Y/N the Daedric Prince.

These two mighty forces look at each other then without hesitation they fought without mercy thus causing massive clashes all throughout creation.

Until God offer an truce which Y/N accept as they both realize that they are equal thus they went their sperate ways.

God create Heaven and his angels while Y/N create Oblivion and the Rings of Hell.

For several years things been quiet for Y/N until he sense two beings in his plane which he called Oblivion thus he went there and upon his arrival he is surprised to see a angel and a human who look beautiful with horns.

???: "Lucifer. Are we in hell? Because this doesn't look like it" the woman said which Y/N tilt his head.

Lucifer: "It got demonic energy but it doesn't feel the same either Lilith" the angel said.

Y/N: "Technically you are both right yet wrong" he said which surprised the two as they look at him.

Lucifer: "Who are you?" He said trying to defend Lilith which Y/N chuckle.

Y/N: "I am the Daedric Prince of Hell and care to explain why you two are here" he said which the two look at each other then explained what happened.

A few minutes later.

"... Ok first of all you two are dumb for giving an apple to mortal. Second Heaven shouldn't banish you two to here without breaking the truce" Y/N said which confuses the two.

Lucifer: "What truce?" He said which Y/N look at Lucifer with a surprise face.

Y/N: "Haven't god tell you about the truce he made with me?" He said which Lucifer shake his head.

Lucifer: "God haven't be heard or seen in months" he said which Y/N frown.

Y/N: "Mm well I guess since he didn't told you then it won't break the truce however I will bring you two down to the Pride ring and let you two introduce to the residents there" he said which he snap his fingers and the three got teleported to the Pride ring.

Upon arrival the two are surprised to see so many demons all trying to survive in small huts.

Lilith: "Why ain't you doing anything for them?" She said.

Y/N: "I prefer the quiet life and besides I ain't into leading these demons who prefer to show dominance over the other" he said.

Lucifer: "What if there is an king?" He said which Y/N look at him with a puzzle face.

Y/N: "Are you saying there should be an leader?" He said which Lucifer nod.

Lucifer: "Yes as father say that without leadership then there is only chaos" he said which Y/N hummed.

Y/N: "Then why don't you two lead these savages?" He said surprising the two.

Lilith: "Why us?" She said confuse.

Y/N: "You two are new comers and would make perfect leaders to these savages besides I only know how to lead in a fight not how to lead an civilization" he said which the two look at each other then nod.

Lucifer: "We accept the role as King and Queen of Hell" he said which Y/N snap his fingers causing Lilith to glow red.

Y/N: "There Lilith gain a small bit of hell powers however know this: power is toxic if use poorly" he said then leave.

Thus for the next few years Lilith and Lucifer lead the demons and created an system however what the two doesn't know is that Y/N been watching them from his domain.

Sadly it wasn't long when these angels appear and announced that they gonna be doing an purge of sinners every year which Y/N growl.

"They think they control hell? Well let see how long when they realize that they are tricked into killing false sinners" Y/N said snapping his fingers causing new demons call Daedra to appear all over Oblivion which they are pulsing the same energy as sinners and demons.

Then he created an effect all over his domain that affect only angels with hate in their souls to forget about Oblivion.

Once done Y/N watch as angels come to his domain using their holy weapons to slay these Daedra but nothing they do is actually killing these demons.

However only a few manage to escape and enter the Pride ring which he growl but thankfully they only slaughter a few fifty before returning to Heaven with their memories of the oblivion forgotten

"Tsk these angels got lucky but soon they will regret targeting my domains" Y/N said as his eyes glow with dark aura.

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