A Dinner to never forget

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Freddy's pov
I didn't say anything.
"Amelia....Asch, dinner," I said through my teeth.

I slammed the door.

I walked down the stairs, and I went into the kitchen with Lawrence.
I took a deep breath; it's probably nothing.
" It's nice you still cook here. I missed your cooking," I told the kind blonde.
"Yeah, I do, like my hat?" Lawrence said happily, pointing to his chef hat.
"Yes," I said.


Then Amelia walked in.
"Sorry I'm late....i was doing things." She trailed off.
"Yeah...things," I muttered.

"Freddy, could you go stir that soup over there?" Lawrence suggested handing me a metal spoon.
I took it and started stirring the soup. Lawrence makes fantastic soup.

Then I let it out.
"So Amelia, since when did you like attempted murderers?"
"What?" She asked," You mean Asch?"
Lawrence took a second from cooking and muttered.
"I mean that the guy you were flirting with tried to kill me," I mentioned.
"He wouldn't do that?" Amelia cried out, not sure of it.
"Yeah, he wanted to set me on fire!" I shouted.
"You know about the fire..thing?" She sounded shocked.
"Yes, I know that!" I yelled.

Then Rhys and Asch walked in. I pulled the spoon out of the pot.
"Speak of the devil," I said, referring to Asch.
"Devil?" Asch asked.
"Nevermind," I said.
"Is everything ok?" Rhys asked "We heard shouting"
"Nothing, I'm just trying to protect my baby sister." I said. I pointed at Asch," I don't want him to hurt you."
"He wouldn't do that!" Amelia shouted.
I wanted to say something, but I was so angry. I bent the spoon and stormed out of the room.
"Freddy, get back here!" Amelia shouted, coming after me.

3rd person

(An: Poor little bean)

Later at dinner!

Freddy was sitting next to Rhys.
He calmed down, but he was still scared.

Everyone had sat down.
"So Freddy, how did you and Ryan meet?" Freddy's dad asked.
"Dad, his name is Rhys," Freddy corrected him.
"Oh, we met when Peirce ran him into a wall; it almost killed hi-" Rhys was interrupted by Freddy covering his mouth.
" Not now babe," Freddy didn't want his parents, mainly his father, to think he met Rhys...that way.
"So, why did you want to go out with my son?" Freddy's dad asked Rhys.
"What, what do you mean?" Rhys was confused. He wasn't expecting the question.
Freddy's dad turned to him and said.

Freddy interrupted his father.
"What money?! You mean the checks that you send me every week!? The ones I never even cash!?" Freddy shouted," In the memo, you're basically begging me to come home, but when I do, you throw a bunch of questions to my boyfriend with your Prejudice nature!"
"William, I think Freddy is-" Freddys mother was interrupted by her husband.
"Shut up, Joanna!" William yelled in anger.
Joanna shut her mouth.
William stood up.
"You can't talk to your father like that!" He yelled into his son's face.
Rhys then stood up.
"Well, then, don't talk to your children like this; you're teaching them to act like this!" He yelled rage in his eyes.

The three men started fighting.
" It's nice to have the family together for dinner." Joanna muttered, picking at her food.
"Dad, you can't speak to Freddy and Rhys that way; you shout your insecurities onto him!" Amelia shouted at her father.
"You stay out of this, the men, after talking." William said...undermining her...as usual.
"No, you don't talk to her like that; I don't care if you're her father. You can't treat her like that!" Asch unexpectedly comes to her aid.
"For once, I agree with Asch!" Freddy shouted.
"Oh, look at this. The big strong man wearing an old leather jacket comes to the little girl's aid!" William shouted, not making any sense.

Amelia got out of her seat and ran to her father.
"Why are you like this!?"
"Why am I like this? YOU DONT KNOW ME YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I'M LIKE!" He yelled and then....

"Never EVER speak to your father like that AGAIN!" He yelled in her face...then she ran off crying.
"Amelia!" Both Asch and Freddy yelled.
Both men ran after her.

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