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The man in question slowly opened his eyes, wondering where that annoying sound was coming from. He found herself propped up against the bookcase near the front door. How did he get here? It definitely wasn't very comfortable...

Ava's worried face came into focus. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead," came an urgent muttering, almost like a mantra.

Freddy grunted. "... not dead... Ava."


The man froze as he heard another voice that definitely wasn't one he wanted to hear. "Plan didn't... work out?" he whispered to Ava.

Ava sighed. "Not exactly, no." Her face grew serious again. "What happened to you? You were resting on the couch when we left. How'd you get all the way over here?!"

"Bathroom." Freddy began trying to stand up. "Tried to...Go. Didn't get very... far..." His arms gave out, and he fell back towards the bookcase...

...only for a firm hand to catch him gently behind his back, cushioning the blow. Turning slightly, he blushed seeing the dark blue cosplayer next to him

"My deepest apologies," he stated sincerely, helping him to stand. "We will help you get settled, then see to your injuries. Pierce, if you would - "

"Okay." The one called Pierce lifted him in his arms again, carrying her in the same manner he had before.

"A-ava?" Freddy was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by the sudden focus.

Luckily, Ava caught on quickly. "His room is this way. Follow me." She led the way, pushing open the door and flicking the lights on in one fluid movement.

Freddy's room wasn't a place anyone entered except for him. It stood out from the rest of the apartment simply by how neat it was. The walls were painted a light cyan, powder-blue curtains framing the window and a matching shaggy carpet covering the floor. The bed was smaller than the one in Ava's room, covered by a fluffy sapphire-blue comforter over white sheets. The walls were bare, except for a few framed pictures near Freddy's work desk.

As he carried him to the bed, Pierce looked at him thoughtfully. "I wish to apologize for causing you injury. It was not my intention to hurt, merely stun."

"That... was you?" Freddy huffed out a careful laugh. "For what it's worth... apology accepted."

Ava motioned to the bed. "Right here. Carefully," she warned.

With a gentleness not at all in keeping with his size, Pierce successfully lowered Freddy onto his mattress. He gave him a careful nod, then looked at Ava. "... think you could give me a little privacy? I need to get changed..."

Ava nodded, turning to Pierce. "Okay, out with you. No, peeking!"

"But - "

"Nope! I'll let you know when he's done." She finished ushering him out the door, closing it behind him.

Freddy, despite the pain he was feeling, was able to change into a pair of grey pajamas.

"D-do, do you think they're real?" Freddy stuttered out.

"You mean, do I think there are currently five hot guys in the apartment acting out some sort of crazy game only they understand, and we have no choice but to play along with it and hope they don't kill us both in our sleep?"

"No. I mean... what they said. About their world... and the monster and stuff..."

Before Ava could answer, Leif strolled through the door.
"Im here to make the weak one not hurt," Leif said, annoyed.
It seemed to take the man a while to process what he meant. "You're going to... fix me? After I smacked you with a bat?"

"Trust me; if Rhys hadn't told me to, I wouldn't be here at all." He gave his signature grin. "If it were up to me, I'd have killed you when you were lying on the floor after Pierce smashed into you."

"...yeah, that's fair," he murmured, so Rhys is the dark blue one. "Sorry about, you know... hitting you. Are you okay?"

"What?!" The little human female stared at her companion incredulously.

"Really?!" Leif found himself stunned.

"Are. You. Okay?" Freddy closed his eyes. "Sorry if I'm... not being clear. My head... hurts..."

Leif slid his expression back to neutral. "I can take care of that." He approached quickly, holding his hand out and placing it on his forehead. As he focused his magic, he made a cursory investigation of the rest of him. 'Definitely, a couple cracked ribs. Surprised, he managed to get as far as he did.'

His hand glowed bright green as he directed his attention towards his head and chest. As he let his magic do its work, Leif slipped a little sedation in with the healing. 'The last thing we need is him causing any more problems for us tonight. He seems the smartest of the two.'
"Wow, I feel no pain, thank you," Freddy said.
Freddy then got on his bed and put on his sleep mask.

After covering Freddy with a blanket from the foot of his bed, Ava closed the door and rejoined all the guys in the hallway, Leif by her side. "So you guys really are demons."

"Daemos!" Rhys shouted, exasperated.

"Whatever. So... you guys have nowhere to stay?"

"Nope." The pink-haired one shook his head. "We don't have a home here on Ee-urf."

Ava sighed, resigned. "Fine. You guys can crash here tonight."

"Huh, we weren't going to take 'no' for an answer." The one with the furry shoulder smirked. "You are our prisoner, and you will do as I command."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You need to get your manners in check."


"Look, I'm just... tired from all of this, especially after what happened to Fred. So you guys make yourself at home, and don't steal anything. Blankets are in the closet and don't come into my room or Fred's room! Okay? Okay."

With that, Ava went into her room and slammed the door. After a moment, she opened it up again. "But I swear to God, if I end up murdered, in the morning I'm coming back to haunt all of you forever!"

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