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Freddy's pov
I was curled up on my bed, reading a book and listening to a random YouTube music playlist when I heard the front doors slam open. 'What the hell? There's no way Ava finished her interview already.' I paused my music, taking off the headphones and dropping them quietly on the mattress.

'What's that smell? Is something burning?'
I'm starting to get a horrible feeling then I heard the sound of voices. It was hard to make out what they were saying, but there was definitely more than one and more concerning...

They sounded male. And unfamiliar.

'That's not Ava!' I then carefully reached down and grabbed the baseball bat I kept by my bed for emergencies such as this. I silently slipped off the bed, hefting the bat as I slowly approached my closed door.

Suddenly, the sound of screaming came rushing past my room. "AHHHHH! IT'S NOT FRIENDLY! HELP! AHHH!"

What the hell was going on out there? As I continued to listen, a mix of murmuring and frightened yelling kept coming through the door. Whoever was outside, there was more than one.

And they seemed kind of...stupid.

"The human is escaping!" I heard and I started. That voice had come from right outside my door! It was closely followed by the sound of Ava screaming!

I threw open my door, bat held aloft in my left hand as I rushed through.

The sight that greeted me was both confusing and worrying. It looked like some... cosplayers? ...had broken into the apartment. Johnny was lying on a pale demon cosplayer with pink-ish colored hair, orange horns, and orange and black clothes.

Two other demon cosplayers were blocking the way to the front door. The tan one had white hair with green horns and was wearing a black and green robe, his arms spread wide and a sharp-toothed smirk on his face.
The other had dark skin, dark brown hair with sapphire-colored horns and similarly-colored robes with what looked to be black under armor. He looks pretty hot.
'Freddy! think with your brain, not your 'You know.'

Ava was to my right, looking pale and frantic. I ran out, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her towards the living room. "This way!" I shouted.
We made it to the kitchen, but we got cornered.

I turned around to face the intruders, pushing Ava behind me and brandishing the bat in what I hope!!!was a menacing manner. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ava grab the frying pan from the stovetop.

It must have worked, because the green-garbed cosplayer gasped as he came around the corner. "A weapon!"

His outcry attracted the attention of a fourth demon cosplayer who emerged from Ava's room. This one had sienna-colored skin, curly dark brown hair with lighter blue horns, and a light blue robe over black under armor. His right arm was exposed, revealing a tribal-looking black tattoo as well as a body built like a truck. He was definitely the largest so far.
'He seems like the muscle' I thought glaring at the men.

More immediately worrying, he was brandishing a rather intimidating broadsword. This seemed to prompt the others to draw their own weapons, which included two sets of very realistic-looking daggers and a long, black staff with purple accents and what looked like a demon head at the end.

What the hell had Ava been up to?!

"B-back off, or I...I will f-heckin', heckin' scream," Ava sputtered, shrinking further behind me.

"Wouldn't be the first time I made a female human scream," the green one uttered smoothly, a cocky grin on his face.

"Leif, hold your tongue," the dark blue one reprimanded.

"You know what I mean."

"I thought I dreamed you guys up!" Ava was still panicking.

"She saw us in her sleep?" The pink-haired one seemed to constantly be in a state of either panic or awe.

"She must have the ability to foresee us coming. Humans in this world are powerful." The dark blue cosplayer kept muttering under his breath.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?!" I blurted out. Were these guys roleplaying, if they were, they were great.

The dark blue one put his staff away (where, exactly, I have absolutely no clue). "Please, we mean you no harm."

A look of confusion crossed broadsword boy's face. "I thought we meant all of them harm?"

"Asch isn't here," the first whispered through gritted teeth. "Please, we just need help and -"

"I saw you do magic...power...stuff!" Ava cried. "Are you the devil's servants?!"
"Ava, you know that's not real," I said through my teeth.
"The...devil?" The one called Leif seemed confused.

"She means a demon." the dark blue one said


"Hear me out. We come with peaceful intent to -"

"I've uncovered it," a new voice growled from Ava's room. To my dismay a fifth demon cosplayer popped out, garbed in orange and black with a half-cape of white fur flowing back from his shoulder. He had medium skin and black hair with large white horns curving upwards. "The source of her power."


"Asch and I found it before, but we weren't sure," the light blue one answered, putting his sword away. I then noticed the pink-haired one was also now unarmed as well, which gave m an idea.

"W-what?" Ava seemed just as confused as everyone else.

Grinning, the new arrival pulled one of Ava's bras out from behind his back.
'Really?' I thought. 'Is this guy stupid.

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