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Freddy's pov

We got on our floor. Rhys had finished his Ice cream, and we found the front door wide open.
"Quiet human lord, we know Ava and Freddy sent you here to kill us." I heard asch yell.
'Lord?' I think. 'JAKE'
Me Ava and Rhys all ran in to see Leif holding Jake at knife point.
"I have no idea what you are talking about!" Jake yelled his hands in the air.
Peirce noticed us and pointed at Jake.
"This human snuck in," He said.
"Was this a betrayal??" Asch shouted.

"I was with them the whole time, your Majesty. They did not once call in reinforcements!" Rhys was quick to clear us.

"That's right! I -" Ava stopped, getting a good look at the intruder for the first time. "Wait... Jake? How did you get into our apartment?"

"Um, I'm the landlord, so I got worried when Mrs. Oates -"

"Can you guys do something with your magic to make him forget?" I asked worried.

"Leave it to me." Leif bonked the back of Jake's head with the butt of his dagger, knocking the man out instantly.

Ava gasped, horrified. "What did you -?"

"He's out," Pierce confirmed.

Noi sighed in relief. "Good job, Leif!"

"Heh, I try."

"Quick, put on your human clothes and get rid of your horns before he wakes up!" Ava was panicking.

"How?" Noi questioned.

"The way you do your Daemos clothes!"

"Really?" Leif stared at her in disbelief. "I thought there'd be more to it than -"


Three pairs of perfectly-sculpted abs immediately met her eyes as they lifted their shirts, Pierce managing to get his completely off.

I felt my face flush.
I reached into my pocket to pull out my phone, but Ava shouted.

"Dang it" I whispered and took my hand out.

Jake chose that particular moment to let out a low groan.

"Okay, not a lot of time." Ava looked around at each Daemos. "Pierce, help me get him to the outside door."

"M-m-my name..."

"Just Help me!" Ava shouted.
And Pierce came over but instead of grabbing Jake he grabbed Ava.
"NOT ME! HIM!" She shouted.

3rd person.

"Oh Jake, are you alright?"

Jake sat up, yawning. He was a bit surprised to see Freddy and Ava standing over him, looking concerned.

"I am so sorry!" Ava knelt down next to him. "I opened my door and it slammed right into you. Hehe," she laughed nervously.

"W-wait... it did?"

"Yes, ohmygod, I'm so sorry," Ava continued.

"But the demons in your room and... I came in, didn't I?"

"Ava, why don't you go back inside. I'll be there in a minute." Freddy helped Jake stand up, holding on to his arm after he got his feet. "I don't know what you're talking about, but it did sound like you were having a pretty scary dream."
"Yeah I guess, it had demons, and you were in it" Jake trailed off.
"Yeah, the strangest dream I ever had was when the world ended and I had to eat my Aunt Natasha, and the whole time she was still criticizing me saying 'You're still too skinny!" Freddy said mocking his aunts Russian accent.
Jake laughed.
"Hey, I meant to ask, why don't you allow dogs in the building?" Freddy asked.
Jake looked confused
"What do you mean, I allow dogs in the building."
"WHAT!" Freddy shouted."AVA!" Freddy shouted, walking into his apartment and slamming the door.

"Was it something I said?" He asked himself.

In the apartment.
Ava was hiding behind a confused Pierce.
"Prisoner What are you doing?" Asch asked, angrily.
"Freddys mad?" She whispered in fear.
"But he seemed calm earlier" Noi said confused.
"You don't know him when he's mad" She was scared.
Freddy came into the room fuming. As if walking in slow motion.
"AVA!" He said through his teeth.
The young woman yelps.
"Why did you tell me that Jake doesn't allow dogs in the building?" Freddy muttered closing his eyes in anger.
"B-because, I didn't want Johnny to be jealous " Ava said making an excuse.
"Ava, you know I don't like being lied too, " Freddy stepped closer.
"Ok! I didn't want to be woken up by barking, " Ava said giggling nervously.
Freddy seemed to calm down.
"Why didn't you tell me that?" Freddy was confused.
"I didn't want to hurt your feelings," Ava said, warily stepping out from behind pierce.
Freddy sighed "Next time be honest with me, you know I hate people lying to me."

"Ok" Ava said "I'll do that next time" She said running to her room in case Freddy was faking calm.
He did that before.

"That's fine." Freddy walked near the bookshelf to look at a broken vase on the floor, then sighed and grabbed some books off the shelves. "Here." he placed the stack of books in Rhys arms

"Books?" Rhys stared at the pile almost hungrily.

"Just a couple I think you guys might like." He sighed tiredly. "Look, I have a lot of work to catch up on." he gave Pierce a pointed look. "So if you guys could put your clothes back on and just... look through these without destroying anything else in the apartment, I'll consider today a win." He started back towards his room. "Just... try to be quiet. Please.

"Umm... was he mad at us?" Noi seemed uncomfortable.

Rhys tore his gaze away from the stack of books. "Yes, I'm sure. But I think he will calm down if we give him and Ava some time alone."

Rhys's eyes lit up again. "Now Let me tell you all about ice cream!"

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