The next day

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Rhys woke up.
He was huddled next to Freddy, but he was.......different.

He was freezing cold, and he was pale.

He saw that he was bleeding and panicked. He had to do something!

He picked him up and ran to the spell pool,

He carefully put him into the pool.
"How did It go?!?" Rhys asked himself, terrified.

Tsvetok, blesk i siyaniye
Pust' tvoya sila siyayet
Sdelat' chasy vspyat.'
Rhys started to cry, more like a child.

Verni to, chto kogda-to bylo moim
Istseli chto bylo bol'no

Izmenit' dizayn Sud'by
Sokhranit' to, chto bylo poteryano

Verni to, chto kogda-to bylo moim
Chto kogda-to bylo moim

His voice filled with sorrow. He closed his eyes, scared of what he could see.
The spell pool glowed a pale blue but quickly disapaited.

But then Freddys skin got its color back.
And his eyes opened.

"Rhys?" Freddy asked. "Why are you crying?" He asked.
Rhys opened his eyes.
They quickly filled with stars.

After a few minutes, Freddy finally got dressed.
He and Rhys were in his bedroom.
"I can't believe your mantra worked," Rhys kept saying.
"Yeah, I guess it did," Freddy muttered; he was still confused about his whole magic thing.
The Freddy noticed something.

"Well.....ive been focused on your well being so..." He trailed off before yawning.
"Ok big guy, you need some sleep." Freddy comments.
"But," Rhys tries to protest, but he shut-ups when he yawned again.
"Get some rest, or you could face some consequences." Freddy says, and this leaves the room.

"I still did I get that?" Freddy says to himself.
His phone starts to ring. It's his mom.
"Hey mom, sorry I couldn't answer, I've been sick lately."
"Really? You don't get sick that often." His mother commented.
"Well, I guess all the germs in body caught me off guard because my boyfriend found me on the bathroom floor with puke everywhere." Freddy then shuts up.
He then receives a mass of questions from his mother about him.
"Mom calm down; you'll meet him when you meet him." Freddy called out.
Then his foot hits a small glass vial; he looked down to see a small empty bottle with a yellow label on it.
He picked it up; it was a chemical from his job; he had taken it home by accident and was waiting to return it.
"Mom, I got to call you back." Freddy hung up. And then he dialed his boss's number.
"Hey Mike, I need some help, you know that chemical I accidentally told you I brought home?" He asked.
"Oh, you mean Trancictor," his boss commented. "Yeah, that's not good; that's an experimental poison; it causes puking, fever, chills, And ultimately death." He explained.
"Ok, thanks," Freddy said, hanging up.
The bottle was empty, what happened, it was filled with a yellow liquid last time he checked.
What happened?

(AN: I have an idea for an Au of this, a reverse, basically, Freddy and Ava=Daemos. Everyone else: Humans, if I write it ill post a one-shot here)

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