The trip

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Everyone was waiting for Freddy, who was getting his car.
Ava was startled by a car horn.
Up came Freddy in his car.

"Freddy, is this your car?!" Ava shouted, confused.
Freddy stopped the car and rolled down the driver-side window.
"What? Expect it to be rainbow colored?" Freddy said sarcastically.
Ava didn't respond because she was embarrassed.

Everyone put their things in, and Asch was put in the backseat Conscious, but his wrists are together.
"This is stupid," Asch muttered. Everyone ignored him.

They drove for a while.

Until they arrived at Lunaris.
'Welcome to Lunaris, ' The white sign said, signifying where they are.
"Freddy, are we there yet?" Noi asked. he'd been asking that for hours.
"Yes were there, now just be patient, we're going to make a stop," Freddy said. When he drove by a diner was when he stopped.
He parked.
"Now, Noi, stay here and watch asch." Freddy said to Noi.
"On it!" he shouted excited.
"Leif stay here and make sure Asch doesn't trick Noi into letting him out....again" Ava. Ordered.
Noi looked embarrassed.
Asch had tricked him into letting him out, and he toppled a bookshelf.
He calmed down but was still filled with a little rage.
"Come on, Freddy, Asch hasn't eaten for two days, at least let him eat," Rhys pleaded, making a puppy dog face.
"Ok, Leif, Noi, stay out here and watch Mikey and Johnny; they don't allow pets inside." Freddy commented.

Freddy had cut Asch's restraints. And led the rest inside.

Inside a man with brown hair and one eye being covered by his hair greeted them.
"Freddy?" The man said.
"Justin!" Freddy called. He hugged the man.
"So, you still work here?" Freddy asked.
"What? Is it wrong to be a waiter at the two wolves diner after all these years?" Justin asked.
"Well, sorry, it's okay," Freddy apologized.

They got seated. Justin took their order and then in walked in.

"Amelia, this is my boyfriend, Rhys." Freddy said, pointing to Rhys, who was sitting next to Ava.
"Wow, I didn't imagine him looking like that," Amelia said before grabbing a seat.
"Looking like what?" Rhys asked, confused.
"Uhhhh," Amelia wasn't sure what to say."Oh, look your cars out there!" She said to Freddy, changing the subject.
"Yeah, it's a nice car, and this is Pierce, and that at the end is Asch." Freddy introduced her to them," Noi and Leif are in the car watching my and Ava's pets."
Amelia looked at Asch and her face heated up.
"Yeah, Also did Freddy tell me about my powers?" Amelia asked, ignoring her blush.
"Powers?" Asch asked, intrigued.
"Oh yeah, I can reserve time up to about two minutes." Amelia said with pride.
"No, you can't," Freddy argued. "Prove it if you can."
"Ok, I'll show you, I'll predict what's going to happen in the next two minutes or so," Amelia said calmly.
"That man over there drops his mug, and Justin Chastise him for it, the cop over their gets a call, and his partner leaves without him, then the lights start flickering will the jukebox goes crazy" Amelia listed.

"Ok, let's see it." Freddy announced.

The man next to them dropped his mug as Justin walked by.

Then a cop sitting at the counter got a call.
"I have to take this call and miss my lunch, now where's my partner?" The cop asked as police sirens blasted outside.
The lights start to flicker.
Then the jukebox started playing multiple songs at once.
"That's the best thing that machine has played in hours" A man sitting at the counter commented.

"Oh...gods," Asch said under his breath.

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