Cast Announcement

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Details for the initial cast have been released.

Juliet Godwin and Lilly Van Der Meer will play sisters, Naomi and Ella Larson. Joining the list of Australian stars, we have Adelaide Kane and Lukas Radovich as Evelyn and Luke Barrow plus Phoebe Roberts as Billie Mcleay.

Hollyoaks' Callum Kerr will star in the continuing drama as Harry Atwood. Esther Smith will play girl-next-door Daisy Smith and finally, Regé-Jean Page will star as Levi Tsuro.

All of the above will be the first series regulars, with more announcements coming soon.

Full character details are available below.

Naomi Larson - Played by Juliet Godwin
29 Years Old - Australian
Naomi was born and raised in Perth, Australia with her younger sister, Ella. You'll usually see her with perfectly straight hair in a high ponytail, staring at you with a resting bitch face. Naomi can come across cold but there is a warmth just below the surface for those she trusts. Naomi worked a model for most of her late teens and early twenties however after a health condition that will be revealed in the episodes, she was forced to give it up. She decided to move to the UK and do an undergraduate degree and now postgraduate degree in hope for a new start. She is studying Business Management and has a part time job in a clothes shop.

Ella Larson - Played by Lilly Van Der Meer - 20 Years Old - Australian
Ella is a wild child who doesn't look like she's going to change anytime soon. She is either doing everything or nothing, either incredibly happy or very upset. Ella is studying a university degree in Digital Marketing and hopes to get a TikTok career creating content after she graduates. The problem is she isn't very good at handing in her assignments on time and if they are on time then it's because she's completed them at the very last minute. Despite Ella's lack of an attention span and sometimes anxious personality, she has often been referred to as the sunshine.

Evelyn 'Evie' Barrow - Played by Adelaide Kane - 28 Years Old - Australian
Evelyn Barrow is that sulky face in the corner of the room that you're a little bit intimidated by yet you wish you were her. People look at her wherever she goes but she pretends she never notices anybody in return. She walks around in her black leather jacket, smoking more often than not and trying to keep to herself. It's surprising that Evelyn has chosen to study Psychology as her masters degree. Evelyn is a family friend of Naomi and although they're not very close due to their somewhat cold personalities, they only knew each other when they first moved to Daffodil Bay so stuck together. Evelyn has ADHD but has learned how to cope with it to the point that nobody would notice.

Luke Barrow - Played by Lukas Radovich - 22 Years Old - Australian
Luke is the sweet, younger brother of Evelyn. He decided to do his undergraduate degree in the UK, feeling like his only sister would cope better with him around. Luke is the only person that Evelyn has thus far opened up to in life and the two have a very strong bond. Luke is studying Television and Film Production. He likes being behind a camera but doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life. In his spare time, Luke works part time in a burger kiosk on the beach.

Billie Macleay - Played by Phoebe Roberts - 25 Years Old - English
Billie is studying a masters in Cyber Security which tells you a lot about her personality. She is always typing on her laptop, practising hacking. Billie has an intelligent mind and sharp wit, with a comeback for everything. She hasn't yet found somebody who can match up to her or keep her on her toes. Billie is a lesbian and proud of it, she loves women and will shout it from the rooftops. The people she's lost from it didn't matter anyway.

Harry Atwood - Played by Callum Kerr - 26 Years Old - Scottish
Harry is troublesome and cheeky and has always been that way. His Scottish accent and dashing looks never fail to get girls falling at his feet and he can't get enough of them either. Harry has never been one to settle down and his relationships are usually very short. That was until he met Naomi during their undergraduate courses. They have been together for a year. Harry is studying an Interior Design masters, despite studying sport in his undergraduate degree. It seems he can't make his mind up, but hopefully this will interest him. Harry spends a lot of his free time in the gym and working as a barman in the local pub.

Daisy Smith - Played by Esther Smith - 26 Years Old - English
Daisy is your typical 'girl next door'. She's always the person people go to to confide in and always the best person at giving out advice. Because of that, many of her friends suggested that she should go into HR and so that is what she's studying her masters in. Daisy originally studied photography for her undergraduate degree and does do the occasional wedding, but wanted something a bit different. Her West Midland accent is a big hit with everybody she's around, particularly those from other countries. Daisy loves to travel and hopes she can do more of it after completing her masters degree.

Levi Tsuro - Played by Rege-Jean Page - 32 Years Old - English
Levi is the kind of person that nobody knows what to make of. He's mysterious but terribly good looking so everybody always assumes he must be trouble but that isn't the case at all. He hates that people expect him to act a certain way. When Levi isn't studying his postgraduate degree in Law, he's working in the ice cream shop on the beach. It's surprising how good he is with the kids! Levi is very difficult to read but what's clear is that he's holding back a few secrets.

Week 1 spoilers and episodes will coming soon.

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