Bertayal pt.1 (Re Write!!)

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(Yay! The re write!! Also, thank you for 25k reads!!! It means so much to me!!!)

It was lunch period. Kaede Akamatsu, Kokichi Ouma, Shuichi Saihara, and Rantaro Amami had taken a seat at their usual spot.

Shuichi put his bag on the table and started to search through it, "Shit... I think I left my lunch in my History class..." Shuichi said. (I may or may not have done this....... at least ten times)

"Nishishi, how do you forget your lunch in class, Saihara-Chan??" Kokichi laughed.

"I-I don't know," he sighed, giggling. "I really have the worst memory..."

"Don't say that!" Kaede spoke, "Once, I forgot we were taking a test in class one day and wrote myself a reminder on my hand! The teacher thought I was trying to cheat!"

"I remember that," Shuichi smiled. "Anyway, I'm going to go grab it really quick"

"Want me to come get it with you?" Rantaro asked, "y'know... so it's less embarrassing?" He laughed.

"Sure." Shuichi agreed.

Rantaro and Shuichi got up and left, leaving Kaede and Kokichi by themselves. Kokichi didn't talk to Kaede as much as he did with Rantaro and Shuichi, but she was a really nice girl who practically the entire school loved. He didn't know why he never really took the time to get to know her.

"Hey, Akamatsu-Chan, can I tell you something?" He asked.

She smiled, "yeah, of course, Ouma-Kun! I've been wanting to get to know you better!" She said cheerfully, folding her hands together.

Kokichi sighed, "Well I guess you could consider what I'm about to say getting to know me better."

"What to you mean by that?" She asked.

"I... really like Saihara... a lot," he said, covering his face with his scarf. He couldn't tell Rantaro, because he knew he'd just tease him, and, Although he didn't know her well, Kaede was super helpful and kind.

Kaede looked at him, shocked, "R-Really?! No way!!" She smiled. "You two would be sooo cute together!!"

"You... think so?" Kokichi asked her.

"Of course!"

Kokichi smiled, but instantly blushed when he saw Shuichi and Rantaro walking back.

~Kaede's POV~

Ouma and Saihara? I can't see it. It's pretty obvious to just about everyone that I'm the one he belongs with. Not some worthless bastard like Ouma. Who does he think he is trying to steal Saihara away from me?! I... can't let them get together. I'll have to confess before he does, because, I don't think I'll have a chance to if Ouma gets to Saihara first.

"Welcome back Saihara-Chaaaann!!" Kokichi said, teasingly.

"I told you just to call me Shuichi!" he said, as he pulled his hat down his face. Is he really that flustered for Ouma?!

"Buut Saihara-Chan sounds cute! So it definitely suits you better!" Ouma said, smiling like an idiot, "besides, it's fun to tease you!"

Saihara jokingly rolled his eyes, "fine. Whatever floats your boat, Ouma-Kun."

I wasn't paying attention to my facial expressions, as I must of looked pretty mad. Because of this, Amami gave me a strange look, "Akamatsu-Chan, are you alright? You seem to have something on your mind."

I shook the angry look off my face and smiled warmly at him, "I'm just fine! I'm just... thinking." I said, messing with my hair.

"Well... if there's anything ever bothering you... You can talk to me," he said, looking away from me.

"Thanks, Amami-Kun," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, love birds!" Ouma shouted, "you gonna eat or what?"

"L-love birds?! It's not like that at all!" I said, quickly. I swear to god I'm going to break that midget's heart if it's the last thing I do.

~Kokichi's POV~

The school day ended, and I rushed to get to the front of the school. Akamatsu, Saihara, and I all lived pretty close, so we would walk home together, and I was always pretty late. "GUYS, WAIT FOR ME!" I yelled, out of breath.

Saihara turned around, "So you made it?" He smirked, "that's the slowest you've been all week! Congrats!"

"Saiharaaaa-Chaaan," I pouted, "don't tease me!!"

"And why shouldn't I? like you said, it's pretty fun." He said, booping my nose.

I covered my face with my hands, "F-Fine," I looked up at him and grinned, "Shumai."

His face instantly went red and he pulled his hat down to cover his blush, "O-Okay I'll s-stop."

"Are we gonna walk home or what?" Akamatsu laughed.

"R-right," Saihara stuttered.

We began to walk home together like we always do, talking about various things. Akamatsu lived closest to school, so she'd always get home first, leaving Saihara and I alone for a little while.

We walked together in a companionable silence for a while, before I broke it. "Why do you still wear that emo hat?" I asked.

Saihara looked at me, surprised for a second, before processing what I said, "It's not emo!!"

"That doesn't answer the question, dummy," I laughed.

Saihara sighed, "it's really embarrassing..." he began, "but I... trust you."

I smiled. Rarely had I heard those words spoken to me.

"I still have problems facing others I guess... it's really hard for me to be confident in myself, when I feel like I'm doing everything wrong. I guess this hat is kinda like a safety net of sorts," he explained. I looked up at him, "There isn't a reason not to be confident in yourself, Saihara-Chan! Just think about it. You're probably the smartest, kindest, most capable person at school! I'm sure there are plenty of people who could only wish to have what you have," I said.

"You don't really mean that... it's probably just a lie."

"Nuh uh, Saihara-Chan! I really mean it!" I said, excitedly.

"All that... just to get me to take off my 'emo hat'?" He asked, as we approached my place.

"Of course! you would look way cuter without it!" I shouted, as I ran up to the front door.

I turned around to see that he had pulled his hat all the way down his face. I waved goodbye, anyway and walked in.

(Time skip to the next morning at school) ~Kaede's POV~

This morning was strange. For some reason, Saihara wasn't wearing his hat. He looked extremely nervous to be seen without it, so I have no idea why he did it. Ouma seemed to be excited about it, though. Did he play a role in this?

Ouma and I share the same first period class, so lucky me got to hear him gush about Saihara the entire way there.

"He was the one who introduced me to you and Amami! Without him, I'd still be a bullied loner... honestly I was surprised he stood up for me that way despite his lack of confidence, y'know. I guess I'm just lucky he tolerated my existence. I didn't think anyone would, and really don't think anyone except him will. Except for you, Akamatsu-Chan. I'm so glad I can trust you with this!" He said.

"Of course, Ouma-Kun! You can trust me with anything! I wanna do everything in my power to help you out!" I lied.

"Well... I'm thinking of telling him today..." Ouma said.

"Wh-What?" My heart dropped. If he was going to confess today, that meant I was going to have to tell him before he did.

"Yeah! But I don't know how... or when," he said nervously, "what do you think?"

"Uuhh, how about after I get home today? Then you and Saihara will be alone!" I suggested. That would give me the whole day to come up with something special.

"That's perfect! Thanks, Akamatsu-Chan!!" He said, as we arrived at class.

I smiled, "Of course, Ouma-Kun."

~Kokichi's POV~

I waited impatiently all day, just wanting it to be over with. After a year of knowing how I felt, I was finally going to tell Shuichi Saihara... that I loved him.

The end of the day cam excruciatingly slow, but came nonetheless. I quickly gathered my things as the final bell rang, ready to get to the meeting place.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Amami asked.

"If all goes well, I'll tell you tomorrow!" I shouted, running out of the classroom.

I made it out of the school, and expected to see Saihara and Akamatsu there like always, but they were gone. I thought they were still in the school building, so I waited around a while. But when they never came, I started to get bored, so I looked around the corners of the building. That's where I found out the reason they were taking so long.

Kaede Akamatsu was kissing Shuichi Saihara. I wanted to break things, I wanted to cry, I wanted to kill Akamatsu. Even after I told her how I felt about him...

I walked back to the meeting place, holding back my anger, when the two walked back from where they... kissed. "O-Ouma-Kun?!" Akamatsu shouted, "I didn't expect you here so early!" She laughed nervously. She probably hoped I didn't catch her in what she had done.

"Why were you two back there?" I asked, trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

"Akamatsu-Chan just had to tell me something..." Saihara said, blushing.

I simply let go of the conversation as we started to walk home. I didn't talk very much. I didn't want to.

When Akamatsu made it home, Saihara turned to me, "Ouma-Kun, are you alright?" He asked, "you seem this afternoon."

"I'm... totally fine!" I lied, "don't be silly, Saihara-Chan!"

"Ouma-Kun, I know when you're lying!" He responded. That just made my heartache more.

"Seriously, you shouldn't worry about me!" I responded, trying my best to smile.

"But I do. I really care about you..." He said. "Ouma-Kun, are you crying?!" Saihara panicked.

"N-no! I'm fine, really!" I assured him. He simply sighed, and we continued walking. When we got to my place, I simply ran to the front door without saying another word.

When I finally made it back into my room, I let out the tears that threatened to fall the entire walk back. I hated Akamatsu, I hated myself, I hated that I had lost Saihara...

The next day at school I had to watch my crush and his girlfriend act all cute, and touchy, and disgusting. It tore my heart to shreds.

During lunch, the announced the news. "We're dating!" Akamatsu cheered.

"Wh-what?!" Amami said, spitting out his drink.

"Congratulations!" I said with the upmost amount of salt, "but I totally thought Saihara-Chan was into me!"

Saihara laughed, but Akamatsu didn't take it the same way. "I'd like it if you would not flirt with my boyfriend!" She said, raising her voice.

The three of stared at her, not ever expecting her to raise her voice.

"Hehe, sorry about that!" She said, "I just really worry!"

When lunch ended, I just wanted to go and disappear for the rest of the day, and it seemed Akamatsu had the same plans. "I don't want to see you anywhere near Shuichi anymore," she said, angrily.

"Like I'd listen to you, Bakamatsu," I said, trying to leave. She then kicked me hard in the stomach.

"If you don't listen to me, I won't hesitate to do this, and much more, to you or anyone else," she smiled, "understand?"

Now not only could I not have Saihara... I couldn't even be around him, in fear that she'd hurt someone.




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