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(Kokichi's POV)

I walked into school earlier than I ever have before, and I was instantly greeted by my beloved Saihara. I've never had this view of him, where I'm taller...

"Good morning Kaede! There's been something... I've really been wanting to tell you..." He said nervously, and... Was he blushing? He was probably going to finally confess his love to her or something. How unfortunate. At least I'll be in her body when it happens!

"Oh, really Shuichi? Well I'm suuuper excited to hear!" I said. Accidentally dropping the Akamatsu charade.

"Kaede? Are you ok? You seem... Different," Saihara said.

"Nope! I'm 100% fine! Anyway, let's walk into that empty classroom and talk about it, mkay?" I suggested, grabbing him by his sleeve and pulling him in.

We entered the classroom and I sat myself on top of one of the desks and crossing my legs. "So what did you wanna talk about?"

"Kaede, are you sure you're ok? You're not acting like yourself!" Shuichi said, obviously worried.

Ok, maybe I should act a bit more like Akamatsu or this is going to get annoying. "Everything's ok, Shuichi! You shouldn't be worrying about me, y'know! You had something to talk about!"

Saihara sighed, "well, um, you know Ouma, right?"

So he wasn't going to confess his love to Akamatsu then, and he was going to say something about me?

"Who doesn't know that guy?" I responded.

Shuichi started to blush and fidget with his fingers, "well, I, um, I know you and him don't exactly like each other... Which is why I've been afraid to tell you..."

"You don't have to be afraid to tell me anything, Shuichi!"

"Well, Ikindasortahaveahugecrushonhim," He quickly explained, covering his face with his hands as soon as he finished. "I know he can be kinda mean at times and I know he probably doesn't want to talk to me at all, but he's so funny, and actually kind when he wants to be! And some of the things he does are just so cute an- o-oh... I'm getting off topic, aren't I...?"

I couldn't believe my ears. Saihara... Likes... Me? And the one time in my entire life I'm not in my own body to hear this!

"So you like... Ouma?" I asked, trying to hide the fact that I wanted to shout "I like you too!" At his face.

"Are you... Angry?" Saihara asked, nervously.

I shook the shock from my brain, "no! Why would I be mad?" I said cheerfully.

He looked up at me and smiled. "I'm... I'm thinking of talking to him today... Getting closer to him..."

Then "I" walked into the classroom.

"There you are, Oum- and Shuichi's with you too..."

Saihara blushed, "O-Ouma?!"

"I, um, this is going to sound a bit weird but... Can I borrow Akamatsu for a little bit?" Akamatsu asked.

Saihara nodded, "s-sure."

Akamatsu smiled then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the classroom.

"Sup, Shorty?" I asked with a grin.

"What in the world did you do, Ouma?" She asked immediately.

"Hey! You think this is my fault? I didn't do a fucking thing! I'm just as lost as you are!"

"First of all, don't swear while in my body! But this really isn't your doing? Who else could've done this?" Akamatsu asked.

"How am I supposed to know? It's not like just anyone can pull some magic... Crap... Oh my god... Is Yumeno-Chan really a mage?!" I asked with a fake gasp.

Akamatsu sighed, "don't be ridiculous. What would be her motive to switch our bodies anyway?"

That was true, but what if Yumeno's magic bullshit, wasn't really bullshit! I mean I'm in Akamatsu's body, anything could be possible at this point.

"Well I guess it's worth a shot? I'll look for her during lunch period!" I suggested. I didn't like Akamatsu very much, but she was easy to work with.

We made a bit of a plan and told each other our schedules, when Akamatsu frowned. "Also, about your mothe-"

"Oh right! I was late again yesterday. Don't worry about it, we don't have time for that, nishishi!"

"But it's important! You may be a jerk, but no one deserves to be treated that way by their own mother!" She argued.

Oh, stupid Akamatsu, she needs to learn that some people aren't worth helping! When the bell rang, we realized that we left Saihara in the classroom alone. He walked out with a nervous expression on his face.

"Hey Ouma, you and Shuichi have the same first period, riiiight?" I said, practically throwing Akamatsu onto Saihara. "Why don't you two walk there together?" I decided to start playing matchmaker, which was pretty strange considering it was me he had a crush on, I just wasn't in my body.

Saihara shot me a dirty yet nervous glare, he knew where this was going. "ok... sure," Akamatsu said, looking confused.

"Bye you two!" I said, walking in the opposite direction. This would be fun.

~Kaede's POV~

I didn't know why Ouma pushed me onto Shuichi and wanted me to walk with him, but I just went with it. I attempted to start a conversation, but that turned out to be harder than expected. How does one talk like Ouma?

"Sooo... Saihara.. Chan! why do you hang out with Akamatsu all the time?" I finally came up with.

"h-huh? O-oh, well, y'know, she's been my friend since, forever. We know each other like the back of our hand," he explained.

what would Ouma say? What would Ouma say? "That.. sounds like a situation in a romance manga!"

"It's... not like that! She's more like an older sister, I guess," Shuichi said nervously.

"That's a relief!" I said out loud without thinking. Shuichi looked at me with a confused expression, which was understandable.

"W-What? W-Why's th-that?" He said, sounding very flustered and embarrassed, his face turning red. 

"Oh, um, nothing!" I panicked.

"Oh, alright then," he said, looking almost disappointed. "Well, we're... here..." He said, opening the door of the classroom.

~Third Person + Time Skip to Lunch~

Kaede ran to the meeting place her and Kokichi had planned on. She hated being late, so she was always early. Kokichi joined a few minutes later.

"So, how's Saihara-Chan?" Kokichi asked with a smirk on his face.

"He's fine! but, I feel like something going on with him. He was acting shy and nervous, more so than he already is! Could you do me  a favor and ask him about it?" Kaede asked.

"Oh! I already know the reason Nishishi~" Kokichi laughed. "But... I'm not gonna tell you!"

"What? Why not? Whatever he said to you, was meant to be told to me, y'know!" Kaede argued/

"True, but what would be the fun in telling you?"

"ugh, never mind then! I'll figure it out on my own! anyway, do you know where Yumeno-Chan is?" Kaede asked.

"Yup, yup! Her and Chabashira-Chan are in the dinning hall, right now!" Kokichi said.

"Well, let's not waste anymore time."

The two of them walked into the dinning hall. They Spotted Himiko and Tenko and took a seat across from them.

"Good morning Akamatsu-Chan! What are you doing with this degenerate male?" Tenko said, giving a disgusted look towards Kaede. Little did she know, their bodies were swpped.

"Oh, we just had something we would like to discuss with Yumeno-chan," Kokichi said.

"Nyeh? and what would that be?" Himiko said in her usual lazy tone.

"Well, have you ever made a spell where you can switch the bodies of two people?" Kaede asked.

"Yes! Yes I have! me being a full fledged mage and all, I can do the highest skill level of magic! In fact, I made a potion that does that exact thing yesterday by request of Shirogane-Chan. Why do you ask?" Himiko questioned.

"So it was Shirogane-Chan's fault! That damn fangirl of everything!" Kokichi said getting up and running out of the dinning hall to find Tsumugi.

Tenko looked at Kaede with a confused expression, "Um, What's up with her?"

A/N: WOW I HAVE TO MAKE A PART THREE FOR THIS. I DID NOT EXPECTED THIS T BE SO LONG. also sorry i'm always late with everything! It's like the universe hates me cause im busy when I have a million things I wanna write, but have all the time in the world when I have 0 inspiration.

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