Fiction Vs Reality (pt.2)

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(A LOT of people wanted to see a part two, so here we are!)

(Shuichi's POV)

Every second since the incident, I was thankful to be alive.

I don't know how or why I was able to escape that... Thing, but I honestly don't care.

The last thing I remember is running, screaming, and pain. The rest was a blur of "how could you tell?" In an inhuman voice and "I wonder how your blood will taste."

The creature had been detained, apparently. All was safe, apparently. Was that all really true? I couldn't help but have my doubts. It killed so many people in just a few hours, would it really be kept that easily?

Word of the event had spread across the neighborhood, and the entire world for that matter, quickly.

Kiibo, Dead.

All Rantaro's Sisters, Dead.

Kaito Momota, Dead.

Kokichi Ouma... dead.

These were the victims found of the incident just a few nights ago. Some bodies, were still missing.

I hadn't felt an ounce of happiness since that day, neither had their family members.

I sat in my room alone. I stared up at the ceiling, lost in my world of thoughts. A world I'd much rather live in. A world I wished was real. A world where he... Was still alive.

My heart ached everytime I thought of him. I had realised how much I really cared for him too late. And I'd never get the chance to tell him...

I was barely motivated to do anything anymore.

School was starting tomorrow. There'd be a significant decrease of students, due to many families moving away. That included Rantaro's family, so I wouldn't have any friends starting my final year of high school.

I still hadn't gotten over the deaths of my friends... But even with that in mind, my parents would be furious if I skipped school.

Going back to school also gave me the chance to talk to the girl who gave me the novel. The horror novel that so well depicted the incident.


I walked into school the next morning. Everyone was silent as I walked by. I was close with many of the victims, so of course the other students pitied me.

I could care less about the whisperer and stares, though. I was focused on talking to that girl again, and seeing if she knew more about the novel. Which... I had yet to even return.

I put my things into my new locker, and headed to home room, keeping the book with me all day.

I patiently waited for the school day to end, and club meetings to begin. I knew exactly where I could find the girl, that is, if she still lived here. That place was the school's book club.

I used to be in the club, myself, which is why she recommended me the novel. I never talked to her much, which was why I was a little bit weirded out by her request.

The bell rang, which signaled the end of the school day. The students quickly got up out of their seats and files out of the classroom, as the teacher listed instructions on homework.

Once everyone exited the room, I got up out of my seat to exit too, when the teacher stopped me. "I'm sorry... About your friends. I'm honestly surprised you came to school, as the incident only happened about a week ago."

I awkwardly looked down at the ground.

"Well... I hope you feel happier soon. Take care," The teacher said, leaving the room.

You'd be surprised how often I got that today.

I walked out of the classroom, and began looking in the others to find the book club. I looked at each door until I came across one with a sign that said, "Book Club".

"Here it is..." I thought out loud. When I walked into the room, to my disappointment, there was just a teacher sitting at her desk.

"Are you... Looking for the book club?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"I'm sorry, but the book club has been replaced by the literature club this year. Y'know, to expand upon literature, more than just reading and recommending books," she explained.

"Oh, uh, do you know where I can find that?" I asked. Perhaps the girl had decided to join the literature club instead.

"Yes!" The teacher smiled. She then gave me directions as to where I could find the literature club.

It was only a little ways down the hall, so it wasn't very hard to find. I opened the door to the room, and instantly saw a girl with long blue hair and glasses. The one who gave me the horror novel.

She was currently having a chat with a tall girl who hat long purple hair, but when her eyes landed on me, she stopped talking.

"Is everything alright?" The purple haired girl asked, shyly.

"Mhmm, Just one second," she smiled. The girl with glasses then walked over to me, I could feel the dread building up in my stomach.

She waited until no one was paying any attention to us two before speaking.

"Well, well, if it isn't Saihara-Kun," she grinned quietly and maliciously. "Here to finally return that book? I bet you have so many questions about it, right?"

I pulled the novel out of my backpack, "how... Did you know?" I asked.

She ignored me and reached for the book, laughing evilly, but I pulled it from her grasp. "First... You need to answer my question," I glared at her.

She looked dead into my eyes, "give me the book. I'll answer your questions in due time, but not now," she explained. Her stare was beginning to freak me out.

"How do you I know you're telling the truth?" I asked. I was now always pretty sceptical and distrusting. "He he! You'll just have to find out!" She said, continuing to reach for the book.

Reluctantly, I handed her the book. As soon as she took it, her back around arched and she leaned forwards, as if the book weighed a million pounds. "Aaah I forgot how heavy this thing was..." She said, drooling as she stared at the book.

Heavy? It really wasn't very heavy. Was this girl really that weak?

She looked up at me and flashed her creepy smile again, "I'll answer you're questions tomorrow. I have a bit of catching up to do! Hehehe!" She laughed, walking out of the clubroom.

"Hey!" I spoke up, "I never caught your name!"

"That's because I never throw it," she laughed. "But... You may call me M-Chan. M, standing for Mystery." She explained.

I blankly stared down the Hall as she walked away.

It was hot on the walk back from school. For some reason, the end of summer was always the hottest here.

It reminded me of when Ouma and I walked home together the first day of seventh grade. Our parents thought we were finally old enough to walk home by ourselves, which we were both super excited about. I remember it being hot like this, Ouma playfully complain because of the heat. I remember joking around and saying stuff our parents probably wouldn't approve of.

It's one of my favorite memories.

On my walk home, I would always walk by Ouma's house. Today when I walked by, I saw his mother looking sadly out the window. Ouma was her whole world, I couldn't imagine how it felt for her. This made me wish that I had died instead. My parents wouldn't really care as they never see me anyway, and Miss Ouma would have her son.


The attention drawn to me had already died down, and almost no body was paying attention to me. I didn't care, though. I found it hard to really care about anything besides this book. Maybe it was because I felt it was the last thing I could do to completely know what happened just a week ago.

After school the next day, I went back to the literature club in hopes to find M-Chan there again.

I was about to open the club room door, when someone grabbed my shoulders and dragged me away, "ah!"

"Hehe! It's just me," M-Chan giggled. It's not like that made me any less scared.

She was holding the book close to her, still it seemed like a huge weight and a pain to carry. "Sooo you want to know... How this book was so similar to the incident, correct?" She asked, getting straight to the point. I nodded my head. She opened the book, "did you happen to read whom this book was dedicated to?" She asked.

"N-no..." I admitted. I always skipped over that stuff, I never found it that important to read.

"Well... Here's a start to the answer you're looking for," She flipped the book over so I could see. "Read it out loud."

"Alright?" I said, it sounding more like a question. "This book is dedicated to," I took a long pause. How... How could this be?

"So?" She asked, pushing me to continue.

"Kiibo, Kaito Momota, and Kokichi Ouma," I said, my voice shaking. This didn't make any sense. How is that even possible?

She grinned, "follow me, please." She turned around and started walking down the hall.

"Wait, what does this mean?!" I asked.

She started leading me down the hall, ignoring my question, I caught up followed close behind. It confused me... Did M-Chan add this in when I gave her back the book? It didn't look like it though, it looked aged. She stopped walking when she faced a normal looking classroom. The classroom where after school detention was held. There was only one person in the room, a short girl with long blonde pigtails.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Hmm... Well I thought I might tease you a bit before giving you the answer," M-Chan smiled.

"What?! Why won't you just tell me?" I asked, getting more impatient by the second.

"Well what fun will that be?" M-Chan asked. I rolled my eyes.

M-Chan gave me the book, "go to the girl in detention. Tell her to read the back of the book and summarize what it's about," M-Chan smiled.

I was confused by her request. What difference would it make if someone else summarized it, but I did it anyway.

I nervously walked into the detention classroom, the blonde girl instantly noticing me, "you're quite late, y'knooow," The girl complained.

"O-oh... I'm not in detention," I answered, "I actually came to ask a favor of you..."

"Pshh seriously? Like I'd do anything for you," The girl responded.

"Please... It'll just be quick," I pleaded, wanting to get my answer from M-Chan.

"Wait, you're that Saihara guy, right?" She asked, "well... I guess if it's quick."

I handed her the book, "can you read the back of this book and summarize it for me?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and read the back of the book. "It's just about this one girl who gets kidnapped by a creepy pedo! Why?" She asked.

My heart dropped. That's... Not what this book is about.

"Who's it... Dedicated to?" I asked.

She flipped to the beginning of the book, "This book is dedicated to... Hiyoko... Saionji." She turned to me and hit me in the face with the novel, "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GIVE ME SOMETHING LIKE THIS?! IS THIS SOME SORT OF PRANK?"

I rubbed my face where she had hit me. What was going on? Why was the book different for that girl? That wasn't possible, right?

"G-Get out of my sight!!" The girl yelled.

I did as she said, still in utter confusion and fear, and walked out of the room. I faced M-Chan, who was waiting outside, softly giggling to herself. "What in the hell is this thing?" I asked, holding up the novel.

"Hehe, so... Saionji-Chan's version of the story was quite different from yours, right?" She asked.

"Y- yeah.. But how? What does this even mean?!" I asked, frustrated with confusion. I just wanted answers.

"That's really the only explanation you need," She smiled eerily, "but, I'm assuming you want to know more, am I correct?"

I stayed silent, but she read my expression, "hehe, I guess it's no big deal. This is the last time you'll see me, after all."

"Last time...? Will you be moving away?" I asked.

"You could say that... This town is getting boring and I have people to satisfy!" She smiled, "I guess you could say... This is the finale."

I was completely lost. I had no idea what she was saying or what she meant. "Can you quit this metaphorical bullshit?" I said, losing my patience.

"Hmm, I guess I'll make this quick," She said, "this book... Can reveal to you the scariest, most dreadful moment in your life. It's dedicated to the ones who had the worst fate by the end."

"Wait, are you being serious?" I asked, "there isn't such things as stuff like that..."

"How else can you explain it, then?" She asked. I didn't say anything. She gave me a look as to say "exactly"

I thought about it for a while. I felt like everything was my fault. That book really was real, and I had noticed the similarities almost immediately, so I could've prevented it. I could've warned them. Then maybe... Momota and Ouma could have been saved. If only I wasn't such an idiot...

"I-I want to share this book with everyone... Then maybe we can prevent terrible things from happening!" I explained.

"Ahaha... There's no need for that," M-Chan began, "You're version of the novel, was the last story." And that's the last thing she said, before walking away and disappearing into the shadows, they seeming to intensify as she walked in.


It was now mid autumn. The trees had turned beautiful shades of orange, yellow, and red. They gracefully fell as I looked outside the window. It looked like a scene in a story book. I remember how Ouma used to say autumn was his favorite season for this reason.

It has been forever since my last encounter with M-Chan, so I had almost completely forgotten about her. Nothing terrible or too interesting had happened either, so I guess all was good.

I would think about my friends who had died everyday. I never want to forget them, and I often find myself going through every single one of my memories I had with them, especially Ouma. I missed him, a lot. Life wasn't the same without his constant jokes and pranks.

It was 5:00pm now, so I got up to make myself a quick dinner, when there was a knock at the door. "Who could that be?" I wondered.

I walked towards the door and answered it. There stood a lady with long purple hair and violet eyes, carrying a plastic bag, "Miss Ouma?" I asked. "C-come in!"

Miss Ouma thanked me, and walked inside, "I... made you dinner," she said, placing the plastic bag on the table.

"R-Really? Why'd you go out of your way and do all that?" I asked.

She smiled and looked down at the ground, "I wanted to thank you," she said, quietly.

"For what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"For making my son so happy," she said, looking me in the eyes with the brightest smile, her own eyes glossy.

I smiled back, my eyes beging to well up as well.

"It's been... really hard without Kokichi around," She pursed her lips in order to keep from crying. "I finally decided to look through his room again..." her voice was laced with sobs.

She turned to her purse and pulled out an envelope, which she handed to me. "I found this while looking through his things."

I turned the envelope around. It read, "Give this to Saihara-Chan when you have the courage!"

"I'm sorry... I got so curious that i decided to read it before hand," Miss Ouma said, smiling. She turned back to me and cupped my free hand with her two, "You meant everything to my son, just as much as he means to me. I will forever be grateful that you were in his life." Tears were now streaming down her pale face. I couldn't help but cry too.

"And... I'm grateful he was in mine..." I said.

Miss Ouma let go of my hand, "I better get going and let you eat," She said.

"Thanks a lot for bringing this to me..." I said, holding the envelope close to my heart. She nodded, "of course..." as she opened the door, she turned back to me one last time, "you're welcome to come over anytime you'd like." and she left.

I quickly ate the meal Miss Ouma had given to me, which was delicious. I then hurried upstairs and walked into my own room, envelope in hand.

I sat on the bed, and carefully tore it open. I pulled out a piece of paper that was inside. It was folded up in fourths. Unfolding the paper, I could feel my heart beat faster. I finished unfolding it, and began to read.

My Dearest, Saihara-Chan. I hope you aren't receiving this any later than graduation, if you are, I'll have to slap my future self in the face. Jokes aside, I want to tell you how I really feel. We've known each other our whole lives, and there's always been something strange about you. This weird feeling I would get when we spoke, or when I was in your presence alone. You were always there, without having a good reason as to why, and you were one of the only ones who tolerated my existence. Not only that, you're also one of the most compassionate, smart, calm, and talented people I know. I'm so thankful that I'm able to have you in my life. I'm not the best at this whole writing thing, so there's only one last thing I want to say. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. My only wish... Is that you'll someday say the same thing to me.

-Kokichi Ouma.



this is pretty lAme again.


I had actually thought a lot about the girl who gave Shuichi the novel before I even considered writing a part two, so I really wanted to include her. Ifyoucouldnttellforsomereasonidepictedherastsumugi

Well, I hope you enjoyed! I had a lot of fun writing this!

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