Pokemon AU PT.1 (cause y tF NOOT??)

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(To all Pokémon fans... I'm sorry)

Shuichi had just moved to (insert town name that sounds like a plant) town in the Deshope region. He had a friend who lived in that town already and there was another kid his age too.

"GET OUT OF THE FUCKING MOVING VAN!" Shuichi's mom yelled. You see, Shuichi's dad wasn't around much because this is pokemo- I mean because he was a gym leader, so his mom would often get angry asking 'where did I go wrong'.


Shuichi did as she said. He also did a bit of unpacking, and put on his trusty emo hat! (Since this is Pokemon he will unfortunately not be able to take it off no matter how much his character develops:))

He walked down stairs to see his mom watching the television. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! GO INTROduce yourself to the kids in town or somethin'!!"

He decided to head over to his friend's house, since he already knew him. His name was Kokichi Ouma, and he had moved to the Deshope region a little while back.

Shuichi entered the house without knocking because that's totally fine and walked up to Kokichi's room.

Kokichi seemed to be checking things off of a check list, "Hmm so I have these poisons- I mean potions here, and I think that's-" He got cut off by seeing Shuichi in the door way.

"SAIHARA-CHAN WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU KNOCK?!?" He screamed. "Just kidding! It's totally ok that you didn't!" He smirked.

"Hey Ouma-Kun, long time no see!" Shuichi smiled.

Then every Pokemon fan screamed "NO FUCKING WAY, THE PROTAGONIST SPEAKS?!?!"

Kokichi and Shuichi just ignored that and continued with their conversation. "So, you excited to finally become a trainer? My dad's the professor, so I'm sure I could hook you up with a pretty sweet Pokemon!" He cheered.

"Yeah, sure!" Shuichi smiled. It hadn't exactly been his dream to become a trainer, but he did want to travel the world with friends.

"Oh! And there's this other girl who lives right across from here, I'll introduce you two! Because the more annoying friends on this Pokemon journey the better, am I rigggghhhhttt??" Kokichi laughed.

Shuichi and Kokichi walked down the stairs, and to the front door.

There was an adult, who Shuichi assumed to be one of Kokichi's parents, was sitting at the table drinking orange juice.

"Byeee sweetie! Have fun on your adventure! I probably won't see you for the next year, hope you don't die!"

"Byeeee!" He said back.

They then walked out of the house together and walked to the house across from Kokichi's. For some reason, the only houses in the town were Kokichi's, his, and the other girl's, excluding what seemed to be a lab.

"Okay, This is her place! It's reeeeaaaallllyy hard to find! Bet you're glad you have me around," He smirked.

"Yeah sure," Shuichi answered.

The two of them entered her house.

"Hey Akamatsu-Chan! Say hi to my favorite person, Saihara-Chan!" Kokichi introduced.

Kaede turned around with a huge grin on her face, "hey! I'm Kaede Akamatsu! And I'm ready to become a great Pokemon trainer!" She explained optimistically.

"Hi! I'm Shuichi Saihara! Nice to meet you!" He grinned.

"Here! Take this potion!" Kaede then threw a spray bottle at Shuichi's face and it landed in his bottomless bag.

"Anyway, we don't have anytime to waste! Let's go meet my dad! He should be on route 2134578990!" Kokichi exclaimed.

He dragged Shuichi and Kaede out of the house onto route 2134578990. They then heard some screaming.

"HELP ME! HELP ME! I'M BEING ATTACKED BY A DESPAIR TYPE POKEMON!" Someone yelled. (Yes I'm adding two new types cause y not. Hope type and Despair type XD).

"D-dad?! What the hell?" Kokichi yelled to the person.

He was being chased by a small ass bear looking creature.

"QUICK! DO SOMETHING!" He yelled in fear.

Shuichi grabbed a stick and softly poked the level 1 Pokemon. It then fell to the ground and fainted.

"Young boy, you are so brave for standing up to a Despair type like that!" The man shouted.

Shuichi looked up, confused, "it was literally the size of my han-"

"Anyway, I'm professor Nagito TreeBagels! You must be the one my son, Kokichi, talks about all the time, Mr. Saihara!" He said.

"Yup! That's him!" Kokichi smiled, putting his arms behind his head.

"Well, you three look like you need a Pokemon! I just so happen to conveniently have exactly three Pokemon with me!" He said throwing the three pokemon out of their pokeballs.

Three Pokemon stood there. One was a blue thing with a giant orange fin on it's head. Another was a green, bipedal, gecko. The last being a cute, orange, chicken. (If you haven't noticed by now, yes I'm using gen three starters cause they're my favorites ok Bai)

"This blue one is called Mudkip! It's a water type. This asshole Gecko looking one is Treecko! And last, but definitely not least, is this chicken, Torchic!" Professor TreeBagels said. "Basically in order to be good, you have to strategically play rock, paper, scissors! Too bad it's not based on luck, though... "

Shuichi, Kokichi, and Kaede stared in awe at the three Pokemon.

"Since Saihara over here saved my life and filled me with hope, I'll let him choose first!" Professor TreeBagels explained.

"I um... Ok I guess..." Shuichi looked at the three Pokemon in front of him. "I'll choose Mudkip, I guess."

*you have received a Mudkip! Would you like to give it a nickname?*

"Huh? What the fuck was that?!" Shuichi yelled.

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, but ignored it.

Shuichi chose not to give it a nickname because... That's hard.

"I CALL DIBS ON THE GECKO THING!" Kokichi yelled, picking it up. "I'll call it Togami for no reason in particular!"

"Well, I guess that means I get Torchic!" Kaede said.


"Hey! I have an idea!" Kaede cut in, "how about we all become Rivals!?"

"What do you mean by that?" Shuichi asked.

"Oh y'knooooww! Battling each other every now and then to see how we've improved! Duh," Kokichi explained.

"Oh! Then sure! That sounds fun!" Shuichi agreed.

"Then we should have our first battle now! I challenge you, Saihara-Kun!"

(To be continued)

Prof. TreeBagels: I'M STILL HERE!!

A/N: I used to be a huge Pokemon fan, I'm not so much anymore buuuuuuutt...,.  I decided to start playing one of the games I'd already played before and as you know I was having major writers block. I came up with this XD. I hope you enjoyed. Also two chapters in a row 👌👌 It's cause I wrote this late last night tho...

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