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(This chapter is inspired by the photo above)

Tsumugi had locked Shuichi in the dinning hall(plz don't kill me Jayden) he was also tied to the chair. She was pacing around the room, thinking of how she could ask this question.

Shuichi was getting tired of waiting around and waisting time. "What is it you wanted to ask me, Shirogane-Chan?" Shuichi asked.

"Hmmmmm, weeeeeell. The viewers of Danganronpa have been fighting on who to ship you with! So I just decided to flat out ask you who you like," Tsumugi shruged.

"Wait, what view-" Shuichi began.

"Anyway, who do you like?" Tsumugi asked, literal stars in her eyes.

Shuichi blushed, he was still confused on why she was asking so he didn't give her a direct answer. "Well... I like someone who has purple eyes, long white sleeves, and their name starts with a 'K'," He explained.

All the Saimatsu, Saiouma, and Saimota shippers shot up out of their seats, "MY SHIIIIIIIIIIIPP!" They all screeched.

"Well that's pretty specific" Tsumugi said before thinking about it. Her face suddenly dropped. "Wait... THAT APPLIES TO THREE PEOPLE! BAKA, BAKA, BAKA" Tsumugi flipped a table and left.

Little did they both know, that Kaito, Kokichi, and Kaede had heard it all. They were all blushing at the fact that the one Shuichi liked....,.,.,,,.. could be one of them.

"So which one of us do you think it is?" Kaede asked, she already knew it was herself, but she didn't want to sound rude.

"Well it's gonna be me! How could Saihara like super high school level boring or super high school level lying bastard," Kaito argued.

"Well you're super high school level arrogant idiot!" Kokichi giggled. Kaede shyly nodded in agreement, "yeah! And I'm not boring! The piano is suuuuper fun! Shuichi thinks so!"

They continued to argue. It had gotten to the point where they kicked the monokubs out of the exisals and started a super anime mecha fight. Whoops. Everyone came to watch, Maki made popcorn for everyone, Tsumugi was recording the whole thing. The only one who didn't know what was happening was Shuichi, because he was still stuck in the dinning hall.

"Do you even like Shuichi, Kaito?" Kaede asked as she smashed his exisal to the floor.

"Nah. Shuichi is more of my bro. But there's no way he'd like you two!" He explained. Kaede and Kaito continued to fight. Kokichi had taken a break to drink some Panta. Honestly, he hoped that they'd eventually take each other out.

Then, there was a blast of pink sparkling smoke. There stood the silhouette of... a rabbit? She was dressed up as a magical girl, and had a cute staff. "I'm Usami! Magical Miracle Girl Usami!" She said. "And I'm here to stop all this nonsense!" She was about to cast a spell, then Monokuma showed up.

"Upupupupupupu! What are you doing here monomi? I thought I left you playing Tetris," Monokuma said.

"Im here to stop this fight! My heart is throbbing with excitement!" She yelled.

Then Shuichi finally broke free from the dinning hall. "What is going on here?!" He said. The whole hallway was destroyed, his classmates were sitting in lounge chairs eating popcorn, there were three exisals present, and Monokuma and a Bunny thing were there too?

"Well, you didn't give us a clear enough answer of who you liked... it applied to three people! Sooo they started to fight," Tsumugi explained.

"Please just say who you like! Stop this fight!" Usami yelled.

"Well... I-I like two of th-the people it applies t-to" Shuichi said nervously, "does that help?"

"Which. Two." Tsumugi had stared into his soul.

"Well,.,.,.,,,,.,,.....,.,. Kaito is more of my best friend so...." then the whole fandom screamed.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOO SAAAAAAAAAAIIIIMMMAAAAATTTSSSSSSUUUUUUUU!" "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH SAIOOUUMA MY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPP!" The fandom's screaming was so loud, that it broke the dome they were being kept in. They students ran outside to reveal tons of technology, computers, and stuff. Along with logos that said "Team Danganronpa"

"Oooooohhhh shiiiiiit," Tsumugi ran away from the group as fast as she could, then everyone started chasing her for answers.

A/N: we literally did nothing during math class so I was able to write this. This is pretty weird... how did I come up with something so terrible??

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