+ Chapter Six: Strange Charms +

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I always imagined the first boy I would be bring home to meet my family would be an average guy I met coincidentally in the library. We would both be looking for the same book for a research paper-we would reach for the book at the same time, fingertips brushing and then the rest would be history. Instead I was bringing home a psychopathic Lycan who apparently claimed we were mates which in my mind was still up for serious debate-that or at the very least some extreme denial.

I glance over toward Alexei who looks completely at peace driving the car, there is no sign of tension in him over the events of last night. He's humming along to the music that is playing on the radio, long fingers drumming against the steering wheel. He turns his eyes off the road toward me when he feels my gaze on him, "Something on your mind snowflake? Or were you just admiring my general perfection?" Darren snorted from the back seat as if our twin telepathy was on point this morning.

I shifted in my seat, adjusting the self made sling that my arm was resting in, "I just want to go over a couple things before you guys meet my family..." I twisted slightly to get a look at Anna who lifted her face in my direction-eyebrow arching up in confusion as if there was no reason she should be included in the mess.

"Parents love me. There's nothing to worry about on my account..." Alexei replied with a small shrug of his shoulders. I gave him a bland look, eyes narrowing, "It must be the Grimm charm...it can be a curse at times."

Anna snorts from the backseat, "Charming my ass, neither you or Klaus are charming-Lucian is..."

A threatening snarl erupted from Alexei, silencing whatever she had been planning to say next. His sudden change had me tensing up-my soul magic hissing through my veins. His knuckles were white as he held the steering wheel in a crushing grip. He slowly lifted his gaze to the rearview mirror-cold eyes, "I've warned you...Speak that name again and I'll take your tongue from your mouth so you can never speak again."

I swallowed hard as a tense silence overtook the car-a part of me was curious but I wasn't about to ask. I needed to keep my nose out of it long enough to get home-then the nightmare could finally end. The british lady on the GPS spit out the directions to our house every couple of minutes, filling in the gaps with her robotic tones.

Alexei let out a low sigh before glancing towards me, "You were saying snowflake-" He prompts me to continue speaking as if the violent outburst hadn't happened. I gave a quick glance over my shoulder to Darren who was looking at me with wide eyes-peering over toward the driver with a skeptical gaze. I licked my lips, testing the waters, "My family is a bit unusual-they'll probably have a lot of questions about your...culture-I mean you guys are pretty reclusive, even for our kind it rare to have interactions with Lycans..."

"That's because we can handle our own problems. Outsiders would be unnecessary. They get in the way or get themselves killed-Lycan life isn't for everyone." He answers shortly-interrupting me. I start talking over him before he can say anything else that will make me want to stab him, "You are to decline any invitations to stay-I want you and your friend, gone as soon as possible. If I'm lucky I can suppress all of this deep into my subconscious, pretend it never happened..."

He coughs out a laugh, "Friend? Not likely-She's my companion."

I lifted a brow, not understanding the distinction, "Well whatever you want to call it...you both are going to get gone. Understood?" I press, staring into his eyes with as much intensity as I could muster.

He was the one to look away, smiling lazily, "Whatever you say snowflake."

I slowly turn my eyes back to the road, feeling the beginnings of a raging headache, "It's Poppy..." I mumble back under my breath.Pulling into our driveway had me dreading getting out of the car, which was a little surprise to myself considering I was in the car with a crazy person. I stared at the front of my house for a moment before sighing loudly, taking off my sling-I didn't need my parents asking any more questions then was necessary at the moment.

"Come on Darren let's get this over with-" I called as I got out of the car without looking back.

I knock on the front door when I find it locked-shifting back and forth. I couldn't explain it but there was an antsy feeling in my body-like something was coming straight towards me and there was no way to avoid it. The front door opens to reveal my mother in her fuzzy robe, hair in need a some serious combing.

She pulled Darren and I into her arms, squeezing us hard-I let out a yelp from the pressure on my shoulder. She released us quickly, "Sorry-I was just so worried when you didn't come home last night...I haven't gotten a wink of sleep, you two better have a damned good reason for scaring the shit out of me like that. Alby and your father are out searching for you right now!"

Alexei steps up behind me, crowding in on my personal space, "I think I can explain their absence...Do you mind if we come in?" I know he's talking about himself and Anna. This guy has no respect for anyone's wishes--clearly he does whatever he wants when he wants to do it. I can see from the look in my mother's eyes that she has been completely taken in by his handsome face and strange charm. Her head gets to nodding before her mouth can catch up, "Of course-please come in..." I roll my eyes in disgust, shouldering my way into the house past my mother.

In the kitchen I find my little brother is getting ready to fling some of his oatmeal at an unwitting Jocelyn. He stops dead when he sees the strangers come through the front door behind me-I know his eyes are trained on Alexei, much taller then the rest of us.

"Poppy brought home a giant? That's so cool..." He whispers under his breath as Jocelyn turns around in her seat.

"Not a giant...A Lycan..." Alexei corrects him in a cheerful voice that grates on my ears. My brothers eyes open wider as a shit eating grin take over his face, "So cool!"

Jocelyn's mouth is practically watering as her eyes drink in all that is Alexei Grimm, "So hot..."

"With sensitive hearing!" I snap in her direction, watching her cheeks turn tomato red.

A strong hand presses into the small of my back, sending pulses of heat through me-butterflies erupting in my stomach, "I usually have this effect on people-Don't worry snowflake there is no competition, I want only you." His hot breath dances over my neck as he leans in closer to me. I quickly pull away from him, not liking the way my body reacts to his touch.

"No touching!" I hiss at him as I spin around. He gives me a smile that says he has something else up his sleeve-glancing toward the entry way where my mother is coming through.

"I'm your mate-if anyone should be touching you it's me." He says loud and clear for everyone in the entire house to hear. My heart sinks in my chest as I turn to see my mom looking between the two of us with bright, wide eyes. He had clearly done this on purpose, using my family against me-ensuring that I wouldn't be able to simply walk away from him like I wished.

"You mangy mutt! I'm going to carve your heart out of your chest and hang it on my wall as a trophy!" I snap as I reach out for a knife from the table. He gives me a toothy grin, eyes sparkling with excitement from my threat, "Surprisingly, you're not the first person to say that to me but coming for your lips makes it that much sweeter."

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