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[daggers - part two]

    She knew that feeling all too well.

    Something was going to happen soon, she was sure of it. Something bad.

    They were in the middle of a battle, caught by surprise by the Death Eaters as they had not intended to be attacked. The Death Eaters outnumbered them by far, but they were managing. Still, she felt that stirring feeling in her stomach, that things were going to go wrong.

    It didn't look all that bad at the moment- Sirius and Remus driving three Death Eaters back, Alice and Frank overcoming ten Death Eaters who had surrounded them, James singlehandedly defeating a band of opponents. But she knew all too well that things could change in a split second.

    She stood with Lily, back to back, as Lily was locked in battle with Severus Snape, who kept trying to distract her, and she was face to face with the person who had tormented her as a child. The person to blame for her broken life.

    Bellatrix cackled as her wand swisher through the air, and she ducked and sent more spells flying at her. Her heavy lidded eyes, grey like the Black Family's, sparkled with madness and amusement, as she deflected the spells the younger witch was sending her way. "Come on, little mudblood, you can do much better!"

    She stiffened. A voice whispered in her ear, "Mudblood," and she recognised that voice, once soothing, now harsh and cold like ice, sending shivers down her spine. That day in fifth year came back to her, the pain and humiliation and heartbreak, when he bent low and basically told her she wasn't worthy. She shook her head, and suddenly her body was taken over by the most excruciating pain, and she didn't even realize she was screaming until her vision cleared, and she found herself kneeling on the floor, throat raw from the screams.

    Bellatrix kneeled down, and whispered to her, "This is only a taster, young traitor. You have no idea what's coming your way. Your blood will paint the plain greys of the pavement!" She laughed cruelly.

    Catching her breath, she felt panic- her gut feeling had still not gone away. If anything, it felt even stronger- like the dread building inside her, and her mind replayed the same scene she had been seeing in her dreams for months, the memory giving her so many night terrors.

    I don't need your help. His voice resonated over and over again inside her brain.

    We're enemies now. Enemies. Enemies.

    And she knew in her heart that he was right. But she still felt like she was suffocating in despair and heartbreak, and waking up every morning was difficult for her. She had almost nothing to live for.

    What was there, anyway, except the cause she was devoted to? She lived him, still loved him more every single day and it was still so painful, and she wished that it would all be over.

    She just wished that he would love her back like he once did.

    And she pulled herself out of her reverie, taking her chance as Bellatrix laughed, and with a flick of her wand Bellatrix was bound on the ground by the full body bind.

    "Expilliarmus!" Bellatrix's wand flew out of her hand, and the young girl caught it, and in that moment a sliver of sunshine shone on her, illuminating her as she gained victory over the fight at last.

    But as she looked at the older witch, she hesitated. She could not take her life, despite Crouch's decree, because it was not right, not her right to take another's life, and she couldn't sink as low as the Death Eaters. What cod she do?

    To James and Sirius' astonishment, she stepped back, allowing Lily to bind the older witch and send her back to headquarters. The remaining Death Eaters scattered as their leader was taken.

    She sighed in relief, as everyone cheered and hugged one another in the relief of still being alive. She stood to one side, and watched as the sun emerged above them, and it almost looked peaceful.

    But that didn't explain the feeling tugging in her gut. She grew fearful, worry sparking in her aquamarine eyes, scanning the clearing to search for hidden enemies.

    Her one mistake, was to leave her back exposed.

    A trip was all the enemy needed. A trip backwards, and she was falling, and she saw a black robe and hood and a familiar shade of grey for just that millisecond, she felt the same fear and heartbreak she had felt so many times, and then the blade was in her stomach trough her back, cold as ice, as the metal felt deadly cold against her warm blood, and she saw her blood spilling on the cobblestones just as Bellatrix predicted-

    Then the world went black.


    The first thing she registered as she awoke was a blinding bright light, and caught off guard, she screamed.

    Her eyesight slowly recovered, and she found herself in a soft, comfy bed in the infirmary in Lily's new house, which was entirely painted in pure white, with mint green furniture. She had been one of the people to question why Lily would build an infirmary in her house, yet now it seemed to prove that it could come in handy. Around her, her friends were staring at her, smiles slowly forming on her face.

    She must've scared everyone else, too, as people started fussing over her immediately, helping her sit up slowly, telling her all about the injury.

    As she registered her surroundings, her other senses kicked in, and the first thing she felt was an intense pain in her gut. She slowly pulled up her T-shirt a little to check on the wound where she could still feel the incredibly cool metal poking out of her body.

    She winced. She could tell that dittany had been poured on, as it had mostly closed, but there was a smallish wound, ugly, with blood all over. It looked horrible, but she knew her back probably looked a thousand times worse. It was miracle that she hadn't died from the blood loss.

    "I'm sorry," Lily, who was training to become a healer, told her apologetically. "I don't know who did this, I only know it was a Death Eater. I don't even know the weapon."

    But she clearly remembered the flash of grey, and felt her heart sinking. She looked at Sirius, and as he looked at her she knew he had come to the same conclusion.

    Cautiously, she reached for her wand on the desk, and whispered, "accio dagger."

    They all watched as the sheathed dagger flew across the room and landed softly in front of her. The room seemed veiled with a thin tension- Sirius and Lily, who knew of the sentiments the dagger held, watched on cautiously and worriedly, while the others looked on curiously.

    The dagger felt cool and familiar to the touch. Her fingers fumbled along the soft black velvet, slipping onto the hilt, which felt so foreign yet familiar and fitted perfectly in her hand. Carefully and slowly, she unsheathed the blade.

   The metal was deadly cold to the touch, sending shivers down her spine as the cold was exactly the same coldness she felt from the weapon that had entered her back. The blade was smooth and clean, the silver so clear and reflective it could rival Katopris, the famous dagger that had once belonged to Helen of Troy.

    This dagger had once served as a source of warmth, a memento of love and happiness to her. As she softly trailed her finger down the rim of the blade, memories flooded her mind, cuddles and hugs and everything, once filled with happiness, now tinged with heartbreak and sadness, and she felt her eyes water, and before she could help it a glistening tear slid down her face. James immediately went to hug and comfort her, but Sirius, understanding where this was coming from, held him back and sent her a reassuring smile, although he was clearly shaking.

    Hands shaking, she slowly handed the knife over to Lily. "Try this," she told her. Lily nodded and motioned for her to turn around.

    It took Lily a while to check. She grew more anxious by the minute, all the memories pulling at her, attempting to pull her under. She felt vulnerable, open to attack, as her heartbreak attempted to break her.

    And it seemed to have succeeded as Lily looked up and asked in a trembling voice, "is there a duplicate- an exact copy of this dagger?" And slowly added, "and that a Death Eater is in possession of it?"

    That was all the answer she needed. Her eyes widened and met Sirius', horror in her aquamarine eyes as her heart broke into a million pieces.

    He hates me now.

    We're enemies.
(Oml its been too long I'm so sorry, Writer's Block is the absolute worst. Hopefully you lot enjoy this tho.)

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