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[daggers - part two]

    "Are you sure we should use Lily as secret keeper in your place?"

    "Absolutely. She's the person I trust most."

    She stared out of the window in her room, out at the world separated from her by the Fidelus charm. Words couldn't express how much she missed being up and about in the streets, but since she was attacked the Order decided it would be safer for her to remain in 12 Grimmauld Place unless it was important. She was entirely healed weeks ago, but everyone took the attack seriously and increased security. They even made an extra headquarters so if the beans were spilled they could instantly change, and no one would get hurt.

    But this scheme also meant locking her up in the creepy house of the Black. She grew lonely, as she only had Sirius for company, and while Sirius was great he was affected by this house a lot and rarely showed up. The house brought back memories- memories that she dared not let go, but she just couldn't bring them back up- it would cause too much pain.

    After all, her best friend/love of her life grew up here. It was painful for her to walk these halls, when every step- every inch of these walls brought back the most terrible memories.

    But today she was alert. Her gut told her that danger was lurking- that it was just around the corner. Her mind immediately wandered to the group of Order members sitting downstairs, and then it happened.

    The silvery-blue dolphin sailed into her room, and glided past the door. Eyes wide, she followed it into the living room, where it stopped in front of Sirius, and spoke two words that turned her face chalk white.

    "Godric's Hollow."

    Then it was gone, disappeared into a poof of mist, and her was left staring, staring at the mist where the dolphin had stood. That voice...

    It brought back so many memories, all the pain that she had tried to hide. No, no, I can't break down now. They need me.

    "I'm coming with you."

    Sirius looked up, startled. "No, what do you mean? You're hurt-"

    "I'm not hurt anymore, I've healed!" She was getting desperate at this stage. "I can't stand staying here not knowing if- if you- if you-" she couldn't bring herself to say the last word.

    Lily stood up, glancing around the room. "She's right, she's one of the best we have. We need her." Their eyes met, and she smiled gratefully at her best friend. Her sister.

    Sirius sighed. "Fine. But if anything happens, you're coming back here. Can't have anything happen to my sister-in-law."



    Godric's Hollow was a mess.

    There was smoke all around it, and the fire was burning, the white-hot flames dancing in the smoky sky. The Dark Mark hung in the sky. She instantly felt her heart sink with dread.

    She had only just apparated to the place when they were surrounded by Death Eaters. Her eyes widened, and she felt the familiar sensation of Lily's back against hers as the two reacted simultaneously, pushing back the circle of Death Eaters.

    Chaos ensured after that. Almost instantly, a spell threw the two girls apart, and all her vision turned red as she fell to the ground, and she heard an explosion occur behind her. Immediately a jinx missed her by inches and she was locked into a duel that didn't last long- she blasted him off his feet in mere seconds.

    Blinded by the blur of the battle, all she could register were the ever-changing figures in front of her, which she kept fighting off. She had yet to be injured of hit, so why, why did she feel so much dread in her stomach? Something was about to go terribly wrong- she could feel it.

    Her mind suddenly clicked, and she panicked, disarming and stunning all the death eaters around her with one single spell, shouting for Lily. There was no respond, and she kept yelling ad she fought off more enemies, desperately searching for her best friend. She couldn't lose Lily as well.

    A blood-curdling scream was suddenly heard over the mass of fighting, and she stopped in horror. "Lily," she whispered, and took off running towards the centre of the clearing.

    Her worst enemy stood there, laughing cruelly as her best friend succumbed to the curse Bellatrix loved most. She sprinted to Lily's side, kneeling beside her, wide-eyed. In the smoky wind, Bellatrix's black robes and curly brown hair floated in the air, creating a truly wicked feeling.

    Her heart sank as she saw him beside her, leaning on the fountain next to him, not even bothering to wear his hood. He looked just as she last saw him, with an emotionless mask on, and her heart filled with pain and heartbreak as he stared at her without emotion.

    "Lily," she shook her best friend, "what did you two do to her?"

    Bellatrix laughed. "Oh, Evans here had a little secret to spill. Unless we're mistaken, she knows a little something we would very much like to know."

    And then she realized that they had figured it out. She improvised quickly, and forced a laugh out of herself.

    After the first laugh, it was much easier. The two Death Eaters stared at her, until Bellatrix snapped at her, "what's so funny?"

    She caught her breath. "Oh, nothing," she chortled, "except that you have the wrong girl."

    She instantly knew her role in all of this drama. She had to take Lily's place. Never could she let her sister sacrifice her life, she could never watch that from the sidelines. Never. She had lost someone dear once before, and it had killed her inside out, and she was not about to lose Lily as well. It was too obvious- way too anxious what she had to do. Lily had a promising future- one full of happiness, with James, and her unborn child- her unborn godson, as the young couple had asked her a few days ago to be their child's godmother, and she was so grateful for it. Lily deserved her happiness more than she did.

    She continued. "You can't possibly think that- that we- Sirius and I- would trust someone else with the secret to our home, after what Regulus-" the words got stuck in her throat as she moved her gaze to her former lover, pain starting to become evident in her voice, "after you betrayed us, did you really think we would trust someone else like that again? No. No way. Not even my closest friend." She sucked in a breath, hoping that they would buy it. She couldn't let them get away with Lily.

    Her acting must be good enough, for Bellatrix looked almost intrigued, while Regulus only looked pained. Tears danced on her eyelids as she kept all the emotion off her face except for the tears sliding down her cheeks, evidence of how much the betrayal had affected her- and that wasn't a lie.

    Regulus started to say her name, but Bellatrix beat him to it. "You mudblood, you were injured! The Order must be mad to make an injured person a secret keeper."

    She smiled slightly, but pain and sadness and heartbreak was killing her inside, anguish tearing her apart. She kept all this silent. "The dagger missed a vital organ. I'm as good as new. Why not let me be secret keeper?"

    By now Lily had regained consciousness, and she stared at her in horror. "No," she called at her in terror, "no, take me, it's not her! No!"

    But Bellatrix was far too engaged with her former charge. She knew that it was useless trying to read the young, determined muggleborn's face expression- she had learnt from Bellatrix herself. But something tugged at Bellatrix, telling her to listen to the younger witch.

    Bellatrix smirked as she looked into the blonde's aquamarine blue eyes. "We're going to have so much fun, don't you think, little mudblood?"

    She didn't reply. And as Regulus stepped forward and grabbed her, Lily shouted, "no! It's me, I'm the secret keeper, don't take her! Please!" to no avail. All Lily caught was one last glance of sorrow and apology before they disappeared- and she was gone.

    And when the battle ended, James and Sirius found Lily sobbing in the same place on her knees.

    She leaned into James, crying, "why? Why do bad things happen to good people? If I were taken, you could have just changed the headquarters! Its not hard- why? Why did she do that?"

    "Because you're her sister."

    The couple turned to look at Sirius, who looked bleak and resigned. "She lost Regulus already. She wouldn't be as to handle losing you too. You have a life of happiness in front of you, and she wouldn't dare deprive you of that."

    Lily wept again, and the sky started to rain.

    She could only hope her best friend would come back alive.

(Hey everyone! Sorry for the slow updates, this book is almost done! Just 2 to 3 more chapters, and an epilogue. I'll really miss this :(
It's my birthday today! I'm 14 now :) Which is technically why I specifically updated today but well lol
Anyway hope you lot enjoy)

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