part one - author's note

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    Uh, hi.

    I know what you're probably thinking. "Finally! 12 chapters into this super vague and rookie story, and the author finally shows herself and explains. About time!"

    I promise you, I will explain the whole thing in this AN. But if you don't like boring ANs, then I suggest you skip this and wait until I finish writing the first chapter of part two.

    Okay. Where do I start? This whole book is a mess.

    First, let me explain the layout of the chapters. At the start of every chapter, you will see this little paragraph like this:

[daggers - part one]
[3rd] (______)

    'Daggers - part one' refers to the act the chapter is in. In part two, it will say 'daggers - part two'.

    '3rd' refers to the chapter being written in 3rd person perspective. The bold brackets I put above is for every second chapter, where I put the word 'regulus' beside '3rd'.

    So, this book has two main characters, the girl and Regulus. I alternated the chapters, so that there are two chapter per year, and the first is in the girl's perspective, whilst the second follows Regulus. If the chapter follows the girl, there will be nothing beside '3rd', because I didn't name the girl, but if it follows Regulus, then the word 'regulus' will appear in place of the bold brackets.

    Now that we've finished with the layout, let's get on to the story. First, I need to explain why the girl has no name, I know it's been confusing.

    Have you ever had this experience, when you read a book and build the character in your mind, but then sees an official pic of the character and feel a pang because it's not what you imagined? My idea with my story is, you can imagine the girl in your way, and I wanted to let her remain how she is in your mind, I wanted to let the story be what it is in your mind. I don't want you to see the story the way I saw it when I was writing it. I want you to see it, the way you saw it when you read it. Imagination is a beautiful thing, and I'm trying to channel that power into my work.

    Also, I'm thirteen and I have no experiences of romance, so if I get anything wrong, please don't hate on it and all comments or suggestions are welcome!

    If you thought part one was an emotional roller coaster... you're in for a ride. Sit back, enjoy, and I'll see you there. Thanks for reading!

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