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[daggers - part one]
[3rd] Regulus

    He couldn't stop thinking about her.

    All day long, she was on his mind, the gentle, shy girl from Ravenclaw who was the first person he had ever met, who had suffered like he had. She didn't say it, but it was evident in her eyes, like he knew his own were familiar to her.

    They had spent about an hour together, silently comforting each other, though there was nothing to provoke them. He gradually learnt more about her, how her mistress abused her, how his brother annoyed her to no end. Their newly founded friendship grew in a short period of time.

    He found himself spending more and more time with her. They spent most of the time in silence, comforting each other with their company. Having company was more than enough to ease the pain the two first years had gone through at a young age.

    A month passed by as their bond grew. He couldn't help feel better at the mention of his new close friend, who had done so much for him, had comforted him when a letter from his family came, when his older brother, Sirius, ignored him completely in the hallway, she was there for him through the hardest times. She was strong and while she rarely talked about her mistress and her life before Hogwarts, she listened to Regulus and understood him in a way no one else did.

    There she was, sitting in the courtyard where they first met, Lily Evans by her side. She looked peaceful and she looked like she was enjoying herself, reading a book he didn't recognize. He didn't have the heart to interrupt her.

    Then she glanced up, and his eyes met hers. Her startled eyes immediately jolted from the trance the book had her in, and she gazed into his eyes, worried, silently asking if everything was alright. He replied with a soft smile of his own, telling her that he didn't want to interrupt, that he was absolutely fine.

    She smiled, not the happy sort of smile, but the understanding, kind, gentle smile he knew and loved.

    Merlin she was beautiful.

    Her smile shone softly, lighting up his heart, which burst into butterflies at the sight of her smile. It was all that mattered in that very moment.

    She laughed softly, and he realized that he was staring. He blinked, waking up from his trance to see her beckoning to him with her hand, her smile still on her face.

    He looked at her, unsure, but couldn't stop himself making his way towards the girl. As he sat down next to her, she laughed again. It was the best sound in the world. Lily Evans looked up from her own book, surprised, but smiled at him, which he returned.

    As he opened the book he had been holding the entire time, he relished the peacefulness in the scene. He realised that things could not possibly get better than this calm, that
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