58 | Standing For Weirdo

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July 24, 2021

This is all I can think of:

Lol. This cover was also a former giveaway request no longer being used. I touched it up a bit to offer it as a premade. Since it was a request, there wasn't too much creative direction (& I def did not choose the title, aha), but I remember enjoying creating it. 

I especially like putting vector elements together to form one composite illustration, where you think it's all from the same sketch, but it was actually pulled together from different sources. If that makes sense. 

Guess how many resources were used here!

Tip: You can get Canva Pro for free! I know this because I did it 2x, one for 1 year, and one for a lifetime use lol (but that's for nonprofits). Canva Pro is honestly amazing and their resource gallery is probably the biggest out there since they pull from a lot of sources. Imagine not having to worry about copyright resources! 

The first way to do this is via their GitHub Student Developer Pack where you can use it free for a year. It's in the education tab under plans and you can find a link in the comment section!

✉ Check out the Forms & Rules chapter if interested in requesting! Cheers, Cil.

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