Meet Mint, Shadow, and Skylar

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Mint is the middle, Shadow is the right one and Skylar is the one on the left.

This is was Shadow but for so odd reason he lost most of his black muzzle. The vet said it was because he was a puppy back then so he when he grew he  lost his black muzzle. (Weird)

This was Skylar when she was a puppy. In this picture she is playing with our old cat Flicker. He died a couple years ago due to a illness 😔. But my dogs are healthy and great. Now for so facts! 😁
Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Siblings: Skylar and Mint
Favorite toy: He likes a bright red ball
What he likes: He likes to have walks and get treats.

Name: Mint
Gender: female
Siblings: Shadow and Skylar
Favorite toy: anything she can get ahold of
What she likes: she likes to play fetch and have her stomach rubbed.

Name: Skylar
Gender: female
Personally: hyper, fast, protective and sassy.
What she likes: Running around in a circle and messing around with the cats. 😙

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