23 - It's Hot!

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Cani puffed and her ears sagged while she sat back in a small inflatable pool at the rooftop garden and watched the air shimmer above the city rooftops. 'I thought all this forest around here would keep things cooler.'

Guy chuckled and handed her a new glass with ice water. 'It does. But it still doesn't mean it can't be hot at times.'

Mami looked up from her Versaty. 'They predict a storm for tonight.'

Cani pricked up her ears. 'So it'll cool off again!'

Mami grinned. 'Tonight, yes, tomorrow's going to be even hotter.'

Cani poured her glass over her head. 'Aargh! Where can we find some cool refreshing space!?'

Noise from the lockers at the other side of the thick hedge separating the private roof garden from the public one caught her attention and she climbed on top of the low wooden fence in front of it to lean over the hedge. Zera sat with her telescope on a bench. 'Hey, Zera. What's up?'

Zera looked up. 'Hey, Cani. Just cleaning the lenses today. No use trying to see anything this evening.'

Cani nodded. 'Yeah, I was hoping the storm would cool things down but it gets worse tomorrow.' she said, and sighed and slumped over the hedge. 'I think I'll spend tomorrow in the fridge. The small pool isn't enough.'

Zera chuckled. 'Maybe a larger pool?'

Cani pricked up an ear. 'That could work. But is there one around here?'

'Not a pool but there's a lake close by.'

Both ears pricked up high on Cani's head. 'Really?' Zera nodded and looked back at Guy. 'There's a lake near here! Let's go there!'

Guy looked up from his work. 'Ah, that's right. I hadn't been there since I was a kid.' He pondered for a moment. 'I've got too much work to go today, but we could spend the whole day there tomorrow if you girls would like that.'

'Yes!' said five voices at the same time.

Guy looked at Cani. 'Does Zera want to come along?'

Cani only needed to look at Zera's smile for an answer. 'Yep, she does.'

Guy stretched. 'All right then. We'll need some things to take with us so if you girls take care of that today we can go early in the morning while it's still relatively cool.'

'Deal.' said the five.


Cani wagged her tail as usual when she looked at the baker's display case full of tasty goods. 'We'd like three large bags of assorted buns, a couple of uncut dark wheat loafs, and which snacks are best to take along on a day trip?'

Michelle collected the bread buns. 'You're going away again?'

Cani nodded. 'We're going to cool off at the lake tomorrow.'

Michelle sighed. 'Ohh, that sounds like a great idea.'

'What does?' asked Anna as she came up behind the counter with pastries.

'Going to the lake tomorrow.'

Anna nodded. 'That would be nice indeed. Swim in the cool water, rest in the shade, lazy around to escape the heat.'

Both girls sighed in unison and their father chuckled. 'All right then, why don't you go as well?'

The girls turned to him with big eyes. 'Can we?'

He nodded. 'Business is slower during the heat and we're stocked up so you don't have to help tomorrow.' he said and looked at Cani. 'If you guys don't mind keeping an eye on them as well?'

Cani smiled. 'I'm sure the others would love to have them along too.'

He nodded. 'All right then.' he said and turned to his daughters. 'Go have fun tomorrow.'

They hugged their father and discussed what to bring along for fun with Cani.

Feli walked into the toy store and sighed happily at the cooler temperature inside. Aada chuckled. 'It's much better here, right?'

Feli nodded. 'The breeze at home just isn't enough.'

'Feli!' said Sade as she saw her and ran up to hug her. 'I'm going to play in the pool all day because it's so hot.'

Feli smiled at the little girl and picked her up. 'Really? That's sort of what we're going to do tomorrow too. We're going to see if we can cool off at the lake.'

Sade's eyes went big. 'I love the lake!' she said and looked back at her mom. 'Can we go to the lake again?'

Aada smiled gently at her. 'Unfortunately we'll be busy with work for some days, honey. You'll have to wait till after.'

Sade looked down. 'But I wanted to go with Feli and the others..'

Aada stroked Sade's head. 'It can't be helped this time.'

Sade nodded but Feli hummed and looked at Aada. 'Would you be all right with it if we took her with us?'

Aada looked up. 'You don't mind?'

Feli smiled at Sade. 'I think it'll be fun to have her along. Besides, we already have one kid with us, Cani.' she said and chuckled.

Sade stared with big eyes at her mother. 'So can I!? Can I!? Pleaseee?'

Aada chuckled. 'All right. As long as you behave and listen to what they tell you.'

Sade leaned back and hugged her mother. 'I will!'

Aada chuckled and smiled at Feli. 'Thank you.'

Feli grinned a little. 'No problem.' she said. 'Oh yeah, that's why I came here, to pick up a game or two to play there.'

Aada looked at one corner of the shop with outdoor games. 'We have enough to choose from.' she said and an idea popped up. 'We also have an inflatable raft and rubber boat in the back. You can borrow it if you want to. We usually rent them out for a small fee but take them along as a token of gratitude.'

'Oh! That would be great.' said Feli and looked at Sade. 'We're going to have lots of fun tomorrow.'

Sade grinned wide. 'Yes!'

Ara and Mr Backster looked up at the webbing she had made to cover the terrace in front of the coffee shop. 'Will it hold during the storm they've predicted tonight?' he asked.

Ara smiled at her craftsmanship. 'It will. Don't worry. I made the string extra strong for outdoor use. The ones from the neighbourhood festival are still in good condition.'

Mr Backster looked at the mosaic covering the street. 'True.' he said. 'Then I won't worry about this tonight.'

'You'll just have to wait with the decoration of leaves and flowers on top until after.'

He nodded and Crissy and Medama joined them. 'It's going to be pretty and a little cooler with a bit of shade here.' said Crissy.

'I can't wait until the worst heat is over.' said Medama and fanned herself with a menu. 'I could stay in the bath all day tomorrow.'

Ara chuckled. 'That's our plan. Only we'll be staying at the lake.'

'Ahhh, I'd like to go there.' said Crissy. 'But my bike's in the shop and it's too far to walk.'

Medama sighed. 'And we'd have too much stuff to take with us to go on my bike with the two of us.'

'I could ask Guy to take you two with us.' said Ara. 'It'll be a bit more cramped but I think we'll all fit.'

Crissy and Medama looked hopeful at Ara. 'Would you? That'd be awesome!'

Ara chuckled. 'I'd doubt he'd say no to two young ladies in need.'


Guy scratched the back of his head when Cani, Feli and Ara mentioned bringing others along. 'I can never fit everyone in the van.' he said and noticed Mami fiddling with her fingers. 'Something wrong, Mami?'

She looked away. 'I sort of also invited Aeron and Yeruslan to come along when we met at the shop.'

Guy laughed. 'I'm going to have to trade in the van for a double-decker bus.'

Feli sighed. 'I'd hate to disappoint Sade.' she said. 'I'll go walk with her there. She can ride on my shoulders.'

'It's a long walk.' said Cani. 'But I'll tag along then.'

'I can fly anyway so maybe I can go back and forth a few times with our stuff.' said Avia.

The girls discussed further options until Guy interrupted them. 'Girls! Girls!' he said and smiled. 'While you were busy I called the school's principal. I can borrow the school bus because it's unused now. I thought of it when I mentioned double-decker'

Cani hugged him tight and kissed him. 'I knew we could count on you!'

He chuckled. 'One condition, we'll give it a good scrubbing afterwards because he mentioned it hadn't been cleaned in a while and was rather dirty. Which it probably will be anyway after the day there.'

The girls smiled. 'Deal.'


Guy and the girls sat in bed watching the storm outside. It didn't rain but the dirty yellow cloud cover lit up all over constantly with lightning flashes crossing through it. The wind howled and trashed against the windows.

Feli snuggled closer to Guy. 'I hope this thing won't cause any damage.'

He nodded. 'Everything's secured. We've only had minor damages so far during storms and it's usually a branch or tree falling across the road or rail somewhere. They'll patrol the area in the morning to check up on roads and rail.'

A staccato of close flashes lit up the room. Mami held on to Guy's embrace as she lay back against his front and between his legs. 'Even if we're safe from the storm in here I'll be glad when it dies down.'

Guy squeezed her lightly. 'It reminds everyone of the force of nature, storms like this. It demands respect but we're prepared for most common events. As a kid I already enjoyed listening and watching thunderstorms.'

Cani chuckled. 'You're weird.'

'That, I most certainly will not deny.'

Ara stretched and curled up. 'I wonder what that makes us, the weirdo's harem.'

Guy grinned. 'A perfect match.' he said and received pokes all over until he begged for mercy and had to make it up to everyone.


Guy picked up the school bus early and they loaded it up with the bags they had packed the evening before. The rest of the guests arrived in the meantime and when everyone was ready he drove to the toy store to pick up Sade with the raft and the boat. Aada waved them goodbye as they drove off leisurely towards the cool lake while the morning sun slowly raised the temperature.

The trip went smoothly but when they neared the lake they noticed more and more scraps of paper and assorted plastic trash on the road. Guy parked the bus on an open space next to a grey car with the nation's garbage processing logo on it.

Two men were looking out over the lake and the girls followed Guy as he went up to them, and saw more trash all over the lake. 'What happened here?'

The men turned to them and the older, somewhat sad looking one of them sighed. 'The storm tore part of the roof of our recycling storage and swept some trash out here. If you had planned on enjoying some time here you ran out of luck. We'll need a few days to gather it all.'

Guy watched the disappointed faces of the girls while they looked around and picked up nearby pieces. Sade gazed at a crushed plastic bottle in her hands. 'A few days, eh?' he said.

'Afraid so. It'll be just the two of us because one man has to stay at the garbage centre and currently our fourth guy is on vacation.'

Avia stared across the lake. 'You can't get more help?'

'That'll take a few days as well, maybe more, so we might as well do it ourselves.'

She looked at guy. 'The kids at school finish cleaning up quickly when they all do it together.'

Guy smiled and nodded. 'Anyone up for giving these gentlemen a hand before we reward ourselves with a cool dip in a clean lake?' Everyone shouted their approval and he turned back to the men. 'There's your help.'

The men laughed. 'Wonderful!' the older man said, the sadness gone from his eyes. 'We have several rolls of garbage bags and a box of disposable gloves in the car you can use. If you can start here we'll return to the centre to get our sweeper truck and work our way down the road from there and then pick up what you've collected here.'

Guy turned to the girls. 'Let's get this done quick so we can swim and snack soon.'

Cani unfolded one garbage bag and checked the size. 'I'll bet I can fill this in a minute.'

Mami chuckled. 'With hot air maybe.'

Cani grinned. 'Are you saying you can do better?'

'Better than you anyway.'

'Oh really? Want to challenge me?'

Mami chuckled. 'I don't even call that a challenge.'

'All right! Whoever collects the most garbage wins.'

Mami grinned. 'And what's the prize?'

Cani hummed and pondered, and watched Guy set up a table and bring out the cooler with drinks for everyone. 'I know! Whoever wins will be served personally by Guy today.'

Guy looked up. 'What?'

Mami held out her hand to Cani. 'You're on!'

'Hey, wait!'

Feli frowned as she moved closer. 'You can't just bet him like that!'

Guy felt a little relieved. 'Thanks.'

Cani grinned deviously. 'You're just afraid you can't win yourself and will have to miss out on him bringing you drinks, snacks, prepare lunch, giving you a nice massage after a swim in the lake, or a boat trip, or maybe even an intimate stroll in private?'

Feli glanced at Guy while her mind imagined him attending to her. 'All right! I'm in! But only to save him from any unreasonable demands you might make!'

Guy's jaw dropped. 'No, don't..'

Ara weaved a net between two small trees. 'Count me in! I'll easily collect the most!'

Avia stretched and cupped her wings. 'Ehmm, then me too.'

Cani held up her bag. 'All right! The race is on!' she said, waved her bag, then ran off to the nearest pile of trash.

Mami chased after her with Feli on her heels and Avia took to the sky to pick the trash from the nearest tree.

'Guy! I'll be needing that boat!' Ara said as she finished her net.

Guy sighed and Crissy pat him on the back. 'I almost feel sorry for you.' she said. 'Almost.'


Cani snatched torn pages from newspapers and magazines until she reached low bushes at the treeline. The short branches entangled in her fur when she tried to grab the trash from between them. 'Crap.'

Mami sniggered and rushed through the branches picking away the embedded trash. 'What's wrong? Too big to get through this?'

'Ah! I'll still get more from the ground!' Cani said and hurried to pick up what lay on the open ground. She felt hesitation at picking up what drifted in the water but Feli was quicker anyway, pricking up everything with her claws while she waded along the water edge. "Come on girl!" said her mind. "Get on with it before you lose!" She took a deep breath to pump herself up and went on as quick as she could.

Ara paddled by and grinned. 'So bothersome. My method works much better.' she said, lifted her net out of the water, dropped the trash into a bag, and threw out her net again and paddled further.

Avia sang softly as she flew up to a tree, brushed off the trash, and caught it in the bag she held in her talons. Cani blinked. 'Girl, you underestimated them.' she said to herself and rushed to and fro across the ground.

When she returned with the first full bag it was at the same time as Mami. 'Is that all?'

Mami grinned. 'Looks like you didn't pick up much more.'

'I'm just warming up.'

'Right.' said Mami and took another empty bag from Guy. 'Don't wait too long or you'll be last.' She ran of chuckling while Cani took an empty bag from Guy. 'Keep score, darling. We need to know exactly who got most.'

Guy opened his mouth but Cani already rushed off and he sighed. 'I guess I'll just take on the support and referee role then.' he said and set up the cooler with drinks and food in the shade of the trees where he had removed all trash first.


It was close to noon when Feli, Cani, and Mami dropped their last bag with the last shreds of paper and plastic on their piles. They joined Avia and Ara who enjoyed a refreshing drink and Cani leaned against Guy's back. 'So, I won, right?'

Guy picked up the notes with the amount of bags for each one. 'Well, you and Mami have tied actually.'

Cani grinned at Mami who chuckled. 'Darn. Now we'll have to share you.'

'Wait up!' said Anna as she arrived carrying two bags. 'We still have a few to add.'

The others watched as Crissy, Michelle, Medama, and Zera came with two bags each and Sade and Aeron followed with one each while even Yeruslan carried a small bag. Guy added the amount and divided the total between them. Cani looked at the large pile they had made. 'That made no difference, right?'

Guy put down the note. 'You're still tied with Mami.' he said and she smiled. 'But they won.'


The girls and Aeron cheered and Yeruslan barked in victory.

'But, how?'

Guy chuckled. 'Teamwork and systematic approach. They went in one line along the lake and left full bags behind, which Sade and Aeron collected and brought here.'

Cani whimpered a little, then sighed. 'All right, I'll admit defeat.' she said and looked at the grinning girls. 'But you won't beat us in sports!'

Medama folded her arms and smirked. 'Oh really? You are talking to the top of the athletic challenge from school.'

Cani took off her shirt. 'Mami, let's go! Our pride is at stake!'

Mami sighed. 'Why do you always drag me into these things?' she said but took off her shirt as well. 'What game are we playing?'

While they set up a volleyball game with Medama and Michelle, Crissy took Guy's arm and pressed her chest against it. 'So, since we won, you'll have to be extra nice to us.' she said and smirked. 'Think you can handle us domestic girls?'

Guy blushed a little. 'As long as you behave yourself.'

'Oh, I fully intend to behave.'

Feli took his other arm before Guy could react. 'Behave like decent young ladies.'

Crissy chuckled. 'Don't worry. I won't break him. Probably.'

A horn sounded and Guy was relieved to see the men from the garbage centre return.

They stared at the piles of bags and whistled in awe. 'How did you do that so fast?'

Anna smiled sweetly and embraced Guy. 'All we needed was the right incentive.'

The men stared at Guy. He sighed and rolled his eyes while Anna and Crissy exchanged a smirk. 'Don't ask.'

The bags were loaded up quickly with everyone lending a hand and the men departed again after expressing their sincere gratitude. Guy wiped the sweat from his forehead. 'Looks like we're all settled now, food and drinks with the rest under the shade of the trees, the whole place clean, we can enjoy our time here now.'

'Starting with this.' Crissy said and pushed a bottle in his hands.

He looked at the natural sunscreen in his hands and nearly choked when she untied her bikini bra. 'Hang on!' he said but she grinned and turned her back to him. 'Hurry up, I'll be competing with Cani next.'

'Can't one of the girls do it?'

'But we won your servitude in the race.' she chuckled. 'And you'll have to do everyone of us.'

Guy sighed, squirted the slippery liquid on his hands and Crissy squirmed for a second when his cool hands touched her bare back, then sighed softly in satisfaction and swayed her back while he applied it all over. 'Ohhh.. This feels good.' she moaned softly. 'Your hands are sooo wonderful.'

Guy blushed. 'Cut that out and keep still.'

She sniggered. 'Spoilsport.'

When he was done, Crissy looked back at him. 'Would you do my front too?'

'Crissy!' said Feli while she helped Sade undress into the bikini she wore underneath. 'Bad!'

Crissy stuck out her tongue playfully. 'Kidding. Revenge for the first time that we met.' she said and pushed Zera against Guy. 'Her turn. And make it good.'

Zera's face turned red and she fiddled with her fingers looking down. 'Ehmm, if you please?'

Guy blushed again and sensed a tug on his shirt. Sade looked up at him. 'Me too?'

Anna and Aeron looked up from the cooler. 'Don't forget us.' said Anna and grinned. 'And don't worry, we won't tell dad you touched us.'

Guy looked up and groaned. 'Stop making it sound bad!'

Ara sniggered and whispered in his ear from behind. 'That's only because you make being bad feel good.' she said and pat his behind. 'So cheer up and enjoy being surrounded by all these beauties.'

Guy sighed again. 'You're all going to be the death of me.'


Cani hummed as she dug through the bag with food after a few games. 'What do we have for dinner? I'm feeling hunger coming up.'

Guy chuckled. 'I brought a variety of small cuts from the butcher to go with bread and salads. Nothing fancy because the barbecue isn't big enough to roast plenty of meat for all of us.'

'Too bad.' Cani said and closed the bag. 'A late evening long barbecue would be fun now.'

Guy nodded and got up from the grass. 'Yeah, we'll have to see if we can plan something like that for another time.' he said. 'Come, help me set up the barbecue and we'll start on dinner.'

The coal was barely lit when Cani pricked up her ears at the sound of tires rolling on the road. She kept an eye on the edge of the road leading into the forest and tapped Guy on his shoulder when several full cars arrived. 'Look at this!'

It seemed like half the neighbourhood had arrived and Mr Backster walked up to Cani and Guy while others unloaded the vehicles. 'I heard from my friend at the centre what you'd done here to clean up the mess, and so when I spoke to the others we thought we'd surprise you with a little party to thank you.' He gestured with his head to the lake. 'It was also a good excuse to enjoy a little time in the water too.'

Guy chuckled. 'That is a surprise indeed.' he said and watched the neighbours set up the festival barbecues and tables.

Crissy and Medama came closer and Mr Backster greeted them. 'You girls behaved yourselves?'

Crissy nodded and looked away as she dug in the sand with a toe. 'He said I had to keep still when he had his hands all over me and I did.'

Mr Backster raised an eyebrow at Guy. 'Do we need to have a talk?'

'No! No we don't!' he said and swatted at Crissy who ran off laughing.

Cani grinned. 'I think she's still out for revenge.'

He sighed. 'Yeah, no good deed goes unpunished.'

Soon the air was rich with the scents of grilled food, merrymaking, and cheers for the ones competing in a couple of games. Mr Glanburry sat down next to Guy in one of the wide reclining chairs and nibbled on a sausage while he watched Anna and Michelle compete against Avia and Ara in a volleyball game. Despite the better reach from wings and multiple legs, the young girls were quick enough to be evenly matched. 'We've been talking and it looks like we'll begin organising an annual lake festival as of next year. A day to enjoy food, drinks, and compete in a few games like you planned for today.'

Guy nodded. 'Nice. It'll be fun as an opposite addition to the winter festival.'

Anna and Michelle walked up them, sweating hard and smiling wide. 'We won!' said Michelle.

'By one point.' chuckled Anna.

Their father chuckled. 'Well done.'

The girls sat down on Guy's legs and leaned against him. 'We're going for a swim now, so please make us feel good like after we won the picking game.' said Anna.

'Please?' said Michelle and they darted off giggling towards the water.

Mr Glanburry stared at the last bit of sausage. 'Guy, care to explain what exactly they meant by feel good?'

Guy groaned and sank in his chair.


By the time it became dark everything had been packed and all that was left was sitting around a few small camp fires, drinking and eating snacks. Guy leaned back on his hands and watched the first stars in the sky. 'Thank you, Zera.'

She blushed. 'What? Why?'

'Because it was your idea to come here in the first place.'

'That's right.' said Cani and hugged her. 'Without you we'd probably spent the day roasting at home.'

Zera chuckled. 'But you guys made it fun.'

The silence was only disturbed by the crackling fires, the cool breeze rustling leaves and the sounds of animals in the forest.

Crissy grinned at Guy. 'At least this evening is more fun than that first one we spent together, right, Guy?'

Guy groaned and glanced at Anna and Michelle. 'I thought we'd keep that secret.'

Anna smiled. 'No worries, Crissy and Medama told us everything later. You're a real good guy.' she said and Michelle nodded.

Their father cleared his throat. 'What secret?'

Michelle poked her father's nose. 'A secret between us girls and Guy.'

He raised an eyebrow at Guy who shrugged. 'I'm not brave enough to defy them by telling. Would you?'

Anna and Michelle stared at their father and he cleared his throat again. 'I guess not.'

Mami stuffed a cookie in Guy's mouth. 'But it's no secret this one's a lady killer. Maybe we should keep him inside before more of us fall victim to him.'

'Mhamhi!' said Guy but Ara silenced him with another cookie. 'It's true. I fear what will happen when we go to my country. He's a worse trap than any of our kind could make.'

Guy groaned as the others laughed.


Some of the neighbours had already left when Mr Glanburry and his daughters were ready to leave together with Crissy, Medama and Zera. The girls hugged the gang. 'Thanks for taking us on the trip.'

'It was fun to go with everyone.' Feli said. 'We'll have to do this more often on these hot days.'

Zera chuckled. 'But hopefully without needing to clean up a huge mess before we can relax.'

'Then we'll just have to camp the night the next time.' Guy said. 'And we could take your telescope with us so you can show us some of the best star sights.'

Zera smiled and nodded. She looked up at Guy for a moment and kissed his cheek quickly. 'Thanks for today.' she said and hurried to the baker's car while Guy blushed.

Crissy sniggered and grinned at him. 'Indeed, thanks for today.' she said and kissed his other cheek.

Before he could say anything Medama, Anna, and Michelle kissed his cheeks and went to the car giggling. Mami stared with folded arms at Guy. 'Yep, dangerous indeed.'

Aada came carrying a yawning Sade who hugged everyone before they'd drive home again, and a little later the gang lay on their backs staring up at the sky. Feli smiled. 'Just like that evening at the end of our first festival here.'

'Yeah. Only this time we're surrounded by trees and the sparling of real stars instead of Ara's colourful stars.' Guy said.

They lay silent for a while when Ara rolled on her side and looked at Guy. 'You know, there's one more difference.'

He looked back at her. 'Which is?'

She smiled deviously at him and ran her fingers along his chest. 'This time we're alone. And we don't have to be home tomorrow morning.'

It took a moment for Guy to understand what she meant and by that time the other girls had turned towards him and smiled. 'I guess the night will be just as hot as the day then.'


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