Prologue: An Accidental Sign up

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It was a peaceful day in Japan, and with that three mercenaries are seen walking down the suburban town as they chatter about their current situation.

Josh, The Soldier of Mann. CO is a crazed, jingoistic patriot. Tough and well-armed, he is versatile, capable of both offense and defense. And just like his father, he is well known for his spectacular Rocket Jump. In defiance of all good sense and judgment, he can detonate at his feet and launch himself skyward.

"By Godmen, I didn't expect your teleporter to bring us one of US' former enemies!" Josh exclaims in awe at the foreign structures around them especially some of the technology, "...they seem more advanced than before!"

"Maybe because we not in Japan we know..." Greg started to the Soldier as they walk.

Greg, the Engineer of Mann.CO, a soft-spoken, amiable Texan and a father of the Dell Conagher. He is with an interest in all mechanical things. He specializes in constructing and maintaining Buildings that provide support to his team, rather than fighting at the front lines, making him the most suitable for defense in Mann. CO.

He says "...And we wouldn't be here if it weren't for Agnus drink spilling everything on the damn teleporter!"

"Oi! I was drunk!"

Agnus, the Demolition Expert of Mann.CO and best friend of Josh is a scrumpy-swilling demolitions expert from the Scottish town of Ullapool and is one of the most versatile members of the team. A master of explosives, the Agnus strategically deals massive amounts of indirect and mid-range splash damage.

"Yeah, keep telling us that, Agnus," Greg then looks at modern-style buildings, "...Most of this stuff here is too advance even by our standards. We must've been in a different world."

Josh looks at his friend, "What makes you that?"

Greg points at the sign above them. They look up to see the year is "2015."

"Um... what does it say, lad?" The Scottish Cyclop asked confused, "...I must've been drunk..."

"...I think it says it's a warning sign! A sign of possible war!" Josh exclaims.

Greg facepalmed at their antics. He nearly forgot that Josh can't read and Agnus drinks too much that it blurs his vision from even reading the few basic words but if he was not drinking he could be able to understand a few words.

"It says it's 2015!" He shouted at the two, "...we must have teleported to the future! And no, Josh it's not a declaration of war."

Josh says as Agnus is looking in another direction, "...ooooh. That makes sense!"

"Uh, lads... am I drunk, or am I seeing half-animal and half-humans? Creatures?" Agnus said still looking ahead.

"What?" Both of his friends said in confusion before looking in Agnus' direction. They are indeed half-humans and half-animals walking around them.

They are known as Demi-Humans.

"Well, boys look like we are not in the same world anymore," Greg commented as they watch the Demi-humans walking with humans by their side.

"Oh! Are they human experiments?" Josh exclaims, "This must military plot!"

"I must've been drunk!" Agnus said before drinking from his scrumpy.

Greg looks at them, "Okay, One; Josh, They are not experiments, they must citizens here. And Two; Agnus, you're always drunk!"

"Oh..." Joshua and Agnus say, in unison.

Greg sighs, "...looks like we have to find a place reside for now. Maybe rent or buy a house?"

Agnus questioned, "Do you think you convert our money to yen?"

"I believe so, we have like a million dollars in our inventory, and good thing I have our passports with us." Greg says before looking around, "...there must be a money changer around here somewhere."


Sometime later, after converting their dollar to yen, they went to be registered as American immigrants of Japan. So after given official citizenship, making them citizens of Japan, they went to buy a house that would be big enough for them to live in.

They also have to wear their Citizen Loadout to avoid suspicion, which Josh begrudgingly has to do he hates being referred to as a citizen.

They walk on the road until they reached a perfectly ordinary house and yard, perfect for their needs.

"Is this the place?" Josh gazes at the house.

"Yes..." Greg confirms as they reach the house, they open the door revealing the interior of the house.

They began exploring the new residence. It seemed rather large for three people, but then again they lived in a house with their teammates.

"This place feels like I'm in the President's White House!" Josh said as they explore the place.

"Josh, I think a White House would be much bigger than this," Greg says.

"I wonder if they have any booze or scrumpy." Agnus wonders as he gazes around the house.

Greg sighs, "...looks like we will be stuck here for who knows how long. As long we don't  do anything stupid."

~A week later~

The trio eventually falls into a routine at their new place of residence while Greg tries to have fixed or recreate the teleporter that brought them here in the first.

Their routines vary a lot.

For Josh; he would wake up early in the morning and do some military exercises and other types of military drills. Even sometimes jogging for quite some time.

Agnus on the other hand; you think his routine would compromise of just drinking beer and other types of alcohol which half of that is true, but sometimes he would do some sword fighting drills and some sparring with Josh.

As for Greg, he would wake up and research more info about this world, and the policies that are implemented. Especially working on some machinery and would take a job as a mechanic.

But that routine will eventually change. Greg speculates that he would be able to recreate the teleporter in a matter of a few months. However, a certain Soldier hinders that process greatly.


"Um... maybe..." The Soldier said unsure, with Greg facepalming in frustration.

" wait! We um..." Agnus, who is on the couch, said.

Greg answers him.

"Josh signed us up for the Cultural Exchange Program!" He pinches the bridge of his nose, "...that means we have to take care of a Demi-human."

"A Demi what?" Josh asked in confusion.

"A Demi-human, a human with unique features," Greg answered, as he rubs his face in frustration at his friend's antics, "...the people you called as failed experiments."

Many of your viewers must've been wondering. How did this happen? It's because Josh was just walking around Tokyo minding his own business until he comes across the registration building that has people signing up for the Cultural Exchange program.

Because he's incapable of reading he just entered without question and signed into the Program unknowingly. Though it was unknown how he was able write everything in the contract or registration if the Merc can't read.

Which leads us to here.

"This hinders our process to get back home even more..." Greg looks at the drunk, "Agnus, we should prepare our guest's arrival."

"Um, lads..." Agnus points outside the window to the driveway.

Greg looks out the window and spots a black limo parking up the driveway. The trio eventually exits out of the house to meet up with their possible Demi-human guest

A woman stepped out. The woman was about as tall as Josh and Agnus, with long black hair and somewhat pale skin, wearing a tight-fitting black skirt suit, dark nylons, low black heels, and dark sunglasses.

She smiled at the trio as she approached. "Joshua Doe, Agnus Degroot, and Greg Conagher?" she asked carefully.

"That's us..." Greg nods in confirmation, along with the rest of the Mercs.

"Do you have a moment?" The woman asked.

"Yes, we do..." Greg said, "Who are you?"

The woman smiled a somewhat frightening smile, which unnerved Greg. "I am Agent Kuroko Smith, a Cultural Exchange Coordinator. And since Josh signed you into the program, there someone I want you to meet."

"It must be demi-human..." Agnus mutters, before taking a swing from his scrumpy.

Greg replies to Kuroko giving her a kind smile, "...very well, I would like to meet our kind guest."

Smiling, Ms. Smith opened the back of the limo. A young woman with long red hair, amber eyes, long sharply pointed ears, and a heart-shaped face moved nervously out of the limo. She wore a yellow blouse and a blue skirt and had odd red scale patterns on her face.

Josh and Agnus look in surprise at the Demi-human they have to take care of. Greg gives her a kind smile.  

"Howdy!" He greeted the woman softly. "My name Greg Conagher." He then gestures to his brother-in-arms, "These are my friends, Joshua Doe, the guy that signed us up for the Cultural Exchange Program. And Agnus Degroot, the guy that is currently drinking."

"Hello!" Josh waves.

"Nice to meet you, Lass!" Agnus greeted with his scrumpy raised before taking a drink.

The Lamia softly murmured, "Hi..."

Greg looks at Smith and states, " if you don't mind me asking, why was this program made? No offense, I'm just curious."

The Coordinator nods before she replies, "By having humans and demi-humans live together and become friends. This is something we are doing with Miia and you three..."

'Miia... so that's her name.' Greg thought as Smith continues her explanation.

"...we hope to enable a lasting peace between our races, erasing some old prejudice."

"I understood all of that..." The Engineer looks at Lamia and gives her a kind smile.

"I understood... none of that!" Josh stated, dumbly.

"Aye..." Agnus added.

Kuroko nearly facepalmed at Josh's and Agnus' attitude, she wondered how the hell Josh was able to sign them up for the Cultural Exchange Program.

Miia lowered her gaze. She'd seen several humans react negatively to her appearance or Demi-human appearance. She'd hoped these three would be different from the rest.

Greg sees her look distressed and approaches her and places his hand on her shoulder, which averted her attention to the Engineer who is giving her a kind smile.

"Don't worry Miia, we will take care of you with the rest of our abilities..." He turns to his friends, "...Right boys?"

"Aye!/Sir, Yes Sir!" Agnus and Josh replied respectively, though the Rocket Launcher-Shotgun guy saluted.

Miia looked up at the Engineer in surprise, her eyes glimmering up happily. She looks at the two, who give her a smile of acceptance. These aren't fake smiles, or any form of facade just acceptance.

The Lamia can help but smile at this. She can tell, this will be the beginning of a wonderful friendship... or maybe... something more than that."


It was night time and Miia is brought to her room, surprisingly, the house has more than just three bedrooms.

With Miia fast asleep, before each mercenary lies down in their respective bedroom, each did some double checks; Greg went to make sure the doors and windows are locked shut and also checking the sentry security systems he installed, which are hidden. Agnus went to check if he still has any scrumpy in the fridge before taking a drink. As for Josh, he checks the hidden armory if any of the weapons he has been kept in check.

After checking everything, they all went to sleep in their bedrooms.

Hours past and something interesting happened, mainly from Joshua Doe himself. He soon woke him in his mind was, but himself what seems to be a void. An empty dark void.

"Huh? Where am I?"

"Greetings, Human..." Josh turns to the feminine voice, from which he could describe her as rather shapely, wearing an armored corset over a long black coat and white dress. She was also wearing black gloves and thigh-high armored heeled boots.

"I am-"

"Very, very beautiful! Feels like I'm looking at death itself based on the scythe!" Josh interrupted before saying, "Oh! Sorry! Continue, what were you saying?"

She blushes a bit from his word before recomposing herself "I am a Dullahan," the head explained. "The guiders of souls, the reapers of death..."

"Oh... So I was looking at death itself! Well, more like herself..." Josh said, " what brings you here? It's not every day, I get to meet mistress of death herself, though I'm not sure if Merasmus counts..."

The Dullahan stared at him for a time. "Do you know why the Dullahan appear before mortals?" she asked emotionlessly.

"No, why?" Josh inquired.

She stared with her eye twitching. "The Dullahan appears before mortals who are near death, to collect their soul and take them to the afterlife," she explained firmly before pointing her scythe. "And I have come to you."

"Oh, okay," Josh said, " long do I have left to live? I didn't keep track of my respawn conditions or their limits. Though it should unlimited."

The Dullahan blinked confusing at his words but she glanced away uncertainly. " not know."

"...Normally I am granted the sight of the hourglasses of those Death comes for...but Death has claimed you many times, and yet you still live. It is as though Death cannot touch you, as impossible as that is."

"Yeah, I get killed and dominated a lot by the other team," Josh agreed as he listed. "I find rather it annoying whenever I respawned and I got spawned camp by the other team, sometimes I got backstabbed, exploded, headshot and sometimes drowned."

Lala was shocked to hear that, but she deduced he must lying since it's impossible to survive all that he listed. Either he must be delusional or stupid. Unbeknownst to her, what he said is all true, he was indeed backstabbed, exploded, killed, shot, and even drowned from his time as a Mercenary.

Josh then said, "...But if I'm not going to die again, why are you here?"

"Your life end is...unknown," she replied awkwardly, doing her best to remain cool and collected. "As such, I am here to ensure when the time comes, you will be taken to the afterlife immediately."

"Oh! That's cool! I would like that!" Josh replied eagerly.

"" the girl asked as she took a step back, staring at Josh in confusion by his eagerness or his carefree nature about death.

"I and friends died a lot of times, and we still came back," Josh explained happily. "Nobody came and took us...and a lot of stuff happened that made us frustrated with the matches, I hate to capture the flag. Speaking of which since this is my first time meeting the Reaper of Souls herself, I'll introduce myself!"

He reaches his arm out for a handshake and greets, "My name is Joshua Doe! What's your name?"

The Dullahan stared at her 'target' in shock, unsure how to react to a mortal who had no fear of Death and welcomed its messenger as a comrade. " called Lala in this world," she finally managed to say.

"Lala huh? Well, It's a pleasure to meet you, Lala!" He shook her hand, though she blushes slightly when they shook, " since you kind of wasted your time here, would you like to have chat with me?"

Lala thought about his offer before saying, "...perhaps a small discussion wouldn't hurt."

Josh smiles softly at this.

For the past few hours since then, the messenger of death and the Soldier of Mann.CO interacted with each other for hours. Sometimes Josh would bring up some of his stories in his time in Mann. CO. And other interesting events that transpired.

"There was that one time my father killed a man in Germany!" Josh said proudly.

"Why would your father kill him?" Lala asked curiously and was also surprised by how Joshua says it so proudly.

"Oh, the man was asking for directions!"

Lala suddenly snorts and laughs at the unexpected escalation of Josh's story about his father's action.

"T-that happened?!" Lala snorted a few times.

"Yup! He was proud of it!"

This got Lala to laugh hard. Never in her life, thought of meeting a mortal that is capable of making her who is normally emotionless, laugh, or even get an emotion out of her.

Needless to say, Lala enjoys her interaction with the Soldier.

"Due to his rampage against Nazis, he awarded himself with his medals!" Josh explains, "He has been awarded the Purple Heart, the Orange Star, the Green Clover, the Blue Diamond, and the Big Golden Army Ball of Bravery!-"

Soon the sound of alarm blaring is heard.

"Huh? Looks like I'm about to wake up." Josh says, before looking at the Dullahan, "...well Lala, looks like this ends our little discussion today."

"Yes indeed..." Lala looks a bit down, she enjoys her interaction with Josh. She doesn't want it to end yet.

Seeing her sad face, Josh replies.

"You, know perhaps we can talk again later or maybe sometime. If that's okay with you, I enjoy your company."

Lala smiles at this before agreeing, "...Likewise... very well, we'll see each other again sometime... Josh."


With that said, Josh disappears from the void and he groggily wakes up and he found himself in his bedroom. He looks around to see anything out of place only to find none.

He said to himself, "What a weird dream... I like it!"

He hops off his bed and starts getting dressed for today, perhaps he could talk to Miia or get to know her better... not in that kind of way!


Well... this Prologue is done... I hope you guys enjoy this and stay tuned! *enderman gurgle*

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