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August 13, 1985

Will and I wake up to Mikes voice on the walkie talkie. Oh yeah, it's movie day! We instantly get up to respond.

"Do you remember the time you better be here by..." Mike yells. "Twelve thirty." I finish for him. "We'll be there.

You don't have to call us at six in the morning." Will says as he rolls his eyes. A few minutes later Mike radioed us again. 

"We know the Goddamn time!" Will yells into the walkie talkie. "No I..." Mike starts, I can almost hear the eye roll in his voice.

"Can I bring my new girlfriend to the movie?" He asks. Will and I exchange a glance. "G-girlfriend?" He says.

"I guess you can, Do we know her?" I ask Mike. "You... might." Mike says slowly. "I've got to go now!" Mike yells and he turns off the walkie talkie.

Will looks frozen. "I'm so sorry." I say and I hug him. I went through the same thing with Max when I thought she liked Lucas.

"It's okay." Will says. "Why would he like me anyways? You know how he is." Will finishes quietly. "Should I ask him not to bring her?"

I ask sympathetically. Will shakes his head. "I want to know as much as you who it is." Will says with a small smile.

I examine the bandages I applied on my arm. Still pale. I didn't sleep last night, how could you after what just happened?

I put on a long sleeved shirt and jean shorts. Luckily my family left to go who knows where. So I can just leave without confrontation.

I throw my skateboard in the usual place on Mikes yard and ring the doorbell. Dustin answers, he gives me an up and down look.

"What's with the long sleeves?" Dustin asks me. Flustered, I mumble some excuse about being cold and step inside.

"Hi Max!" El says and she runs up to peck me on the lips. Since we came out, it's a lot easier for us to be affectionate in public.

"Your sleeves?" El says. "It's nothing I just... like this shirt." I mumble and step around her to get to the basement.

We get down there and see that Mike has selected the goriest horror movie he can find. "Do you have anything else? You know El doesn't like that." I say angrily to Mike.

"Yeah Mike, don't be an asshole." Dustin says, stepping out behind me. Lucas nods in agreement beside Mike.

"Actually I picked it." Says a voice from behind me. "Max, meet my girlfriend!" Mike says sheepishly. 

"And mine!" Lucas adds in the same stupid tone. I turn around and I'm standing face to face with my two least favourite people in the world.

The taller girl crosses her arms, and the girl who spoke before smirks. Staring back at me is the boy's girlfriends, Angela and Stacey.

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