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June 28, 1985

We wake up early. It's around seven. I can't believe everything that happened yesterday. I got to camp, made four new friends. I also made an enemy, but hey four out of five liked me so that's a win.

Today we were going down to the lake. Hopefully Mike wasn't acting like an ass today. We get up and me and El brush our hair. I help her fluff it up again, she looks happy.

We put on our bathing suits. Mine is stripped rainbow, and hers is a pale blue bikini. We get to the lake and the boys are already there. Standing on the dock and whispering something over the edge.

We walk up behind them. They don't even look at us, me and El exchange an annoyed glance. "Boo." I say rolling my eyes. The boys scream and back away from the edge.

"What are you talking about?" El asks them. "I dared Mike to jump in but he's to scared!" Dustin says with a laugh. El laughs too and Mike looks embarrassed. "Hey!" He says his face lighting up.

"Maybe Max will jump in!" He says looking at me with a smirk. Will looks at Mike with a worried expression on his face. "No way, it's freezing." He says. "Hell no!" I yell before rolling my eyes.

"She's to scared." Mike laughs, then he grabs Els hand and leans in to kiss her. "I don't want to Mike." She says in a quiet voice. "Oh come on, I'm your boyfriend. Just one kiss." Mike says leaning in closer.

"No thank you." El squeaks. I'm watching this scene go down around me. My blood is boiling, Els not doing anything so I will. "No means no, you asshole!" I yell as I shove Mike away from her.

I don't mean shove him that hard to but he topples close to the edge and is about to fall in the lake.

Max garbs Mikes shoulders, saving him from the icy waters. Will and Dustin gasp. I don't know what to think. We've kissed and stuff before, but I just didn't feel like it and he kept pushing.

Mike looks at Max, he is stunned, and for that matter so am i. "FUCK YOU!" Mike yells. He push's Max into the icy waters. "MAXXXXXX!" I scream in horror. I think for a moment then jump in.

Max has come to her senses and she's yelling at me to get out of the water. Which is totally freezing. We climb out where the ladder is and all of a sudden I've had enough. "El..." Mike says.

I guess he can see the look on my face. "Im sorry I..." He starts. "No." Interrupt him. "I am." Next I do something unbelievable. Something Max would do.

I walked up to Mike and looked him in the eye. Which was awkward because he's a few inches taller than me. "I dump your ass!" I yell then I storm off with a shocked Max following close behind me.

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