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Rain kingdom former queen was a tyrant. She ruled with a metal fist and served out strict and harsh discipline. She would find suitors and took them to make heirs. He eventually fell in love with one suitor and had Children with him. Being with this suitor made her become a bit more lenient towards her kingdom. She had her first daughter Eskia who she was strict and disciplined harshly. She never hit the girl and would even give her treats as a reward for good behavior. When Solia was born she made everyone in the room have a horrific visions of there nightmares and snapped the midwife finger off. The former queen threw this one though the worse military training, resulting in scars and bruises. She would even go as far as to try and abandon the poor girl but it got so much worse after Solia accidentally broke her father spine in half. In a fit of rage she set the girl to be in the Storm kingdom, basically Making her homeless for a time until her Eldest daughter pleaded then the middle child was let back in. Then The youngest daughter was born and she secretly started to treat her as the favorite for her powers gave her grand dreams. When at a meeting with her advisors. She told them she let the people Children be taken as punishment for a attempted rebellion. Her middle child spoke out and pointed out that it just make them hate her even more and that without children they couldn't grow the kingdom. The queen was furious and attempted to hang her but her middle child survived. The Eldest lost it and challenged her mother to a kun ai, a fight for the throne. The Eldest won for she actually had training as opposed to her mother and her mother then attempted to stab her in the back until she chopped off her queen head. Some time later they found a secret room and discovered that the former queen been experimenting on subjects from all the different kingdoms. The new queen immediately set them free and either gave them citizenship in her Kingdom or escorted them back to there original home

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