A New Avenger

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Summary request: Daisy is called into the Avengers Initiative by Fury because they need her. You're already part of them.

Thank you for requesting this, I hope I did your idea justice :)

Quake. The most powerful Agent of SHIELD according to Fury. Of course you had researched her as soon as he announced she would be joining the team and you were beyond impressed. She was powerful. Her skills would be well appreciated.

To be honest, you hadn't felt you deserved to be in the team, hadn't felt your power was strong enough or useful enough, but the other Avengers told you again and again they wanted you here.

Daisy -which was her real name- would arrive at the Avengers Tower in New York, her new living space. You were looking forward to it, to have another woman on the team. Living with five men and two women was a little unfair. 

''What time did she arrive again?'' you yelled through the living room to Steve, who was anxiously trying to tidy the room as best as he could. Not that it was messy at all, but he wanted to make a good first impression.

Natasha and Tony were far from concerned about the whole thing. The redhead sat on the couch, her legs rudely prompted up on the coffee table, swiping on her tablet. Tony did the same but at the small bar in the kitchen, his standard cup of coffee very close. Clint was nowhere to be seen and neither was Thor. 

Banner was just as nervous as Steve. He sat on the edge of his lounge chair, fidgeting with his hands. He hated social situations and meeting new people and the confidence of Daisy would certainly intimidate him.

''That would be now,'' Natasha dryly said, not even looking up from the device in her hands when the elevator pinged. It was kinda creepy how she always knew exactly what was happening everywhere.

A beautiful woman stepped out of the elevator, a large bag swung over her shoulder. She was a little nervous too you saw, but overall radiated confidence in a good way. Her clothes were all black so she would fit right in with you and Natasha, who always wore the color. Together with her brown hair, she had this mysterious, dark vibe around her that was incredibly attractive.

Suddenly, Tony was all too interested, stalking over to her. ''Agent Johnson, welcome to Stark Tower.''

You had to save her from him. Rolling your eyes, you swiftly walked over, throwing Tony a glare and pushing him away. ''It's Avengers Tower,'' you reminded him and he looked sad you stole her away.

You looked straight into those awake, powerful brown eyes. ''So nice to have you here. I'm Y/N but you probably already know that.'' 

Daisy nodded, finding you adorable. She knew of your reputation but hadn't done as much research as she should have. If she had, she would have seen how kind and soft of a person you were, a complete opposite from your powers. 

''Please ignore Stark while I introduce you to the more civil members of the team.''

Daisy chuckled softly, putting her bag down next to the elevator and getting her hands free to shake Steve's. 

''Ma'am,'' he greeted her, his usual kind smile on his face. He was a generally open and kind person so she wouldn't have any problems with him. 

Daisy's eyes lit up in amusement. ''Please call me Daisy,'' she insisted, to which Steve nodded. It took him a while until he used your first name and not your last.

Banner awkwardly greeted her next. Daisy did her best to look as approachable as possible, but it wasn't her fault he was so awkward. 

''Nat,'' you called her over. It wasn't that the Russian wasn't interested or that she meant to be rude. She just genuinely hated wasting time on formalities like these. 

She was always wary of new people, even if they had been agents for years and had been approved by Fury. It was something that had always been there and would never go away. It was part of her job to be careful, to protect herself and the team. 

Natasha sized the woman up and gave her the faintest smile while shaking her hand. It didn't surprise Daisy so she must have been alerted of this. 

''Right,'' you broke the slightly awkward silence. Why couldn't they just be normal and kind. ''Shall I show you around?''

''Please,'' Daisy answered, picking up her bag again. She hoisted it up without a problem, even though it looked kind of heavy. She followed you into the hallway, towards the sleeping quarters.

''I'm sorry about that. They're so weird sometimes,'' you apologized as soon as they were out of earshot, feeling the need to. 

But she shook her head, laughing softly, it lit up the whole place. ''Don't worry about it. I knew what I was getting myself into.''

You mirrored her light-hearted tone. ''Did you?'' you asked mysteriously, rounding another corner. The tower was a big building. 

She turned to you, raising an eyebrow. ''What is that supposed to mean?''

''You'll see,'' you chuckled. Her closeness in the small corridor made you slightly nervous now that the only thing you smelled was her perfume. You passed the first bedroom door, cutting off Daisy's chance to ask what you meant with your words. ''Stark's room. It's more for decoration though because he doesn't sleep.''

Shocked, Daisy's eyes snapped to your face to make sure you weren't joking. ''Ever?''

''No idea,'' you shrugged, looking at the very stupid Iron Man logo in the middle of the door. They weren't for fun only, sometimes an Avenger stumbled into a wrong bedroom after a night of alcohol, resulting in awkward situations. Tony made sure to put locks on every door after that. ''He's always awake. No idea how he's still alive to be honest.''

You tapped on the next door with the shield on it, on the other side of the corridor. ''Steve's. Don't worry, Tony soundproofed the rooms so the chance you wake up from his nightmares is small.''

Daisy didn't know what to say. The Avengers looked so collected from the outside but they had more problems than she expected. She tried to remember which rooms were where and what corners you had turned to get there, but she was too distracted by you. There was a kindness, a certain light, radiating off you that made her want to stay close to you. 

Next room was Natasha's, as illustrated by the red hourglass. ''Natasha. Be glad Tony soundproofed it, because she likes bringing home her boy toys. And girl toys. So don't be startled when you see a stranger sitting at the breakfast table. Although that doesn't happen often, she kicks them out at night so she doesn't have to deal with Steve's disappointed look.''

Daisy's face turned from amused to shocked. ''Wait, the Black Widow isn't straight? Wow.''

You scoffed, walking further down the hall. ''I don't think anyone in this tower is straight.'' Daisy's heart stopped when she realized you were into women too. ''Well, until now then,'' you added, stopping before Banner's room. Unsurprisingly, yours was all the way at the end. Not that that bothered you in the least.

''No, it's still true,'' Daisy casually said, enjoying the surprise on your face. You should have known better than to assume people are straight. Being straight is not the standard after all.

''Alright. So, Banner's room,'' you quickly said, trying to hide your red cheeks and the hope in your eyes. How did she manage to make you all flustered within the five minutes you knew her? ''Thor's room, although he is mostly on Asgard, which is where he is now.'' You moved to the next door, not even stopping anymore. ''Clint. Don't know where he is, but he'll come find you later.''

''This is me.'' You opened the door with your finger print and swung it open for Daisy to see. It wasn't much, but it was light and cozy. ''My door is always open. Not literally but figuratively. I don't hide people in here but please knock. I always listen to music and you wouldn't be the first person I sent to the ground in pain because they startled me.''

''Right,'' Daisy chuckled. ''I will try to remember that.'' She was impressed by how homey you had made it look. There were some drawings on your desk she would have to ask about you later and it was obvious you liked reading, since a large bookcase was filled to the brim with all kinds of books. 

''So here,'' you pulled your door closed again and turned around to the door opposite yours, ''is your place.'' You gestured for her to unlock it herself, since you couldn't, but she stopped to admire the purple circle on the door at eye height.

She raised her hand, tracing the circle with the wiggly line with her finger. It represented a seismogram of an earthquake. ''I like the logo. Who made it?'' she muttered, studying it from all sides.

''I did actually,'' you answered to her surprise, smiling proudly at your work, ''although it wasn't hard to come up with one. Quake is kinda easy.''

She chuckled and appreciated your modest attitude, waving it away like it was no big deal. ''Still, I like it.''

Daisy threw her bag on her bed after she unlocked the door and turned around slowly, taking everything in. It was completely bare, except for a couple plants and a TV. ''What's with the plants?'' she asked jokingly, plopping down on her bed.

You shrugged, leaning against the doorframe. ''I grow them. They make a room feel more lively.'' Her heart warmed at the thought you grew these yourself and made the effort to put them in her room, placing them in different spots so it would feel more welcome. ''Anyway, I'll leave you to unpack. If you need anything, just ask JARVIS or come find me. I'm in my room most of the time.''

''Who?'' Daisy asked unsure and you realized she didn't know who that was.

''JARVIS?'' you asked the ceiling, which earned you a weird look from the woman on the bed.

''Yes Miss Y/L/N?''

You chuckled at Daisy's startled face, although you were sure she also had some cool stuff like this on her SHIELD base. ''He's here for everything you need. You can even ask him philosophical questions or have a debate with him, which is funny if you're bored. But he can also do this:'' you raised your face to the ceiling again, ''JARVIS, night mode please.''

The shutters in front of the windows closed and the light inside went out, leaving you and Daisy in complete darkness. 

''Which is incredibly handy if you're too lazy to get out of bed and flip the switch, like me,'' you spoke in the dark. Even though you couldn't see her, her presence was loud. ''Thank you JARVIS.'' The blinds opened again, letting in the sun. ''But be sure to check the view during the night, it's most beautiful then.'' You turned around, pulling the door with you. ''Oh and dinner is at six thirty.''


Luckily, dinner went great. People chatted with each other as if Daisy wasn't new but had been in the team for years. Steve politely asked her questions, which she patiently answered. Tony threw in some weird or inappropriate questions, which she knew to counter very well. You could see he liked her. 

Bruce carefully asked her questions about her powers, since he was mostly interested in the whole Inhuman thing, so Daisy excessively told everyone the story about the alien temple and the Deviner. It got sad when she got to the part of how she was completely lost in her own body when she couldn't control her powers and was forced to hurt herself and lock herself up.

You were lucky your powers had always been there and you had learned to deal with them very quickly. Of course it was a struggle in the beginning, but not as much as with her. 

''But yours, yours are fascinating,'' she suddenly said, directing all eyes towards you. You weren't a shy person or someone who was bothered when in the spotlight, but this was so sudden and the force of her eyes hit you head on.

Quickly, you put your fork down. ''I- there's not much to them really.''

But she didn't want to hear it. ''Can you show me? How do they work?''

Your eyes shot between your friends, hoping one of them would help, but they enjoyed your stuttering too much. ''Eh, trust me, you do not want that. I don't want to torture my new team mate on her first day.''

Natasha took a sip from her wine, leaning back in her chair. ''It's bad. I once asked her the same thing. Passed out within five seconds. That pain is no joke.''

The rest of the evening went by fast and when it was midnight, you took your leave. One day of working a little less was fine, but you needed to train tomorrow and help Steve and Natasha with the new mission and also onboard Daisy into the whole process, showing her where to work and what to do.

You were brushing your hair out and braiding it for the night, humming along with the music when someone knocked on your bedroom door. 

''JARVIS, let 'em in.''

The door clicked open and Daisy stepped in, a little unsure because she didn't see you right away. 

''Hey, what's up?'' you asked her as she appeared in the doorway. She had gotten ready for bed, comfortable clothes on her body instead of the tight skinny jeans from before. You liked this softer, less tough side of her. It was more Daisy and less Agent. 

She shrugged, taking in your dressed-down appearance. It was great to see this side of people, the one where they weren't perfect and didn't care what they looked like. ''Nothing much, just wanted to say how much I appreciated your help today, showing me around and all that.''

You took your eyes off the mirror long enough to smile at her. ''You're welcome. It's not often Fury sends us new colleagues, especially such a powerful one.''

She blushed a little at your flattery, tilting her head hopefully. ''So you're really not gonna show me what you can do?''

''Nope, sorry,'' you disappointed her. ''Guess you'll have to wait for the next mission.''

She had expected your answer but had hoped you would change your mind. ''You know,'' she smiled, ''my friend Jemma is extremely fascinated by your powers. She told me to ''report back'' on them.''

You laughed, flipping off the light in the bathroom and sitting down on your bed, gesturing for Daisy to do the same. ''You must miss them already.''

She sighed, unconsciously running her hand over the covers. ''I do. They're amazing, you would like them.''

There were a lot of things she wanted to tell you about her other family, things you couldn't wait to hear. You were mostly associated with the Avengers so you didn't hear much about SHIELD anymore. ''I can't wait to hear the stories.''

Daisy was surprised you wanted to hear about them. She hadn't thought you'd care so the request caught her off guard. ''Maybe tomorrow, I'm tired.''

You nodded as she stood up from the bed, crossing your legs and reaching for the book on your nightstand so you could read a little before bed. ''You and me are training tomorrow. I wanna see how skilled you really are,'' you teased, smiling smugly.

Daisy turned around before she got to the door, her excited eyes shining in the half-dark of your room. ''You got it, see you then.''

''Goodnight, Daisy.'' You watched her closely. Part of you wanted to talk to her for hours, wanted her to stay right here with you, but you could see how the day exhausted her. 

With her hand on the handle, she repeated it back to you. ''Goodnight.''

The door fell into the lock softly, cutting you off from the rest of the tower. You pictured her crawling under her own covers and asking JARVIS to turn off the lights. 

You couldn't concentrate on your book since she wandered around in your head. It must be hard for her to leave behind her family and be thrown into this new team where everyone knew each other very well. Before she arrived, you had promised yourself to look after her, to make sure she integrated well, but she had made it a lot easier than you had thought.

You wanted to be around her, to spend time with her. Not only to help her but also because she was funny and kind and smart. Out of all the Avengers, she was the one closest to your own character. So you were sure you were going to be pulled towards her.

Eventually you gave up on trying to read and went to sleep. You listened to the sounds of traffic outside, reminding you you were in the middle of one of the biggest cities on Earth. When your mind was busy, that's what calmed it down. You were looking forward to tomorrow, to train with her. It also made you nervous to think about. 

It was way past midnight when you finally fell asleep, thinking about the brunette superhero from across the hall. 

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