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Summary: instead of just Jemma getting pulled through the Monolith, you get stranded on the alien planet with her. After you get back, you are disoriented, anxious and scared of every little sound. Daisy is there to help you, but she doesn't really know how. 

You lay on your bed, exhausted from the day already. The gravity back on Earth was a little bit stronger than the one on the alien planet you had been stranded on for weeks and your body had to adjust to it. Which resulted in being tired a lot.

In your bedroom, it was quiet. Silence was what you remembered most from the other planet. A deafening silence when it didn't storm. It was a big contrast with the SHIELD base and you jumped at every loud sound, expecting something to attack you. You were safe, but you didn't feel safe. 

Softly, the door opened and you turned around to see your girlfriend walk in. Daisy had been through hell when you disappeared. You saw the damage your disappearance had left behind. Others didn't need to tell you Daisy had just been as reckless as Fitz when you were gone, chasing dangerous leads and neglecting herself, you knew her too well.

''Hey,'' she smiled softly. 

You smiled back and sat up against the headboard, bringing your knees to your chest to make yourself as small as possible and give her space to sit down. 

She set down the vase of daisies she brought as a gift. They were really pretty, just as she was. ''They're beautiful, thank you.'' Your voice was quiet as it has been since you came back. 

''It's a multipurpose gift. It's pretty and a reminder. Although you can call me whatever you want.''

In the time you were gone, Daisy had decided to take the name her parents originally intended for her. When you left, you had a girlfriend named Skye and when you came back, her name was Daisy and she had cut off half her hair. But despite everything she went through, Daisy looked stronger and more confident than ever, completely comfortable with her powers and who she was.

She carefully sat down, trying to hide the pain she felt for you in her eyes. She knew you didn't want her pity. ''I can't stay for too long. I'm tracking law-enforcement channels, but I am really sorry that I haven't come to see you more. It's... there's just a lot going on.''

''That's okay. I am not much fun right now anyway.'' You tried to joke, but it died out because it sounded more sad than funny.

''I know you don't want to talk about what happened yet, but when you do, I'm here to-''

You cut her off before she could finish the same sentence she had been saying to you every day. You didn't want to think about what happened to you. ''I know Daisy, but I don't want to look back. I got out, did all that, and now I just want to focus on getting better and helping you guys.''

Daisy smiled encouragingly, gently taking one of your hands you had wrapped around your knees. She did it careful and slowly, but you still jumped when her skin touched yours. The instincts you had developed on the alien planet were still in your system. 

This was what you hated most, the pain you caused Daisy because you were afraid of the simplest things and were not able to function normally. She had fought so hard for you and this is who she got back: a broken soul.

There were already frustrated tears in your eyes when suddenly Daisy's phone beeped in her pocket. In the silence of the room, you jumped and buried yourself deeper into the headboard. You had gone from a fighting to flighting.

''I am so sorry,'' Daisy apologized to you. 

You shook her apology off, knowing it was your fault and not hers. ''That's okay, take it.''

Daisy fished the phone out of her pocket, looked at the caller ID and pushed the call away, muting her phone while she was at it. 

You frowned at her, a little more relaxed now that the beeping sound was gone. ''Don't you need to take that?''

She threw the phone on the bedsheets, focusing on you. ''It can wait, you are much more important.''

And that was when you finally broke down. You haven't shed a tear since you came back, keeping everything bottled up inside, but when Daisy spoke those words, so full of love, you couldn't hold it in any longer. 

All the stress, fears for your life, isolation and pain flowed out, like someone had popped the bubble inside your chest. 

You threw yourself in Daisy's arms and she held you as tight as she dared without breaking you. ''Oh baby,'' she whispered in your ear. ''It is okay, I'm right here. You're safe.''

You cried into her chest for a long time, but Daisy never once moved. She just held you patiently, stroking your hair and whispering the same words over and over again in your ear. Part of her was relieved you finally showed your emotions and let everything out, but her heart ached for you. She hated that she couldn't do more and you had to fix yourself.

You two sat there until your tears dried up and you felt you could breathe a little better. You pulled back, for the first time really looking at her. Your eyes travelled over her face, taking every inch of skin in. 

Daisy didn't say anything, her own eyes watching yours. 

''I missed you so much,'' you whispered finally, a small sob escaping your lips.

With her thumbs, she wiped the tears from your cheeks. ''I am right here and I am never leaving you again.''

You knew she had things to do, but didn't want her to go yet. ''Will you stay with me for a while?'' you asked carefully, not wanting to bother her. 

But Daisy smiled without hesitation. ''Absolutely.''

You lay down again, on top of the sheets, and buried your body against Daisy, getting as close to her as possible. With her arms around you and her rhythmic heartbeat under your ear, you fell asleep immediately and slept the soundest you had in months. 

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